#region import modules $ThisModule = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path | Split-Path -Parent | Split-Path -Parent)\PSADSync.psd1" $ThisModuleName = (($ThisModule | Split-Path -Leaf) -replace '\.psd1') Get-Module -Name $ThisModuleName -All | Remove-Module -Force Import-Module -Name $ThisModule -Force -ErrorAction Stop #endregion $script:csvLogFilePath = '.\PSAdSync.csv' $script:csvInputFilePath = "$PSScriptRoot\TestUsers.csv" $script:csvRows = @( [pscustomobject]@{ csvEmployeeIdField = '1' csvsamAccountNameIdField = 'psadsyncuser1' csvAccountExpiresSyncField = '1/1/20' csvManagerIdSyncField = '6' csvFirstNameSyncField = 'firstnamechangeme1' csvLastNameSyncField = 'lastnamechangeme1' csvNickNameSyncField = 'nicknamechangeme1' csvManagerSyncField = 'managerchangeme1' } [pscustomobject]@{ csvEmployeeIdField = $null csvsamAccountNameIdField = 'psadsyncuser2' csvAccountExpiresSyncField = $null csvManagerIdSyncField = '7' csvFirstNameSyncField = 'firstnamechangeme2' csvLastNameSyncField = 'lastnamechangeme2' csvNickNameSyncField = 'nicknamechangeme2' csvManagerSyncField = 'managerchangeme2' } [pscustomobject]@{ csvEmployeeIdField = '3' csvsamAccountNameIdField = $null csvAccountExpiresSyncField = '1/1/20' csvManagerIdSyncField = '8' csvFirstNameSyncField = 'firstnamechangeme3' csvLastNameSyncField = 'lastnamechangeme3' csvNickNameSyncField = 'nicknamechangeme3' csvManagerSyncField = 'managerchangeme3' } [pscustomobject]@{ csvEmployeeIdField = $null csvsamAccountNameIdField = 'psadsyncuser4' csvAccountExpiresSyncField = '1/1/20' csvManagerIdSyncField = '6' csvFirstNameSyncField = 'firstnamechangeme4' csvLastNameSyncField = 'lastnamechangeme4' csvNickNameSyncField = 'nicknamechangeme4' csvManagerSyncField = 'managerchangeme4' } ## This is the big boss with managers reporting to this person. He has no manager [pscustomobject]@{ csvEmployeeIdField = '5' csvsamAccountNameIdField = 'psadsyncuser5' csvAccountExpiresSyncField = $null csvManagerIdSyncField = $null csvFirstNameSyncField = 'firstnamechangeme5' csvLastNameSyncField = 'lastnamechangeme5' csvNickNameSyncField = $null csvManagerSyncField = $null } ## This is also a manager [pscustomobject]@{ csvEmployeeIdField = '6' csvsamAccountNameIdField = 'psadsyncuser6' csvAccountExpiresSyncField = $null csvManagerIdSyncField = '5' csvFirstNameSyncField = 'firstnamechangeme6' csvLastNameSyncField = 'lastnamechangeme6' csvNickNameSyncField = 'nicknamechangeme6' csvManagerSyncField = 'managerchangeme6' } ## This is also a manager [pscustomobject]@{ csvEmployeeIdField = '7' csvsamAccountNameIdField = 'psadsyncuser7' csvAccountExpiresSyncField = $null csvManagerIdSyncField = '5' csvFirstNameSyncField = $null csvLastNameSyncField = $null csvNickNameSyncField = 'nicknamechangeme7' csvManagerSyncField = 'managerchangeme7' } ) $script:csvRows | Export-Csv -Path $script:csvInputFilePath $i = 1 $script:csvRows.foreach({ $params = @{ Name = $_.csvsamAccountNameIdField EmployeeId = $_.csvEmployeeIdField GivenName = "adgivenNameChangeMe$i" SurName = "adsurNameChangeMe$i" Manager = 'CN=Administrator,DC=mylab,DC=local' } if (-not $_.csvAccountExpiresSyncField) { $params.AccountExpirationDate = [datetime]'1/1/20' } New-AdUser @params $i++ }) function CleanEnvironment { param() $empIdsUsed = 1..10 $empIdsUsed.foreach({ Get-Aduser -Filter "EmployeeId -eq '$_'" | Remove-AdUser -Confirm:$false }) $namesUsed = 'psadsynctestuser','psadsynctumanager' $namesUsed.foreach({ Get-Aduser -Identity $_ | Remove-AdUser -Confirm:$false }) Remove-Item -Path $script:csvLogFilePath -ErrorAction Ignore } describe 'Invoke-AdSync' { $commandName = 'Invoke-AdSync' $testCases = @( @{ Label = 'Syncing a single string attribute' Parameters = @{ CsvFilePath = $script:csvInputFilePath FieldSyncMap = @{ 'csvFirstNameSyncField' = 'givenName'} FieldMatchMap = @{'csvEmployeeIdField' = 'employeeId'} } Expected = @{ MatchedActiveDirectoryUser = (Get-Aduser -Filter "EmployeeId -eq '1'") } } @{ Label = 'Syncing a multiple string attributes' Parameters = @{ CsvFilePath = $script:csvInputFilePath FieldSyncMap = @{ 'csvFirstNameSyncField' = 'givenName' 'csvLastNameSyncField' = 'sn' } FieldMatchMap = @{'csvEmployeeIdField' = 'employeeId'} } Expected = @{ MatchedActiveDirectoryUser = (Get-Aduser -Filter "EmployeeId -eq '2'") } } @{ Label = 'Syncing a multiple string attributes and a scriptblock condition' Parameters = @{ CsvFilePath = $script:csvInputFilePath FieldSyncMap = @{ { if ($_.'csvNickNameSyncField') { 'csvNickNameSyncField' } else { 'csvFirstNameSyncField' }} = 'givenName' 'csvAccountExpiresSyncField' = 'accountexpires' 'csvLastNameSyncField' = 'sn' } FieldMatchMap = @{'csvEmployeeIdField' = 'employeeId'} } Expected = @{ MatchedActiveDirectoryUser = (Get-Aduser -Filter "EmployeeId -eq '1'") } } @{ Label = 'Syncing a multiple string attributes and a scriptblock condition with FieldValueMap' Parameters = @{ CsvFilePath = $script:csvInputFilePath FieldSyncMap = @{ { if ($_.'csvNickNameSyncField') { 'csvNickNameSyncField' } else { 'csvFirstNameSyncField' }} = 'givenName' 'csvAccountExpiresSyncField' = 'accountexpires' 'csvLastNameSyncField' = 'sn' 'csvManagerSyncField' = 'manager' } FieldMatchMap = @{'csvEmployeeIdField' = 'employeeId'} FieldValueMap = @{ 'csvManagerSyncField' = { $null = $_.SuperVisor -match '(?<LastName>\w+)\s(?<FirstName>\w+)\s\((?<NickName>\w+)'; "$($matches['LastName']) $($matches['FirstName'])" }} } Expected = @{ MatchedActiveDirectoryUser = (Get-Aduser -Filter "EmployeeId -eq '1'") } } ) foreach ($testCase in $testCases) { $parameters = $testCase.Parameters $expected = $testCase.Expected ## Clean up the environment ahead of time CleanEnvironment context $testCase.Label { if ('manager' -in $parameters.FieldSyncMap.Values) { context 'when a manager field is being synced' { context 'when the manager account exists' { if (-not $parameters.ContainsKey('FieldValueMap')) { context 'when the manager account cannot be found' { mock 'Write-Warning' & $commandName @parameters -Confirm:$false it 'should pass the expected parameters to Write-Warning' { $assMParams = @{ CommandName = 'Write-Warning' Times = 1 Exactly = $true ExclusiveFilter = { $PSBoundParameters.Message -match 'Unable to convert' } } Assert-MockCalled @assMParams } } } else { & $commandName @parameters -Confirm:$false $getParams = @{ Filter = "$($expected.ActiveDirectoryUser.Identifier.Keys) -eq $($expected.ActiveDirectoryUser.Identifier.Values)" Properties = '*' } $testAdUser = Get-Aduser @getParams } it 'should write the expected values to the log file' -Skip { } it 'should change the expected AD user attributes' { @($expected.ActiveDirectoryUser.Attributes).foreach({ $testAdUser.Keys | should be $testAdUser.Values }) } } # context 'when the manager account does not exist' { # Get-AdUser -Filter "samAccountName -eq '$testUserManagerName'" | Remove-AdUser -Confirm:$false # it 'should throw an exception' { # { & $commandName @parameters } | should throw 'Unable to find manager user account' # } # } } } else { & $commandName @parameters -Confirm:$false $getParams = @{ Filter = "$($expected.ActiveDirectoryUser.Identifier.Keys) -eq $($expected.ActiveDirectoryUser.Identifier.Values)" Properties = '*' } $testAdUser = Get-Aduser @getParams it 'should change the expected AD user attributes' { $expected.ActiveDirectoryUser.Attributes.GetEnumerator().foreach({ Write-Host "$($testAdUser.