
Retrieves files from a specified URL.
The Get-OAIFile function retrieves files from a specified URL using the specified HTTP method. It supports filtering files based on the purpose parameter.
.PARAMETER purpose
Specifies the purpose of the files to retrieve. Valid values are 'fine-tune', 'fine-tune-results', and 'assistants'.
Get-OAIFile -purpose fine-tune
Retrieves files from the specified URL with the purpose set to 'fine-tune'.

function Get-OAIFile {
    param (
        [ValidateSet('fine-tune', 'fine-tune-results', 'assistants')]
    $url = $baseUrl + "/files"
    $Method = 'Get'

    if ($purpose) {
        $url += "?purpose=$purpose"

    $params = @{
        Uri    = $url
        Method = $Method
    $result = Invoke-OAIBeta @params

    if ($Raw) {
        return $result
    else {
        return $