
$targetPath = $PSScriptRoot

$dll = Get-ChildItem -Path $targetPath -Recurse ImageProcessor.dll

if(!$dll) {
    if(!(Get-Command nuget -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
        Write-Warning "Please install nuget http://www.nuget.org/"

    Set-Location -Path $targetPath
    nuget install ImageProcessor

$dll = Get-ChildItem -Path $targetPath -Recurse ImageProcessor.dll

Add-Type -Path $dll.FullName

# TODO : Read EXIF http://blogs.technet.com/b/jamesone/archive/2007/07/13/exploring-photographic-exif-data-using-powershell-of-course.aspx
# http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/27242/ExifTagCollection-An-EXIF-metadata-extraction-libr
# http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/36342/ExifLib-A-Fast-Exif-Data-Extractor-for-NET Install-Package ExifLib

   Load an Image file from disk.
   Load an Image file from disk in preparation for processing. Always call this function first.
   The absolute path to the image to load.
   Get-PIPImage -Path myphoto.jpeg
   $images dir *.png | Get-PIPImage

function Get-PIPImage
        # Param1 help description

        #if($_) { $file = $_ }

        if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace((Split-Path $Path)) -or (Split-Path $Path) -eq '.')
            $Path = Join-Path -Path $pwd -ChildPath $Path

        Write-Debug $Path

        $imageFactory = New-Object ImageProcessor.ImageFactory -ArgumentList $true
        $null = $imageFactory.Load($Path)

        Write-Output -InputObject $imageFactory

   Change the size of the image.
   Change the size of the image to the either the absolute height and width
   or constrained to the height and width but maintaining aspect ratio.
.PARAMETER InputObject
   Specifies the objects to send down the pipeline. Enter a variable that contains the objects, or type a command or
   expression that gets the objects.
   The [System.Float] defining the left coordinate of the crop layer to offset from the original image. When the crop
   mode is defined as [CropMode.Percentage] this becomes the percentage you want to remove from the left hand side
   of the image.
   The [System.Float] defining the top coordinate of the crop layer to offset from the original image. When the crop
   mode is defined as [CropMode.Percentage] this becomes the percentage you want to remove from the top of the image.
   The [System.Float] defining the width of the crop layer. When the crop mode is defined as [CropMode.Percentage] this
   becomes the percentage you want to remove from the right hand side of the image.
   The [System.Float] defining the height of the crop layer. When the crop mode is defined as [CropMode.Percentage] this
   becomes the percentage you want to remove from the bottom of the image.
.PARAMETER Percentage
   The default Crop Mode is Pixels. When the Percentage switch is selected this becomes the percentage you want to
   remove from the bottom of the image.
   Get-ImageStream Capture.png | Set-ImageSize -Width 100 -Height 100
   $images dir *.png | Get-PIPImage | Invoke-PIPImageCrop -Left 10 -Top 10 -Right 10 -Bottom 10 -Percetnage

function Invoke-PIPImageCrop







        $size = New-Object Drawing.Size($Width, $Height)

        $CropMode = [ImageProcessor.Imaging.CropMode]::Pixels

        if ($Percentage)
            $CropMode = [ImageProcessor.Imaging.CropMode]::Percentage

        $layer = New-Object ImageProcessor.Imaging.ResizeLayer($Left, $Top, $Right, $Bottom, $CropMode)

        Write-Output -InputObject $_.Crop($layer)

   Change the size of the image.
   Change the size of the image to the either the absolute height and width
   or constrained to the height and width but maintaining aspect ratio.
.PARAMETER InputObject
   Specifies the objects to send down the pipeline. Enter a variable that contains the objects, or type a command or
   expression that gets the objects.
   The width to set the image to.
   The height to set the image to.
   The ImageProcessor.Imaging.ResizeMode to apply to resized image.
.PARAMETER AnchorPosition
   The ImageProcessor.Imaging.AnchorPosition to apply to resized image.
.PARAMETER BackgroundColor
   The System.Drawing.Color to set as the background color. Used primarily for image formats that do not support transparency.
   Whether to allow up-scaling of images. (Default true)
   Get-ImageStream Capture.png | Set-ImageSize -Width 100 -Height 100
   $images dir *.png | Get-PIPImage | Set-ImageSize -Width 200 -Height 100 -MaintainAspect

function Resize-PIPImage



        [Parameter(Position=3, ParameterSetName='Exact')]

        [Parameter(Position=4, ParameterSetName='Exact')]

        [Parameter(Position=5, ParameterSetName='Exact')]

        [Parameter(Position=6, ParameterSetName='Exact')]
        $UpScale = $true,

        [Parameter(Position=3, ParameterSetName='MaintainAspect')]

        $size = New-Object Drawing.Size($Width, $Height)

        $layer = New-Object ImageProcessor.Imaging.ResizeLayer($size)

        if ($PSBoundParameters["ResizeMode"])
            $layer.ResizeMode = $ResizeMode
        if ($PSBoundParameters["AnchorPosition"])
            $layer.AnchorPosition = $AnchorPosition
        if ($PSBoundParameters["BackgroundColor"])
            $layer.BackgroundColor = $BackgroundColor
        if ($PSBoundParameters["UpScale"])
            $layer.Upscale = $UpScale

        if ($MaintainAspect)
            Write-Output -InputObject $_.Constrain($size)
            Write-Output -InputObject $_.Resize($layer)