($_.Key)) should be [$($_.Value)]" $testAdUser.($_.Key) | should be $_.Value }) } it 'should write the expected values to the log file' -Skip { } } } } } # $testCases = @( # @{ # Label = 'Simple sync' # Parameters = @{ # CsvFilePath = $script:csvInputFilePath # FieldMatchMap = @{ 'csvIdField1' = 'employeeId' } # FieldSyncMap = @{ 'csvFirstNameField' = 'givenName' } # Confirm = $false # } # } # @{ # Label = 'Syncing a single string attribute that needs converting' # Parameters = @{ # CsvFilePath = $script:csvInputFilePath # FieldSyncMap = @{ 'csvManagerIdSyncField' = 'manager'} # FieldMatchMap = @{ 'csvIdField1' = 'employeeId'} # } # } # @{ # Label = 'Syncing a multiple string attributes' # Parameters = @{ # CsvFilePath = $script:csvInputFilePath # FieldSyncMap = @{ # 'csvFirstNameField' = 'givenName' # 'csvSyncDeptField' = 'department' # } # FieldMatchMap = @{'csvIdField1' = 'employeeId'} # } # } # @{ # Label = 'Syncing a multiple string attributes and a scriptblock condition' # Parameters = @{ # CsvFilePath = $script:csvInputFilePath # FieldSyncMap = @{ # { if ($_.'csvNickNameField') { 'csvNickNameField' } else { 'csvFirstNameField' }} = 'givenName' # 'csvDateTimeSyncField' = 'accountexpires' # } # FieldMatchMap = @{'csvIdField1' = 'employeeId'} # } # } # @{ # Label = 'FieldValueMap scriptblock sync' # Parameters = @{ # CsvFilePath = $script:csvInputFilePath # FieldSyncMap = @{ # 'csvManagerIdSyncField' = 'manager' # } # FieldMatchMap = @{ 'csvIdField1' = 'employeeId' } # FieldValueMap = @{ 'csvManagerIdSyncField' = { $supId = $_.'csvManagerIdSyncField'; (Get-AdUser -Filter "EmployeeId -eq '$supId'").DistinguishedName }} # } # } # ) # describe 'Invoke-AdSync' { # $commandName = 'Invoke-AdSync' # $testUserName = 'psadsynctestuser' # $testUserEmpId = 1 # $testUserManagerName = 'psadsynctumanager' # $testUserManagerEmpId = 10 # mock 'Write-Output' # $testCases = @( # @{ # Label = 'Syncing a single string attribute' # Parameters = @{ # CsvFilePath = $script:csvInputFilePath # FieldSyncMap = @{ 'csvSyncField1' = 'givenName'} # FieldMatchMap = @{'csvIdField1' = 'employeeId'} # } # Expected = @{ # ActiveDirectoryUser = @{ # Identifier = @{ 'employeeId' = $testUserEmpId } # Attributes = @{ # givenName = 'changedfirstname' # } # } # } # } # @{ # Label = 'Syncing a single string attribute that needs converting' # Parameters = @{ # CsvFilePath = $script:csvInputFilePath # FieldValueMap = @{ 'csvSyncField3' = { $supId = $_.'csvManagerIdSyncField'; (Get-AdUser -Filter "EmployeeId -eq '$supId'").DistinguishedName }} # FieldMatchMap = @{'csvIdField1' = 'employeeId'} # } # Expected = @{ # ActiveDirectoryUser = @{ # Identifier = @{ 'employeeId' = $testUserEmpId } # Attributes = @{ # manager = "CN=$testUserManagerName,DC=mylab,DC=local" # } # } # } # } # @{ # Label = 'Syncing a multiple string attributes' # Parameters = @{ # CsvFilePath = $script:csvInputFilePath # FieldSyncMap = @{ # 'csvSyncField1' = 'givenName' # 'csvSyncField2' = 'sn' # } # FieldMatchMap = @{'csvIdField1' = 