
function Invoke-S1AgentAction {
        Initiate various actions against SentinelOne agents

        # ID for the Agent(s) being targeted for an action

        # Initiates a scan on the targeted agents

        # Aborts a running scan for the targeted agents

        # Initiates service reload for the targeted agents
        [ValidateSet("log", "static", "agent", "monitor")]

        # Starts the remote profiler (for troubleshooting) for the targeted agents

        # Sets the remote profiler timeout

        # Stops the remote profiler for the targeted agents

        # Initiate an agent update for the targeted agents

        # The Package ID for the update to be applied

        # The timing for the update, either immediate or follow the configured update schedule
        [ValidateSet("immediately", "by_update_schedule")]

        # Randomize the UUID for the targeted agents

        # Sends a message to the targeted agents

        # Update the External ID for the targeted agents

        # Move agents

        # The group ID to which the targeted agents should be moved

        # The site ID to which the targeted agents should be moved

        # Move agents to a new console

        # The site token for the console to which the targeted agents should be moved

        # Fetch logs from the targeted agents

        # Fetch platform logs
        $PlatformLogs = $True,

        # Fetch agent logs
        $AgentLogs = $True,

        # Fetch customer facing logs
        $CustomerFacingLogs = $True,

        # Disable the agent software

        # Re-enable the agent software

        # Disconnect the targeted agents from the network (network quarantine)

        # Connect the targeted agents back to the network (network unquarantine)

        # Fetch firewall logs from the targeted agents




        $FirewallRuleState = "initial",

        $FirewallRuleFormat = "native",


        # Approve uninstallation of the agent software

        # Reject uninstallation of the agent software

        # Initiate a remote uninstall of the agent software

        # Decommission the targeted agents



        # Check if a remote shell can be opened to the targeted agents

        # Request the agent to update the application list for the targeted agents


        # Initiate a remote restart

        # Initiate a remote shutdown
    # Log the function and parameters being executed
    $InitializationLog = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
    $MyInvocation.BoundParameters.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { $InitializationLog = $InitializationLog + " -$($_.Key) $($_.Value)" }
    Write-Log -Message $InitializationLog -Level Informational

    $Method = "POST"
    $Body = @{ data = @{}; filter = @{} }
    $Body.filter.Add("ids", ($AgentID -join ","))

    switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
        "Scan" {
            $URI = "/web/api/v2.1/agents/actions/initiate-scan"
            $OutputMessage = "Scan initiated for"
        "AbortScan" {
            $URI = "/web/api/v2.1/agents/actions/abort-scan"
            $OutputMessage = "Scan aborted for"
        "Reload" {
            $URI = "/web/api/v2.1/private/agents/support-actions/reload"
            $"module", $Reload.ToLower())
            $OutputMessage = "Service reload initiated for"
        "StartRemoteProfiling" {
            $URI = "/web/api/v2.1/agents/actions/start-profiling"
            $"timeout", $TimeoutInSeconds)
            $OutputMessage = "Start Remote Profiling initiated for"
        "StopRemoteProfiling" {
            $URI = "/web/api/v2.1/agents/actions/stop-profiling"
            $OutputMessage = "Stop Remote Profiling initiated for"
        "UpdateSoftware" {
            $URI = "/web/api/v2.1/agents/actions/update-software"
            $"packageId", $PackageID)
            switch ($UpdateTiming) {
                "immediately" { $"isScheduled", $False) }
                "by_update_schedule" { $"isScheduled", $True) }
            $OutputMessage = "Software Update initiated for"
        "RandomizeUUID" {
            $URI = "/web/api/v2.1/agents/actions/randomize-uuid"
            $OutputMessage = "Randomize UUID initiated for"
        "SendMessage" {
            $URI = "/web/api/v2.1/agents/actions/broadcast"
            $"message", $SendMessage)
            $OutputMessage = "Message sent to"
        "SetExternalID" {
            $URI = "web/api/v2.1/agents/actions/set-external-id"
            $"externalID", $SetExternalID)
            $OutputMessage = "External ID set for "
        "MoveToGroup" {
            $URI = "/web/api/v2.1/groups/$GroupID/move-agents"
            $Method = "Put"
            $Body.filter.Add("agentIds", ($AgentID -join ","))
            $OutputMessage = "Move to group $GroupID initiated for"
        "MoveToSite" {
            $URI = "/web/api/v2.1/agents/actions/move-to-site"
            $"targetSiteId", $SiteID)
            $OutputMessage = "Move to site $SiteID initiated for"
        "MoveToConsole" {
            $URI = "/web/api/v2.1/agents/actions/move-to-console"
            $"token", $ConsoleSiteToken)
            $OutputMessage = "Move to console $ConsoleSiteToken initiated for"
        "FetchLogs" {
            $URI = "/web/api/v2.1/agents/actions/fetch-logs"
            $"platformLogs", $PlatformLogs)
            $"agentLogs", $AgentLogs)
            $"customerFacingLogs", $CustomerFacingLogs)
            $OutputMessage = "Fetch logs initiated for"
        "FetchFirewallLogs" {
            $URI = "/web/api/v2.1/agents/actions/firewall-logging"
            $"reportLog", $ReportLocal)
            $"reportMgmt", $ReportManagement)
            $OutputMessage = "Fetch firewall logs initiated for"
        "FetchFirewallRules" {
            $URI = "/web/api/v2.1/agents/actions/fetch-firewall-rules"
            $"format", $FirewallRuleFormat)
            $"state", $FirewallRuleState)
            $OutputMessage = "Fetch firewall rules initiated for"
        "DisconnectFromNetwork" {
            $URI = "/web/api/v2.1/agents/actions/disconnect"
            $OutputMessage = "Network Disconnect initiated for"
        "ConnectToNetwork" {
            $URI = "/web/api/v2.1/agents/actions/connect"
            $OutputMessage = "Network Connect initiated for"
        "ResetLocalConfig" {
            $URI = "/web/api/v2.1/agents/actions/reset-local-config"
            $OutputMessage = "Reset local config command sent to"
        "ApproveUninstall" {
            $URI = "/web/api/v2.1/agents/actions/approve-uninstall"
            $OutputMessage = "Uninstall approved for"
        "RejectUninstall" {
            $URI = "/web/api/v2.1/agents/actions/reject-uninstall"
            $OutputMessage = "Uninstall rejected for"
        "Uninstall" {
            $URI = "/web/api/v2.1/agents/actions/uninstall"
            $OutputMessage = "Uninstall initiated for"
        "Decommission" {
            $URI = "/web/api/v2.1/agents/actions/decommission"
            $OutputMessage = "Decommission initiated for"
        "DisableAgent" {
            $URI = "/web/api/v2.1/agents/actions/disable-agent"
            $OutputMessage = "Disable Agent initiated for"
        "EnableAgent" {
            $URI = "/web/api/v2.1/agents/actions/enable-agent"
            $OutputMessage = "Enable Agent initiated for"
        "DisableRanger" {
            $URI = "/web/api/v2.1/agents/actions/ranger-disable"
            $OutputMessage = "Disable Ranger initiated for"
        "EnableRanger" {
            $URI = "/web/api/v2.1/agents/actions/ranger-enable"
            $OutputMessage = "Enable Ranger initiated for"
        "CanRunRemoteShell" {
            $URI = "/web/api/v2.1/agents/actions/can-start-remote-shell"
            $OutputMessage = "Can Run Remote Shell initiated for"
        "GetApplications" {
            $URI = "/web/api/v2.1/agents/actions/fetch-installed-apps"
            $OutputMessage = "Get Applications initiated for"
        "MarkAsUpToDate" {
            $URI = "/web/api/v2.1/agents/actions/mark-up-to-date"
            $OutputMessage = "Mark as up-to-date initiated for"
        "Restart" {
            $URI = "/web/api/v2.1/agents/actions/restart-machine"
            $OutputMessage = "Restart initiated for"
        "Shutdown" {
            $URI = "/web/api/v2.1/agents/actions/shutdown"
            $OutputMessage = "Shutdown initiated for"

    $Response = Invoke-S1Query -URI $URI -Method $Method -Body ($Body | ConvertTo-Json) -ContentType "application/json"

    if ($ {
        Write-Output "$OutputMessage $($ agents"
    Write-Output $