
Function Out-Report {
    Adds the data to an XML report
    Adds the data to an XML report
    User Identity for the report
    xml property
    Value of xml element
.PARAMETER Description
    Description of element
    Color mapping
    Element link
    Add the data to an XML report
    General notes
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    # Force the case on all our critical values
    #$Property = $Property.tolower()
    #$Identity = $Identity.tolower()

    # Set our output path
    # Single report file for all outputs user/tenant/etc.
    # This might change in the future???
    $reportpath = Join-path $Osprey.filepath report.xml

    # Switch statement to handle the state to color mapping
    switch ($State) {
        Warning { $highlighcolor = "#FF8000" }
        Success { $highlighcolor = "Green" }
        Error { $highlighcolor = "#8A0808" }
        default { $highlighcolor = "Light Grey" }

    # Check if we have our XSL file in the output directory
    $xslpath = Join-path $Osprey.filepath Report.xsl

    if (Test-Path $xslpath ) { }
    else {
        # Copy the XSL file into the current output path
        $sourcepath = join-path (split-path (Get-Module Osprey).path) report.xsl
        if (test-path $sourcepath) {
            Copy-Item -Path $sourcepath -Destination $Osprey.filepath
        # If we couldn't find it throw and error and stop
        else {
            Write-Error ("Unable to find transform file " + $sourcepath) -ErrorAction Stop

    # See if we have already created a report file
    # If so we need to import it
    if (Test-path $reportpath) {
        $reportxml = $null
        [xml]$reportxml = get-content $reportpath
    # Since we have NOTHING we will create a new XML and just add / save / and exit
    else {
        Out-LogFile ("Creating new Report file" + $reportpath)
        # Create the report xml object
        $reportxml = New-Object xml

        # Create the xml declaraiton and stylesheet
        $reportxml.AppendChild($reportxml.CreateXmlDeclaration("1.0", $null, $null)) | Out-Null
        # $xmlstyle = "type=`"text/xsl`" href=`"`""
        # $reportxml.AppendChild($reportxml.CreateProcessingInstruction("xml-stylesheet",$xmlstyle)) | Out-Null

        # Create all of the needed elements
        $newreport = $reportxml.CreateElement("report")
        $newentity = $reportxml.CreateElement("entity")
        $newentityidentity = $reportxml.CreateElement("identity")
        $newentityproperty = $reportxml.CreateElement("property")
        $newentitypropertyname = $reportxml.CreateElement("name")
        $newentitypropertyvalue = $reportxml.CreateElement("value")
        $newentitypropertycolor = $reportxml.CreateElement("color")
        $newentitypropertydescription = $reportxml.CreateElement("description")
        $newentitypropertylink = $reportxml.CreateElement("link")

        ### Build the XML from the bottom up ###
        # Add the property values to the entity object
        $newentityproperty.AppendChild($newentitypropertyname) | Out-Null
        $newentityproperty.AppendChild($newentitypropertyvalue) | Out-Null
        $newentityproperty.AppendChild($newentitypropertycolor) | Out-Null
        $newentityproperty.AppendChild($newentitypropertydescription) | Out-Null
        $newentityproperty.AppendChild($newentitypropertylink) | Out-Null

        # Set the values for the leaf nodes we just added
        $ = $Property
        $newentityproperty.value = $Value
        $newentityproperty.color = $highlighcolor
        $newentityproperty.description = $Description
        $ = $Link

        # Add the identity element to the entity and set its value
        $newentity.AppendChild($newentityidentity) | Out-Null
        $newentity.identity = $Identity

        # Add the property to the entity
        $newentity.AppendChild($newentityproperty) | Out-Null

        # Add the entity to the report
        $newreport.AppendChild($newentity) | Out-Null

        # Add the whole thing to the xml root
        $reportxml.AppendChild($newreport) | Out-Null

        # save the xml

    # We need to check if an entity with the ID $identity already exists
    if ($$Identity)) { }
    # Didn't find and entity so we are going to create the whole thing and once
    else {
        # Create all of the needed elements
        $newentity = $reportxml.CreateElement("entity")
        $newentityidentity = $reportxml.CreateElement("identity")
        $newentityproperty = $reportxml.CreateElement("property")
        $newentitypropertyname = $reportxml.CreateElement("name")
        $newentitypropertyvalue = $reportxml.CreateElement("value")
        $newentitypropertycolor = $reportxml.CreateElement("color")
        $newentitypropertydescription = $reportxml.CreateElement("description")
        $newentitypropertylink = $reportxml.CreateElement("link")

        ### Build the XML from the bottom up ###
        # Add the property values to the entity object
        $newentityproperty.AppendChild($newentitypropertyname) | Out-Null
        $newentityproperty.AppendChild($newentitypropertyvalue) | Out-Null
        $newentityproperty.AppendChild($newentitypropertycolor) | Out-Null
        $newentityproperty.AppendChild($newentitypropertydescription) | Out-Null
        $newentityproperty.AppendChild($newentitypropertylink) | Out-Null

        # Set the values for the leaf nodes we just added
        $ = $Property
        $newentityproperty.value = $Value
        $newentityproperty.color = $highlighcolor
        $newentityproperty.description = $Description
        $ = $Link

        # Add them together and set values
        $newentity.AppendChild($newentityidentity) | Out-Null
        $newentity.identity = $Identity
        $newentity.AppendChild($newentityproperty) | Out-Null

        # Add the new entity stub back to the XML
        $$newentity) | Out-Null

    # Now we need to check for the property we are looking to add
    # The property exists so we need to update it
    if (($ | Where-Object { $_.identity -eq $Identity })$Property)) {
        ### Update existing property ###
        (($ | Where-Object { $_.identity -eq $Identity }).property | Where-Object { $ -eq $Property }).value = $Value
        (($ | Where-Object { $_.identity -eq $Identity }).property | Where-Object { $ -eq $Property }).color = $highlighcolor
        (($ | Where-Object { $_.identity -eq $Identity }).property | Where-Object { $ -eq $Property }).description = $Description
        (($ | Where-Object { $_.identity -eq $Identity }).property | Where-Object { $ -eq $Property }).link = $Link
    # We need to add the property to the entity
    else {
        ### Add new property to existing Entity ###
        # Create the elements that we are going to need
        $newproperty = $reportxml.CreateElement("property")
        $newname = $reportxml.CreateElement("name")
        $newvalue = $reportxml.CreateElement("value")
        $newcolor = $reportxml.CreateElement("color")
        $newdescription = $reportxml.CreateElement("description")
        $newlink = $reportxml.CreateElement("link")

        # Add on all of the elements
        $newproperty.AppendChild($newname) | Out-Null
        $newproperty.AppendChild($newvalue) | Out-Null
        $newproperty.AppendChild($newcolor) | Out-Null
        $newproperty.AppendChild($newdescription) | Out-Null
        $newproperty.AppendChild($newlink) | Out-Null

        # Set the values
        $ = $Property
        $newproperty.value = $Value
        $newproperty.color = $highlighcolor
        $newproperty.description = $Description
        $ = $Link

        # Add the newly created property to the entity
        ($ | Where-Object { $_.identity -eq $Identity }).AppendChild($newproperty) | Out-Null

    # Make sure we save our changes

    # Convert it to HTML and Save
    Convert-ReportToHTML -Xml $reportpath -Xsl $xslpath