
    Gather basic tenant configuration and saves the output to a text file
    Gathers information about tenant wide settings
    * Audit Log Configuration
    * Organization Configuration
    * Remote domains
    * Transport Rules
    * Transport Configuration
 #conf 7/13
Function Get-OspreyTenantConfiguration {

    $InformationPreference = "Continue"

    #Check Audit Log Config Setting and make sure it is enabled
    Out-LogFile "Gathering Tenant Configuration Information" -action

    Out-LogFile "Gathering Audit Log Configuration"
    Get-AdminAuditLogConfig | Out-MultipleFileType -FilePrefix "AuditLogConfig" -txt -xml

    if (-not (Get-AdminAuditLogConfig).UnifiedAuditLogIngestionEnabled) {
        Out-Logfile "!WARNING! Audit logging is NOT enabled. Post-incident enabling of UAL does not allow visibility into past events." -notice

    Out-LogFile "Getting Organization Configuration"
    Get-OrganizationConfig | Out-MultipleFileType -FilePrefix "OrgConfig" -xml -txt

    Out-LogFile "Getting Remote Domains"
    Get-RemoteDomain | Out-MultipleFileType -FilePrefix "RemoteDomain" -xml -csv -json

    Out-LogFile "Getting Transport Rules"
    $TransportRules = Get-TransportRule
    $TransportRules | Out-MultipleFileType -FilePrefix "TransportRules" -xml -csv -json

    $InvestigateLog = @()
    foreach ($rule in $transportrules) {
        if ($rule.WhenChanged -gt $Osprey.StartDate) {
            $InvestigateLog += $rule #append flagged rules
    if ($InvestigateLog.count -gt 0) {
        Out-Logfile "Found Transport Rules modified during investigation window."
        $InvestigateLog | Out-MultipleFileType -fileprefix "_Investigate_TransportRules" -csv -json -xml -notice

    Out-LogFile "Getting Transport Configuration"
    Get-TransportConfig | Out-MultipleFileType -FilePrefix "TransportConfig" -xml -csv -json