
Registers a tool by name.
The Register-Tool function is used to register a tool by name. It retrieves the command specification for the specified function and registers it as a tool.
.PARAMETER FunctionName
The name of the function to register as a tool.
Specifies strict mode for the server side OpenAPI.
Register-Tool -FunctionName "MyFunction" -Strict
Registers the function named "MyFunction" as a tool and enforces strict mode.
Register-Tool -FunctionName Get-ChildIten, Get-Content
Registers the cmdlets Get-ChildItem and Get-Content as tools. rOutput is an array of tool specifications.

function Register-Tool {
        $ParameterSet = 0,
    $tools = @(
        foreach ($f in $FunctionName) {
            Write-Verbose "Registering tool $f"
            Get-OAIFunctionCallSpec $f -Strict:$Strict -ParameterSet $ParameterSet