
Retrieves the OpenAI function call specification for a given function.
The Get-OAIFunctionCallSpec function retrieves the OpenAI function call specification for a given function. It takes a FunctionInfo object as input and returns the function call specification in a tool-specific format.
.PARAMETER functionInfo
Specifies the FunctionInfo object representing the function for which to retrieve the function call specification.
Specifies whether to enforce strict mode when retrieving the function call specification. When strict mode is enabled, the function call specification will include additional information such as parameter descriptions and whether the parameter is required.
Function Test-Func {param($x)}; $functionInfo = Get-Command -Name "Test-Func"
Get-OAIFunctionCallSpec -functionInfo $functionInfo
This example retrieves the function call specification for the "Get-Process" function.
Accepts a FunctionInfo object representing the function for which to retrieve the function call specification.
Returns the function call specification in a tool-specific format.

function Get-OAIFunctionCallSpec {

    if ($null -eq $functionInfo) {

    $functions = foreach ($function in $functionInfo) {
        $fnd = Get-FunctionDefinition $function
        ConvertTo-OpenAIFunctionSpec $fnd -Raw -Strict:$Strict

    ConvertTo-ToolFormat $functions