'employeeId'} # } # Expected = @{ # ActiveDirectoryUser = @{ # Identifier = @{ 'employeeId' = $testUserEmpId } # Attributes = @{ # givenName = 'changedfirstname' # surName = 'changedlastname' # } # } # } # } # @{ # Label = 'Syncing a multiple string attributes and a scriptblock condition' # Parameters = @{ # CsvFilePath = $script:csvInputFilePath # FieldSyncMap = @{ # { if ($_.'csvNickNameSyncField') { 'csvNickNameSyncField' } else { 'csvSyncField1' }} = 'givenName' # 'csvAccountExpiresSyncField' = 'accountexpires' # 'csvSyncField2' = 'sn' # } # FieldMatchMap = @{'csvIdField1' = 'employeeId'} # } # Expected = @{ # ActiveDirectoryUser = @{ # Identifier = @{ 'employeeId' = $testUserEmpId } # Attributes = @{ # givenName = 'changednickname123' # surName = 'changedlastname' # AccountExpirationDate = '12/30/2018 19:00:00' # } # } # } # } # @{ # Label = 'Syncing a multiple string attributes and a scriptblock condition with FieldValueMap' # Parameters = @{ # CsvFilePath = $script:csvInputFilePath # FieldSyncMap = @{ # { if ($_.'csvNickNameSyncField') { 'csvNickNameSyncField' } else { 'csvSyncField1' }} = 'givenName' # 'csvAccountExpiresSyncField' = 'accountexpires' # 'csvSyncField2' = 'sn' # 'csvManagerSyncField' = 'manager' # } # FieldMatchMap = @{'csvIdField1' = 'employeeId'} # FieldValueMap = @{ 'csvManagerSyncField' = { $null = $_.SuperVisor -match '(?<LastName>\w+)\s(?<FirstName>\w+)\s\((?<NickName>\w+)'; "$($matches['LastName']) $($matches['FirstName'])" }} # } # Expected = @{ # ActiveDirectoryUser = @{ # Identifier = @{ 'employeeId' = $testUserEmpId } # Attributes = @{ # givenName = 'changednickname123' # surName = 'changedlastname' # AccountExpirationDate = '12/30/2018 19:00:00' # manager = "CN=$testUserManagerName,DC=mylab,DC=local" # } # } # } # } # ) # foreach ($testCase in $testCases) # { # $parameters = $testCase.Parameters # $expected = $testCase.Expected # ## Clean up the environment ahead of time # CleanEnvironment # New-ADUser -GivenName 'ChangeMe' -Surname 'ChangeMe' -EmployeeID $testUserEmpId -Name $testUserName # context $testCase.Label { # if ('manager' -in $parameters.FieldSyncMap.Values) # { # context 'when a manager field is being synced' { # context 'when the manager account exists' { # New-ADUser -GivenName 'TestUser' -Surname 'Manager' -EmployeeID $testUserManagerEmpId -Name $testUserManagerName # if (-not $parameters.ContainsKey('FieldValueMap')) # { # context 'when the manager account cannot be found' { # mock 'Write-Warning' # & $commandName @parameters -Confirm:$false # it 'should pass the expected parameters to Write-Warning' { # $assMParams = @{ # CommandName = 'Write-Warning' # Times = 1 # Exactly = $true # ExclusiveFilter = { # $PSBoundParameters.Message -match 'Unable to convert' # } # } # Assert-MockCalled @assMParams # } # } # } # else # { # & $commandName @parameters -Confirm:$false # $getParams = @{ # Filter = "$($expected.ActiveDirectoryUser.Identifier.Keys) -eq $($expected.ActiveDirectoryUser.Identifier.Values)" # Properties = '*' # } # $testAdUser = Get-Aduser @getParams # } # it 'should write the expected values to the log file' -Skip { # } # it 'should change the expected AD user attributes' { # @($expected.ActiveDirectoryUser.Attributes).foreach({ # $testAdUser.Keys | should be $testAdUser.Values # }) # } # } # # context 'when the manager account does not exist' { # # Get-AdUser -Filter "samAccountName -eq '$testUserManagerName'" | Remove-AdUser -Confirm:$false # # it 'should