
Updates an OAI Vector Store.
The Update-OAIVectorStore function is used to update an OAI Vector Store with the specified parameters.
.PARAMETER VectorStoreId
The ID of the Vector Store to update.
The new name for the Vector Store.
.PARAMETER ExpiresAfter
A hashtable specifying the expiration time for the Vector Store. The hashtable should contain the following keys:
- 'anchor': The anchor date and time.
- 'day': The number of days after the anchor date.
A hashtable containing additional metadata for the Vector Store.
Update-OAIVectorStore -VectorStoreId "12345" -Name "New Vector Store" -ExpiresAfter @{ 'anchor' = '2022-12-31T00:00:00Z'; 'day' = 30 } -Metadata @{ 'key' = 'value' }
This example updates the Vector Store with ID "12345" by changing its name to "New Vector Store", setting an expiration time of 30 days after December 31, 2022, and adding a metadata key-value pair.

function Update-OAIVectorStore {
    param (

    $body = @{}

    if ($Name) {
        $ = $Name

    if ($ExpiresAfter) {
        $body.expires_after = $ExpiresAfter

    if ($Metadata) {
        $body.metadata = $Metadata

    $params = @{
        Uri    = $baseUrl + "/vector_stores/$VectorStoreId"
        Method = 'POST'
        body   = $body

    Invoke-OAIBeta @params