
Retrieves OpenAI assistants based on specified criteria.
The Get-OAIAssistant function retrieves OpenAI assistants based on the specified criteria such as name, limit, order, after, before, and raw output.
Specifies the name of the OpenAI assistant to retrieve. If not specified, all assistants will be returned.
Specifies the maximum number of assistants to retrieve.
Specifies the order in which the assistants should be sorted. Valid values are 'asc' (ascending) and 'desc' (descending). The default value is 'desc'.
Specifies the cursor for pagination. Only assistants created after this cursor will be returned.
Specifies the cursor for pagination. Only assistants created before this cursor will be returned.
Switch parameter. If specified, the raw response from the API will be returned.
The function returns a collection of OpenAI assistants based on the specified criteria.
Get-OAIAssistant -Name "MyAssistant" -Limit 10 -Order 'asc'
Retrieves the first 10 OpenAI assistants with the name "MyAssistant" in ascending order.
Get-OAIAssistant -Limit 5 -After "cursor123"
Retrieves the next 5 OpenAI assistants created after the cursor "cursor123".

function Get-OAIAssistant {
        [ValidateSet('asc', 'desc')]

    $url = $baseUrl + "/assistants"
    $Method = 'Get'

    $urlParams = @()
    if ($limit) {
        $urlParams += "limit=$limit"
    if ($order) {
        $urlParams += "order=$order"
    if ($after) {
        $urlParams += "after=$after"
    if ($before) {
        $urlParams += "before=$before"

    if ($urlParams.Count -gt 0) {
        $urlParams = "?" + ($urlParams -join '&')
        $url = $url + $urlParams

    $response = Invoke-OAIBeta -Uri $url -Method $Method
    if ($Raw) {
        return $response
    else {

        if (!$Name) {
            $Name = '*'

        $properties = @('Id', 'Name', 'Instructions', 'Model', 'Tools')
        $ | Where-Object { $ -like $Name } | Select-Object $properties