
Initializes and registers the Tavily AI Tool.
The New-TavilyAITool function initializes the Tavily AI Tool and registers the Invoke-WebSearch tool.
PS C:\> New-TavilyAITool
This command initializes and registers the Tavily AI Tool.
This function writes a verbose message when it is loaded.

function New-TavilyAITool {
    Write-Verbose "New-TavilyAITool loaded"

    Register-Tool Invoke-WebSearch

Performs a web search using the Tavily Search API.
The Invoke-WebSearch function sends a search query to the Tavily Search API and retrieves the search results.
The function requires an API key to be set in the environment variable `$env:TAVILY_API_KEY`.
The search query string to be sent to the Tavily Search API.
Invoke-WebSearch -query "PowerShell scripting"
This example sends the search query "PowerShell scripting" to the Tavily Search API and returns the search results.
To use this function, you must set the `$env:TAVILY_API_KEY` environment variable with your Tavily API key.
You can obtain an API key from

function Global:Invoke-WebSearch {

    if (-not $env:TAVILY_API_KEY) {
        throw "To use Tavily Search, set your `$env:TAVILY_API_KEY (get it from here"

    $baseUrl = ''

    $parameters = @{
        api_key             = $env:TAVILY_API_KEY
        query               = $query
        search_depth        = "basic"
        include_answer      = $false
        include_images      = $false
        include_raw_content = $false
        max_results         = 5
        include_domains     = @()
        exclude_domains     = @()
    } | ConvertTo-Json

    $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri "$baseUrl/search" -Body $parameters -ContentType 'application/json'