throw an exception' { # # { & $commandName @parameters } | should throw 'Unable to find manager user account' # # } # # } # } # } # else # { # & $commandName @parameters -Confirm:$false # $getParams = @{ # Filter = "$($expected.ActiveDirectoryUser.Identifier.Keys) -eq $($expected.ActiveDirectoryUser.Identifier.Values)" # Properties = '*' # } # $testAdUser = Get-Aduser @getParams # it 'should change the expected AD user attributes' { # $expected.ActiveDirectoryUser.Attributes.GetEnumerator().foreach({ # Write-Host "$($testAdUser.($_.Key)) should be [$($_.Value)]" # $testAdUser.($_.Key) | should be $_.Value # }) # } # it 'should write the expected values to the log file' -Skip { # } # } # } # } # } # # describe 'when a user cannot be matched' { # # mock 'Write-Output' # # AfterAll { # # Remove-Item -Path $script:csvLogFilePath -ErrorAction Ignore # # Remove-Item -Path $script:csvInputFilePath -ErrorAction Ignore # # } # # foreach ($testCase in $testCases) { # # $parameters = $testCase.Parameters # # Remove-Item -Path $script:csvLogFilePath -ErrorAction Ignore # # Remove-Item -Path $script:csvInputFilePath -ErrorAction Ignore # # ## Ensure the AD environment is prepped # # Get-AdUser -Filter "EmployeeId -eq '1'" | Remove-Aduser -Confirm:$false # # Get-AdUser -Filter "samAccountName -eq 'psadsyncuser1 | Remove-Aduser -Confirm:$false # # context $testCase.Label { # # context 'when a CSV user has no identifier fields populated' { # # Remove-Item -Path $script:csvLogFilePath -ErrorAction Ignore # # $csvUsers = @( # # [pscustomobject]@{ # # csvIdField1 = $null # # csvIdField2 = $null # # csvDateTimeSyncField = '1/1/20' # # csvManagerIdSyncField = '6' # # csvSyncDeptField = 'csvSyncDeptField1Val' # # csvFirstNameField = 'csvFirstNameFieldVal' # # } # # ) # # $csvUsers | Export-Csv -Path $script:csvInputFilePath -NoTypeInformation # # $result = & Invoke-AdSync @parameters # # it 'should write the expected row to the log file' { # # $row = Import-Csv -Path $script:csvLogFilePath # # $row.CSVAttributeName | should be 'N/A' # # $row.CSVAttributeValue | should be 'N/A' # # $row.ADAttributeName | should be 'NoMatch' # # $row.ADAttributeValue | should be 'NoMatch' # # $row.CsvIdentifierValue | should be 'N/A' # # $row.CsvIdentifierField | should be 'csvIdField1' # # } # # } # # context 'when a CSV user has no matchable identifiers' { # # Remove-Item -Path $script:csvLogFilePath -ErrorAction Ignore # # $csvUsers = @( # # [pscustomobject]@{ # # csvIdField1 = 'nomatch' # # csvIdField2 = 'nomatch' # # csvDateTimeSyncField = '1/1/20' # # csvManagerIdSyncField = '6' # # csvSyncDeptField = 'csvSyncDeptField1Val' # # csvFirstNameField = 'csvFirstNameFieldVal' # # } # # ) # # $csvUsers | Export-Csv -Path $script:csvInputFilePath -NoTypeInformation # # $result = & Invoke-AdSync @parameters # # it 'should write the expected row to the log file' { # # $row = Import-Csv -Path $script:csvLogFilePath # # $row.CSVAttributeName | should be 'N/A' # # $row.CSVAttributeValue | should be 'N/A' # # $row.ADAttributeName | should be 'NoMatch' # # $row.ADAttributeValue | should be 'NoMatch' # # $row.CsvIdentifierValue | should be 'N/A' # # $row.CsvIdentifierField | should be 'csvIdField1' # # } # # } # # } # # } # # } # # describe 'when a user match can be found' { # # mock 'Write-Output' # # AfterAll { # # Remove-Item -Path $script:csvLogFilePath -ErrorAction Ignore # # Remove-Item -Path $script:csvInputFilePath -ErrorAction Ignore # # } # # foreach ($testCase in $testCases) { # # $parameters = $testCase.Parameters # # Remove-Item -Path $script:csvLogFilePath -ErrorAction Ignore # # Remove-Item -Path $script:csvInputFilePath -ErrorAction Ignore # # ## Ensure the AD environment is prepped # # Get-AdUser -Filter "EmployeeId -eq '1'" | Remove-Aduser -Confirm:$false # # Get-AdUser -Filter "samAccountName -eq 'psadsyncuser1 | Remove-Aduser -Confirm:$false # # context $testCase.Label { # # context 'match can be found on only one identifer' { # # AfterAll { # # Get-AdUser -Filter "EmployeeId -eq '1'" | Remove-Aduser -Confirm:$false # # } # # New-AdUser -Name 'PSADSyncUser1' -EmployeeId 1 # # Remove-Item -Path $script:csvLogFilePath -ErrorAction Ignore # # $csvUsers = @( # # [pscustomobject]@{ # # csvIdField1 = 1 # # csvIdField2 = $null # # csvDateTimeSyncField = '1/1/20' # # csvManagerIdSyncField = '6' # # csvSyncDeptField = 'csvSyncDeptField1Val' # # csvFirstNameField = 'csvFirstNameFieldVal' # # } # # ) # # $csvUsers | Export-Csv -Path $script:csvInputFilePath -NoTypeInformation # # $result = & Invoke-AdSync @parameters # # it 'should write the expected row to the log file' { # # $row = Import-Csv -Path $script:csvLogFilePath # # $row.CSVAttributeName | should be $parameters.FieldSyncMap.Keys # # $row.CSVAttributeValue | should be $parameters.FieldSyncMap.Values # # $row.ADAttributeName | should be $parameters.FieldSyncMap.Keys # # $row.ADAttributeValue | should be 'NoMatch' # # $row.CsvIdentifierValue | should be 'NoMatch' # # $row.CsvIdentifierField | should be 'NoMatch' # # } # # } # # context 'match could potentially be matched on two identifiers' { # # Remove-Item -Path $script:csvLogFilePath -ErrorAction Ignore # # $csvUsers = @( # # [pscustomobject]@{ # # csvIdField1 = 'nomatch' # # csvIdField2 = 'nomatch' # # csvDateTimeSyncField = '1/1/20' # # csvManagerIdSyncField = '6' # # csvSyncDeptField = 'csvSyncDeptField1Val' # # csvFirstNameField = 'csvFirstNameFieldVal' # # } # # ) # # $csvUsers | Export-Csv -Path $script:csvInputFilePath -NoTypeInformation # # $result = & Invoke-AdSync @parameters # # it 'should write the expected row to the log file' { # # $row = Import-Csv -Path $script:csvLogFilePath # # $row.CSVAttributeName | should be 'NoMatch' # # $row.CSVAttributeValue | should be 'NoMatch' # # $row.ADAttributeName | should be 'NoMatch' # # $row.ADAttributeValue | should be 'NoMatch' # # $row.CsvIdentifierValue | should be 'NoMatch' # # $row.CsvIdentifierField | should be 'NoMatch' # # } # # } # # context 'when matching on a manager ID in the CSV' { # # Remove-Item -Path $script:csvLogFilePath -ErrorAction Ignore # # $csvUsers = @( # # [pscustomobject]@{ # # csvIdField1 = 'nomatch' # # csvIdField2 = 'nomatch' # # csvDateTimeSyncField = '1/1/20' # # csvManagerIdSyncField = '6' # # csvSyncDeptField = 'csvSyncDeptField1Val' # # csvFirstNameField = 'csvFirstNameFieldVal' # # } # # ) # # $csvUsers | Export-Csv -Path $script:csvInputFilePath -NoTypeInformation # # $result = & Invoke-AdSync @parameters # # it 'should write the expected row to the log file' { # # $row = Import-Csv -Path $script:csvLogFilePath # # $row.CSVAttributeName | should be 'NoMatch' # # $row.CSVAttributeValue | should be 'NoMatch' # # $row.ADAttributeName | should be 'NoMatch' # # $row.ADAttributeValue | should be 'NoMatch' # # $row.CsvIdentifierValue | should be 'NoMatch' # # $row.CsvIdentifierField | should be 'NoMatch' # # } # # } # # context 'the manager ID in the CSV does not