   Change the size of the image.
   Change the size of the image to the either the absolute height and width
   or constrained to the height and width but maintaining aspect ratio.
.PARAMETER InputObject
   Specifies the objects to send down the pipeline. Enter a variable that contains the objects, or type a command or
   expression that gets the objects.
   The text to write to the image.
   The System.Drawing.Color to render the text.
   The name of the font to apply to the text.
   The size of the text in pixels.
   The System.Drawing.FontStyle to apply to the text.
   The opacity of the text.
   The X coordiante determining the position within the current image to render the text.
   The Y coordiante determining the position within the current image to render the text.
   Whether to apply a drop shadow to the text.
   $images dir *.png | Get-PIPImage | Add-PIPWatermark -Text "Copywrite Bob 2014"

function Add-PIPWatermark









        $layer = New-Object ImageProcessor.Imaging.TextLayer

        if ($PSBoundParameters["Text"])
            $layer.Text = $Text
        if ($PSBoundParameters["Color"])
            $layer.Color = $Color
        if ($PSBoundParameters["Font"])
            $layer.Font = $Font
        if ($PSBoundParameters["FontSize"])
            $layer.FontSize = $FontSize
        if ($PSBoundParameters["Style"])
            $layer.Style = $Style
        if ($PSBoundParameters["Opacity"])
            $layer.Opacity = $Opacity
        if ($PSBoundParameters["X"] -and $PSBoundParameters["Y"])
            $point = New-Object System.Drawing.Point($X, $Y)
            $layer.Point = $point
        if ($DropShadow)
            $layer.DropShadow = $DropShadow

        Write-Output -InputObject $_.Watermark($layer)

   Sets the output format of the current image
   Sets the output format of the current image to the matching System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat
.PARAMETER InputObject
   Specifies the objects to send down the pipeline. Enter a variable that contains the objects, or type a command or
   expression that gets the objects.
   The System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat to set the image to.
.PARAMETER IndexedFormat
   Whether the pixel format of the image should be indexed. Used for generating Png8 images.
   Get-ImageStream Capture.png | Set-PIPImageFormat -Format Jpeg

function Set-PIPImageFormat


        $formatObject = New-Object "ImageProcessor.Imaging.Formats.$($Format)Format"

        Write-Output -InputObject $_.Format($formatObject)

   Alters the output quality of the current image.
   Alters the output quality of the current image. This method will only effect the output quality of jpeg images.
.PARAMETER InputObject
   Specifies the objects to send down the pipeline. Enter a variable that contains the objects, or type a command or
   expression that gets the objects.
   The percentage by which to alter the images quality. Any integer between 0 and 100.
   Get-ImageStream Capture.png | Set-PIPImageFormat -Format Jpeg | Set-PIPQuality -Quality 70

function Set-PIPQuality


        if ($_.MimeType -ne 'image/jpeg')
            Write-Warning "This method will only effect the output quality of jpeg images."

        Write-Output -InputObject $_.Quality($Quality)

   Applies a filter to the current image.
   Applies a filter to the current image. Available filters are:
.PARAMETER InputObject
   Specifies the objects to send down the pipeline. Enter a variable that contains the objects, or type a command or
   expression that gets the objects.
   The name of the filter to add to the image.
   Get-ImageStream Capture.png | Add-PIPFilter -Filter blackwhite

function Add-PIPFilter


        switch ($Filter.ToLower())
            'blackwhite'    {$filterObject = [ImageProcessor.Imaging.Filters.MatrixFilters]::BlackWhite }
            'comic'            {$filterObject = [ImageProcessor.Imaging.Filters.MatrixFilters]::Comic }
            'lomograph'        {$filterObject = [ImageProcessor.Imaging.Filters.MatrixFilters]::Lomograph }
            'greyscale'        {$filterObject = [ImageProcessor.Imaging.Filters.MatrixFilters]::GreyScale }
            'polaroid'        {$filterObject = [ImageProcessor.Imaging.Filters.MatrixFilters]::Polaroid }
            'sepia'            {$filterObject = [ImageProcessor.Imaging.Filters.MatrixFilters]::Sepia }
            'gotham'        {$filterObject = [ImageProcessor.Imaging.Filters.MatrixFilters]::Gotham }
            'hisatch'        {$filterObject = [ImageProcessor.Imaging.Filters.MatrixFilters]::HiSatch }
            'losatch'        {$filterObject = [ImageProcessor.Imaging.Filters.MatrixFilters]::LoSatch }
            'invert'        {$filterObject = [ImageProcessor.Imaging.Filters.MatrixFilters]::Invert }
            Default {}

        Write-Output -InputObject $_.Filter($filterObject)

