
Opens the OpenAI Platform Vector Stores page in the default web browser.
The Show-OAIVectorStoreWebPage function opens the OpenAI Platform Vector Stores page in the default web browser. If a vector store ID is provided, it opens the specific vector store's page; otherwise, it opens the general vector stores page.
.PARAMETER vectorStoreId
Specifies the ID of the vector store to open. If not provided, the function opens the general vector stores page.
Show-OAIVectorStoreWebPage -vectorStoreId "12345"
Opens the web browser and navigates to the OpenAI Platform Vector Store with ID "12345".
Opens the web browser and navigates to the general OpenAI Platform Vector Stores page.

function Show-OAIVectorStoreWebPage {

    if ($vectorStoreId) {
        $uri = '{0}' -f $vectorStoreId
    else {
        $uri = ''

    Start-Process $uri