
function Connect-AtProto
        Connects to the AtProtocol
        Connects using the AtProtocol.

    # The authorization. This can be a credential.
    # The username is a handle or email.
    # The password is the app password.
    # If no credential is provided, some environment variables can be used:
    # `$env:AT_PROTOCOL_HANDLE` or `$env:AT_PROTOCOL_EMAIL can define the identity.
    # `$env:AT_PROTOCOL_APP_PASSWORD` can define the app password.

    begin {
        if (-not $script:AtServerSessions) {
            $script:AtServerSessions = [Ordered]@{}

    process {
        if (-not $Authentication) {
            $atIdentity = 
                if ($env:AT_PROTOCOL_HANDLE) {
                elseif ($env:AT_PROTOCOL_EMAIL) {
            $atAppPassword = $env:AT_PROTOCOL_APP_PASSWORD
            if ($atIdentity -and $atAppPassword) {
                $Authentication = [PSCredential]::new($atIdentity, (ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force $atAppPassword))
        if ($Authentication -isnot [Management.Automation.PSCredential]) {
            Write-Error "No credential provided or found"

        $sessionConnected = Add-AtProtoServerSession -Identifier $Authentication.UserName -Password $Authentication.GetNetworkCredential().password

        $script:AtServerSessions[$sessionConnected.handle] = $sessionConnected

        $script:AtProtocolAccessJWT  = $sessionConnected.accessJWT
        $script:AtProtocolRefreshJWT = $sessionConnected.refreshJWT
