
Creates a new vector store in OpenAI.
The New-OAIVectorStore function creates a new vector store in OpenAI using the OpenAI API. It allows you to specify the name, file IDs, expiration time, and metadata for the vector store.
The name of the vector store.
An array of file IDs to associate with the vector store.
.PARAMETER ExpiresAfter
The expiration time for the vector store. After this time, the vector store will be deleted.
"expires_after": { "anchor": "last_active_at", "days": 7 }
A hashtable containing additional metadata for the vector store.
New-OAIVectorStore -Name "MyVectorStore" -FileIds "file1", "file2" -ExpiresAfter (Get-Date).AddDays(7) -Metadata @{ "key1" = "value1"; "key2" = "value2" }
This example creates a new vector store named "MyVectorStore" with two file IDs, an expiration time of 7 days from the current date, and additional metadata.

function New-OAIVectorStore {
    param (

    process {
        $body = @{}
        if ($Name) {
            $ = $Name

        if ($FileIds) {
            $body.file_ids = $FileIds

        if ($ExpiresAfter) {
            $body.expires_after = $ExpiresAfter

        if ($Metadata) {
            $body.metadata = $Metadata

        $params = @{
            Uri    = $baseUrl + "/vector_stores"
            Method = "Post"
            Body   = $body

        $response = Invoke-OAIBeta @params