Import-Module "$PSScriptRoot\PS-AutomationHelper.psd1" -Force [ExecutionStep[]]$ExecutionSteps = @() $MyInvocation.Line # will not run (precondition not met) # will not be undone $myFistInstallStep = @{ StepDescription = 'My 1st installStep' Precondition = { 2 -eq 1 } ExecutionAction = { Write-Host 'Executing step 1 -> success' -ForegroundColor Green } RecoverAction = { Write-Host 'Recovering step 1' -ForegroundColor Cyan } ErrorMsg = 'Error Message' } # will run (no precondition) # will be undone $firstStep = New-ExecutionStep @myFistInstallStep $secondSteop = New-ExecutionStep ` -StepDescription 'My 2nd InstallStep' ` -ExecutionAction { Write-Host 'Executing step 2 -> success' -ForegroundColor Green } ` -RecoverAction { Write-Host 'Recovering step 2' -ForegroundColor Cyan } ` -ErrorMsg 'Error 2' $ExecutionSteps += $firstStep $ExecutionSteps += $secondSteop # will run, but produce a non temrinal error # will be undone $ExecutionSteps = Add-ExecutionStep ` -ExecutionStepList $ExecutionSteps ` -Description 'My 3rd installSTeop' ` -ExecutionAction { Remove-Item c:\doesNotExist } ` -RecoverAction { Write-Host 'Recovering step 3' -ForegroundColor Cyan } ` -ErrorMessage 'Could not remove inexisting element' # will run, but produce a temrinal error $ExecutionSteps = Add-ExecutionStep ` -ExecutionStepList $ExecutionSteps ` -Description 'My 4th installSTeop' ` -ExecutionAction { Remove-Item c:\doesNotExist } ` -RecoverAction { Write-Hosts 'Recovering step 4' -ForegroundColor Cyan } ` -ErrorMessage 'Could not remove inexisting element' ` -TerminalError $ExecutionSteps += New-ExecutionStep ` -StepDescription 'Executes with terminal error | Will be recovered with error.' ` -ExecutionAction { Write-Hosts 'Executing step 4 -> not run' -ForegroundColor Green } ` -RecoverAction { Write-Host 'Recovering step 4' -ForegroundColor Cyan } ` -ErrorMsg 'Error 5 | Will be recovered' ` -TerminalError Invoke-Execution -ExecutionSteps $ExecutionSteps |