
Creates a new file in the specified vector store.
The New-OAIVectorStoreFile function creates a new file in the specified vector store. It takes the VectorStoreId and FileIds as mandatory parameters. The function sends a POST request to the specified vector store's files endpoint to create the file.
.PARAMETER VectorStoreId
The ID of the vector store where the file will be created.
The ID(s) of the file(s) to be created in the vector store. This parameter accepts pipeline input by property name.
New-OAIVectorStoreFile -VectorStoreId "12345" -FileIds "file1", "file2"
This example creates two files with IDs "file1" and "file2" in the vector store with ID "12345".
dir *.md | Invoke-OAIUploadFile | New-OAIVectorStoreFile -VectorStoreId "12345"
This example uploads all Markdown files in the current directory to OpenAI and creates files in the vector store with ID "12345" for each uploaded file.

function New-OAIVectorStoreFile {
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]

    Begin {
        $params = @{
            Uri    = $baseUrl + "/vector_stores/$VectorStoreId/files"
            Method = "Post"

        $targetFileIds = @()

    Process {
        $targetFileIds += $FileIds

    End {
        foreach ($fileId in $targetFileIds) {    
            $params.Body = @{file_id = $FileId }
            Invoke-OAIBeta @params