
Waits for a run to complete in an Azure Machine Learning service workspace.
The Wait-OAIOnRun function waits for a run to complete in an Azure Machine Learning service workspace. It continuously checks the status of the run and sleeps for a short duration until the run is no longer in the 'queued' or 'in_progress' state.
The run object representing the run to wait for.
The thread object representing the thread associated with the run.
$run = Get-OAIRunItem -ThreadId $ -RunId $
Wait-OAIOnRun -Run $run -Thread $thread

function Wait-OAIOnRun {

    Write-Verbose "[$(Get-Date)] Waiting for run to complete..."
    while ($Run.status -eq 'queued' -or $Run.status -eq 'in_progress') {
        $Run = Get-OAIRunItem -ThreadId $ -RunId $
        Start-Sleep -Seconds 0.5