
    Sends the output of a cmdlet to a txt file and a clixml file
    Sends the output of a cmdlet to a txt file and a clixml file
    Incoming object data
    File name
    User that the data is being exported from
    Change existing file
    xml file format
    csv file format
    txt file format
    Notification that data retrieved meets the investigation criteria
    Determined what file is being used for export of data
    Need to review investigation criteria of data being exported
Function Out-MultipleFileType {
        [Parameter (ValueFromPipeLine = $true)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)]
        [switch]$Append = $false,
        [switch]$xml = $false,
        [Switch]$csv = $false,
        [Switch]$txt = $false,
        [Switch]$json = $false,


    begin {

        # If no file types were specified then we need to error out here
        if (($xml -eq $false) -and ($csv -eq $false) -and ($txt -eq $false) -and ($json -eq $false)) {
            Out-LogFile "[ERROR] - No output type specified on object"
            Write-Error -Message "No output type specified on object" -ErrorAction Stop

        # Null out our array
        [array]$AllObject = $null

        # Set the output path
        if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($User)) {
            $path = join-path $Osprey.filepath "\Tenant"
            # Test the path if it is there do nothing otherwise create it
            if (test-path $path) { }
            else {
                Out-LogFile ("Making output directory for Tenant " + $Path) -silentoutput
                $Null = New-Item $Path -ItemType Directory
        else {
            $path = join-path $Osprey.filepath $user

            # Set a bool so we know this is a user output
            [bool]$UserOutput = $true
            # Build short name of user so that it is easier to read
            [string]$ShortUser = ($User.split('@'))[0]

            # Test the path if it is there do nothing otherwise create it
            if (test-path $path) { }
            else {
                Out-LogFile ("Making output directory for user " + $Path) -silentoutput
                $Null = New-Item $Path -ItemType Directory


    process {
        # Collect up all of the incoming data into a single object for processing and output
        [array]$AllObject = $AllObject + $Object


    end {
        if ($null -eq $AllObject) {
            Out-LogFile "No Data Found"
        else {

            # Determine what file type or types we need to write this object into and output it

            ##Output XML File##

            if ($xml -eq $true) {
                # lets put the xml files in a separate directory to not clutter things up
                $xmlpath = Join-path $Path XML
                if (Test-path $xmlPath) { }
                else {
                    Out-LogFile ("Making output directory for xml files " + $xmlPath) -silentoutput
                    $null = New-Item $xmlPath -ItemType Directory

                # Build the file name and write it out
                if ($UserOutput) {
                    $filename = Join-Path $xmlpath ($FilePrefix + "_" + $ShortUser + ".xml")
                else {
                    $filename = Join-Path $xmlPath ($FilePrefix + ".xml")
                Out-LogFile ("Writing Data to " + $filename) -silentoutput

                # Output our objects to clixml
                $AllObject | Export-Clixml $filename

                # If notice is set we need to write the file name to _Investigate.txt
                if ($Notice) { Out-LogFile -string ($filename) -silentnotice }

            ##Output JSON File##

            if ($json -eq $true) {

                # lets put the xml files in a separate directory to not clutter things up
                $jsonpath = Join-path $Path JSON
                if (Test-path $jsonPath) { }
                else {
                    Out-LogFile ("Making output directory for JSON files " + $jsonPath) -silentoutput
                    $null = New-Item $jsonPath -ItemType Directory
                # Build the file name
                if ($UserOutput) {
                    $filename = Join-Path $jsonPath ($FilePrefix + "_" + $ShortUser + ".json")
                else {
                    $filename = Join-Path $jsonPath ($FilePrefix + ".json")

                # If we have -append then append the data
                if ($append) {

                    Out-LogFile ("Appending Data to " + $filename) -silentoutput

                    # Write it out to json making sure to append
                    $AllObject | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | Out-File -FilePath $filename -Append

                # Otherwise overwrite
                else {
                    Out-LogFile ("Writing Data to " + $filename) -silentoutput
                    $AllObject | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | Out-File -FilePath $filename

                # If notice is set we need to write the file name to _Investigate.txt
                if ($Notice) { Out-LogFile -string ($filename) -silentnotice }

            ##Output CSV file##

            if ($csv -eq $true) {
                # Build the file name
                if ($UserOutput) {
                    $filename = Join-Path $Path ($FilePrefix + "_" + $ShortUser + ".csv")
                else {
                    $filename = Join-Path $Path ($FilePrefix + ".csv")

                # If we have -append then append the data
                if ($append) {

                    Out-LogFile ("Appending Data to " + $filename)

                    # Write it out to csv making sure to append
                    $AllObject | Export-Csv $filename -NoTypeInformation -Append -Encoding UTF8

                # Otherwise overwrite
                else {
                    Out-LogFile ("Writing Data to " + $filename)
                    $AllObject | Export-Csv $filename -NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8

                # If notice is set we need to write the file name to _Investigate.txt
                if ($Notice) { Out-LogFile -string ($filename) -silentnotice }

            ##Output Text files##

            if ($txt -eq $true) {
                # Build the file name
                if ($UserOutput) {
                    $filename = Join-Path $Path ($FilePrefix + "_" + $ShortUser + ".txt")
                else {
                    $filename = Join-Path $Path ($FilePrefix + ".txt")

                # If we have -append then append the data
                if ($Append) {
                    Out-LogFile ("Appending Data to " + $filename) -silentnotice
                    $AllObject | Format-List * | Out-File $filename -Append

                # Otherwise overwrite
                else {
                    Out-LogFile ("Writing Data to " + $filename)
                    $AllObject | Format-List * | Out-File $filename

                # If notice is set we need to write the file name to _Investigate.txt
                if ($Notice) { Out-LogFile -string ($filename) -silentnotice }

        Return $filename | Out-null