@{ ModuleVersion = '0.1.3' RootModule = 'PSA.psm1' Guid = '09a0f1e1-23e2-4ccb-9d8d-bde5e1d6a2b2' FormatsToProcess = 'PSA.format.ps1xml' TypesToProcess = 'PSA.types.ps1xml' Copyright = '2023 Start-Automating' CompanyName = 'Start-Automating' Author = 'James Brundage' Description = 'PowerShell Announcements (with AtProtocol). Shoutout to the Blue Sky!' PrivateData = @{ PSData = @{ ProjectURI = '' LicenseURI = '' IconURI = '' ReleaseNotes = @' # PowerShell Announcements (with AtProtocol) [0.1.3] PSA is: * A Cross-Platform PowerShell Module For Making Announcements * A Beautiful BlueSky Client for the CLI * An (Almost) Perfect PowerShell Wrapper for the At Protocol * A GitHub Action to Automate Announcements --- '@ } Screenshots = @{ "PSA BlueSky Posts View" = "" "PSA BlueSky Profile View" = "" } ScriptTypes = @{ "PSAScript" = @{ Description = "A script that generates an announcement" Pattern = "\.PSA\.ps1" } "PSAProfile" = @{ Description = "A module profile for PSA." Pattern = "\.PSA\.profile\.ps1" } } ApplicationTypes = @{ "Announcement" = @{ Description = "An announcement" Pattern = '\. (?> PSA | Public\.Service\.Announcement | Announc(?>ement|er|es|ing|e) )\. (?> md | markdown | txt | json | csv | clixml | tsv | ps[dm]{0,1}1 | )$ ' } } } } |