
    Invokes an AI to explain a given text.
    The Invoke-AIExplain function is used to invoke an AI to explain a given text. It provides an interactive prompt for the user to enter the text they want to explain. If no text is provided, it will use the last command from the command history. The function supports an optional switch parameter to display the explanation as a bullet list.
    Specifies the text to be explained. If not provided, the last command from the command history will be used.
    Displays the explanation as a bullet list if this switch is specified.
    Invoke-AIExplain -Text "This is a sample text to be explained."
    This example invokes the AI to explain the provided text.
    Invoke-AIExplain -AsBulletList
    This example invokes the AI to explain the last command from the command history and displays the explanation as a bullet list.
    The explanation generated by the AI.

function Invoke-AIExplain {
    param (

    if ($null -eq $Text) {
        # read history
        $Text = (Get-History -Count 1).CommandLine
    if ($AsBulletList) {
        $bulletListPrompt = "I have the preference for bulleted lists. I personally digest information better that way."

    $prompt = @"
Be brief, and explain thouroughly.
You are running powershell on $($PSVersionTable.Platform).
Please explain the following:

    Write-Host "Getting explanation..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
    $result = ai $prompt

    if (Get-Command glow -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
        $result | glow
    else {

$code = @'
$users = Get-ADUser -LDAPFilter "(&(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2)(|(samaccountname=stah*Xsamaccountname=rams*)))" | Select-Object samaccountname surname, enabled