
Formats the function call specification for the OAI (OpenAPI Initiative) generator.
The Format-OAIFunctionCall function takes a function call specification and formats it for use with the OAI generator. It supports different input types such as string, hashtable, FunctionInfo, and array.
.PARAMETER FunctionSpec
Specifies the function call specification to be formatted. It can be a string, hashtable, FunctionInfo object, or an array of function call specifications.
PS> Format-OAIFunctionCall -FunctionSpec '{"name": "Get-User", "parameters": {"id": 123}}'
Formats the specified function call specification as a hashtable.
PS> Format-OAIFunctionCall -FunctionSpec (Get-Command Get-User)
Formats the specified FunctionInfo object as a hashtable.
PS> Format-OAIFunctionCall -FunctionSpec @('{"name": "Get-User", "parameters": {"id": 123}}', '{"name": "Set-User", "parameters": {"id": 456}}')
Formats each function call specification in the array as a hashtable.

function Format-OAIFunctionCall {
  if ($FunctionSpec -is [string]) {
    if (Test-JsonReplacement $FunctionSpec -ErrorAction Ignore) {
      $r = $FunctionSpec | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 10 -AsHashtable
    else {
      throw "Invalid JSON string: $FunctionSpec"
  elseif ($FunctionSpec -is [hashtable]) {
    $r = $FunctionSpec  
  elseif ($FunctionSpec -is [System.Management.Automation.FunctionInfo]) {
    $r = ConvertFrom-FunctionDefinition $FunctionSpec
  elseif ($FunctionSpec -is [array]) {
    $result = foreach ($currentFunction in $FunctionSpec) {
        'type'   = 'function'
        function = ConvertFrom-FunctionDefinition $currentFunction

    return $result
  else {
    throw "Invalid FunctionSpec type: $($FunctionSpec.GetType().Name). Must be string, hashtable, or FunctionInfo."
    'type'   = 'function'
    function = $r