
    Invokes an OpenAI API endpoint using the OpenAI-Beta header.
    The Invoke-OAIBeta function is used to send requests to an OpenAI API endpoint. It supports various parameters such as the URI, HTTP method, request body, content type, output file, and more.
    Specifies the URI of the OpenAI API endpoint.
    Specifies the HTTP method to be used for the request (e.g., GET, POST, PUT, DELETE).
    Specifies the request body to be sent with the API request.
.PARAMETER ContentType
    Specifies the content type of the request body. The default value is 'application/json'.
    Specifies the path to save the response content to a file.
    If specified, removes the 'OpenAI-Beta' header from the request.
    Invoke-OAIBeta -Uri '' -Method 'GET' -OutFile 'response.json'
    This example sends a GET request to the specified API endpoint and saves the response content to a file named 'response.json'.

function Invoke-OAIBeta {
        $ContentType = 'application/json',
    $headers = @{
        'OpenAI-Beta'  = 'assistants=v2'    
        'Content-Type' = $ContentType

    if ($NotOpenAIBeta) {

    $Provider = Get-OAIProvider
    $AzOAISecrets = Get-AzOAISecrets
    switch ($Provider) {
        'OpenAI' {
            $headers['Authorization'] = "Bearer $env:OpenAIKey"

        'AzureOpenAI' {
            $headers['api-key'] = "$($AzOAISecrets.apiKEY)"
            if ($Body -isnot [System.IO.Stream]) {
                if ($null -ne $Body -and $Body.Contains("model") ) {
                    $Body.model = $AzOAISecrets.deploymentName

            $Uri = $Uri -replace $baseUrl, ''
            if ($Uri.EndsWith('/')) {
                $Uri = $Uri.Substring(0, $Uri.Length - 1)
            $separator = '?'
            if ($Uri.Contains('?')) {
                $separator = '&'
            $Uri = "{0}/openai{1}{2}api-version={3}" -f $AzOAISecrets.apiURI, $Uri, $separator, $AzOAISecrets.apiVersion         

    $params = @{
        Uri     = $Uri
        Method  = $Method
        Headers = $headers
    if ($Body) {
        if ($Body -is [System.IO.Stream]) {
            $params['Body'] = $Body
        else {
            $params['Body'] = $Body | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10

    if ($OutFile) {
        $params['OutFile'] = $OutFile

    Write-Verbose ($params | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5)
    if (Test-IsUnitTestingEnabled) {
        Write-Host "Data saved. Use Get-UnitTestingData to retrieve the data."
        $script:InvokeOAIUnitTestingData = @{
            Uri           = $Uri
            Method        = $Method
            Headers       = $headers.Clone()
            Body          = $Body
            OAIProvider   = Get-OAIProvider            
            ContentType   = $ContentType
            OutFile       = $OutFile
            NotOpenAIBeta = $NotOpenAIBeta

    try {
        Invoke-RestMethod @params
    catch {
        if ($Provider -eq 'OpenAI') {
            $message = $_.ErrorDetails.Message
            if (Test-JsonReplacement $message -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {            
                $targetError = $message | ConvertFrom-Json
                $targetError = $targetError.error.message
            else {
                $targetError = "[{0}] - {1}" -f $Uri, $message

        if ($Provider -eq 'AzureOpenAI') {
            $targetError = $_.Exception.Message

        # Write-Error $targetError
        throw $targetError