exist in AD' { # # Remove-Item -Path $script:csvLogFilePath -ErrorAction Ignore # # $csvUsers = @( # # [pscustomobject]@{ # # csvIdField1 = 'nomatch' # # csvIdField2 = 'nomatch' # # csvDateTimeSyncField = '1/1/20' # # csvManagerIdSyncField = '6' # # csvSyncDeptField = 'csvSyncDeptField1Val' # # csvFirstNameField = 'csvFirstNameFieldVal' # # } # # ) # # $csvUsers | Export-Csv -Path $script:csvInputFilePath -NoTypeInformation # # $result = & Invoke-AdSync @parameters # # it 'should write the expected row to the log file' { # # $row = Import-Csv -Path $script:csvLogFilePath # # $row.CSVAttributeName | should be 'NoMatch' # # $row.CSVAttributeValue | should be 'NoMatch' # # $row.ADAttributeName | should be 'NoMatch' # # $row.ADAttributeValue | should be 'NoMatch' # # $row.CsvIdentifierValue | should be 'NoMatch' # # $row.CsvIdentifierField | should be 'NoMatch' # # } # # } # # context 'when manager ID exists and is out of sync' { # # Remove-Item -Path $script:csvLogFilePath -ErrorAction Ignore # # $csvUsers = @( # # [pscustomobject]@{ # # csvIdField1 = 'nomatch' # # csvIdField2 = 'nomatch' # # csvDateTimeSyncField = '1/1/20' # # csvManagerIdSyncField = '6' # # csvSyncDeptField = 'csvSyncDeptField1Val' # # csvFirstNameField = 'csvFirstNameFieldVal' # # } # # ) # # $csvUsers | Export-Csv -Path $script:csvInputFilePath -NoTypeInformation # # $result = & Invoke-AdSync @parameters # # it 'should write the expected row to the log file' { # # $row = Import-Csv -Path $script:csvLogFilePath # # $row.CSVAttributeName | should be 'NoMatch' # # $row.CSVAttributeValue | should be 'NoMatch' # # $row.ADAttributeName | should be 'NoMatch' # # $row.ADAttributeValue | should be 'NoMatch' # # $row.CsvIdentifierValue | should be 'NoMatch' # # $row.CsvIdentifierField | should be 'NoMatch' # # } # # } # # context 'when manager ID exists and is in sync' { # # Remove-Item -Path $script:csvLogFilePath -ErrorAction Ignore # # $csvUsers = @( # # [pscustomobject]@{ # # csvIdField1 = 'nomatch' # # csvIdField2 = 'nomatch' # # csvDateTimeSyncField = '1/1/20' # # csvManagerIdSyncField = '6' # # csvSyncDeptField = 'csvSyncDeptField1Val' # # csvFirstNameField = 'csvFirstNameFieldVal' # # } # # ) # # $csvUsers | Export-Csv -Path $script:csvInputFilePath -NoTypeInformation # # $result = & Invoke-AdSync @parameters # # it 'should write the expected row to the log file' { # # $row = Import-Csv -Path $script:csvLogFilePath # # $row.CSVAttributeName | should be 'NoMatch' # # $row.CSVAttributeValue | should be 'NoMatch' # # $row.ADAttributeName | should be 'NoMatch' # # $row.ADAttributeValue | should be 'NoMatch' # # $row.CsvIdentifierValue | should be 'NoMatch' # # $row.CsvIdentifierField | should be 'NoMatch' # # } # # } # # } # # } # # } # # context 'when matching on the accountExpires field' { # # context 'when the accountExpires CSV field cannot be converted to a datetime field' { # # } # # context 'when comparison is complete but found to be out of sync' { # # $result = & Invoke-AdSync @parameters # # } # # context 'when comparison is complete and found to be in sync' { # # $result = & Invoke-AdSync @parameters # # } # # } # # context 'when matching on a standard string attribute' { # # $result = & Invoke-AdSync @parameters # # context 'when the CSV sync field to match is null' { # # $result = & Invoke-AdSync @parameters # # } # # context 'when the CSV sync field to match is valid' { # # $result = & Invoke-AdSync @parameters # # } # # } # # } # # ) |