   Adds rounded corners to the current image.
   Adds rounded corners to the current image.
   The radius at which the corner will be rounded.
   A value indicating whether top left corners are to be added.
   A value indicating whether top right corners are to be added.
   A value indicating whether bottom left corners are to be added.
.PARAMETER BottomRight
   A value indicating whether bottom right corners are to be added.
.PARAMETER BackgroundColor
   The System.Drawing.Color to set as the background color. Used primarily for image formats that do not support transparency.
   Get-ImageStream Capture.png | Add-PIPRoundedCorners

function Add-PIPRoundedCorners







        $layer = New-Object ImageProcessor.Imaging.RoundedCornerLayer

        if ($PSBoundParameters["Radius"])
            $layer.Radius = $Radius
        if ($PSBoundParameters["BackgroundColor"])
            $layer.BackgroundColor = $BackgroundColor
        if ($TopLeft)
            $layer.TopLeft = $TopLeft
        if ($TopRight)
            $layer.TopRight = $TopRight
        if ($BottomLeft)
            $layer.BottomLeft = $BottomLeft
        if ($BottomRight)
            $layer.BottomRight = $BottomRight

        Write-Output -InputObject $_.RoundedCorners($layer)

   Flips the current image either horizontally or vertically.
   Flips the current image either horizontally or vertically.
.PARAMETER InputObject
   Specifies the objects to send down the pipeline. Enter a variable that contains the objects, or type a command or
   expression that gets the objects.
.PARAMETER Vertically
   Whether to flip the image vertically.
   Get-ImageStream Capture.png | Invoke-PIPImageFlip

function Invoke-PIPImageFlip


        Write-Output -InputObject $_.Flip($Vertically)

   Resets the current image to its original loaded state.
   Resets the current image to its original loaded state.
.PARAMETER InputObject
   Specifies the objects to send down the pipeline. Enter a variable that contains the objects, or type a command or
   expression that gets the objects.
.PARAMETER Vertically
   Whether to flip the image vertically.
   Get-ImageStream Capture.png | Invoke-PIPImageFlip

function Reset-PIPImage

        Write-Output -InputObject $_.Reset()

   Adds a vignette image effect to the current image.
   Adds a vignette image effect to the current image.
.PARAMETER InputObject
   Specifies the objects to send down the pipeline. Enter a variable that contains the objects, or type a command or
   expression that gets the objects.
   Get-ImageStream Capture.png | Invoke-PIPVignette

function Add-PIPVignette

        Write-Output -InputObject $_.Vignette()

   Changes the opacity of the current image.
   Changes the opacity of the current image.
.PARAMETER InputObject
   Specifies the objects to send down the pipeline. Enter a variable that contains the objects, or type a command or
   expression that gets the objects.
.PARAMETER Percentage
    The percentage by which to alter the images opacity. Any integer between 0 and 100.
   Get-ImageStream Capture.png | Invoke-PIPAlpha -Percentage 50

function Set-PIPAlpha


        Write-Output -InputObject $_.Alpha($Percentage)

   Changes the brightness of the current image.
   Changes the brightness of the current image.
.PARAMETER InputObject
   Specifies the objects to send down the pipeline. Enter a variable that contains the objects, or type a command or
   expression that gets the objects.
.PARAMETER Percentage
    The percentage by which to alter the images brightness. Any integer between 0 and 100.
   Get-ImageStream Capture.png | Invoke-PIPBrightness -Percentage 50

function Set-PIPBrightness


        Write-Output -InputObject $_.Brightness($Percentage)

   Changes the contrast of the current image.
   Changes the contrast of the current image.
.PARAMETER InputObject
   Specifies the objects to send down the pipeline. Enter a variable that contains the objects, or type a command or
   expression that gets the objects.
.PARAMETER Percentage
    The percentage by which to alter the images contrast. Any integer between 0 and 100.
   Get-ImageStream Capture.png | Invoke-PIPContrast -Percentage 50

function Set-PIPContrast


        Write-Output -InputObject $_.Contrast($Percentage)

   Changes the saturation of the current image.
   Changes the saturation of the current image.
.PARAMETER InputObject
   Specifies the objects to send down the pipeline. Enter a variable that contains the objects, or type a command or
   expression that gets the objects.
.PARAMETER Percentage
    The percentage by which to alter the images saturation. Any integer between 0 and 100.
   Get-ImageStream Capture.png | Invoke-PIPSaturation -Percentage 50

function Set-PIPSaturation


        Write-Output -InputObject $_.Saturation($Percentage)

   Saves the current image to the specified file path.
   Saves the current image to the specified file path.
.PARAMETER InputObject
   Specifies the objects to send down the pipeline. Enter a variable that contains the objects, or type a command or
   expression that gets the objects.
   The path to save the image to.
   Get-ImageStream C:\temp\Capture.PNG | Set-ImageSize -Width 100 -Height 100 | Save-Image -Path c:\temp\captureresize.png

function Save-PIPImage


        # ImageProcessor.ImageFactory.Save() Requires an aboslute path
        if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace((Split-Path $Path)) -or (Split-Path $Path) -eq '.')
            $Path = Join-Path -Path $pwd -ChildPath $Path

        Write-Debug $Path
            $output = $_.Save($Path) 
            Write-Error -ErrorRecord $_
        Write-Output -InputObject (Get-Item $Path)