
    The Osprey module has been designed to ease the burden on O365 administrators who are performing a forensic analysis in their organization.
    It does NOT take the place of a human reviewing the data generated and is simply here to make data gathering easier.

    Osprey provides Limited analysis of the gathered data. This is by design! Osprey is here to help get all of the data in a single place it is not designed to make any significant conclusions about this data.
    This is intentional since it is impossible for the tool to know enough about your environment or what you are concerned about to make a legitimate analysis of the data.

    Osprey's goal is to quickly get you the data that is needed to come to a conclusion; not to make the conclusion for you.
    We've structured the exported data in a manner of which can help analysts quickly triage known malicious Indicators Of Compromise (IOC) but again is NOT an all exhaustive list.

    Osprey is divided into two primary forms of cmdlets; user based Cmdlets and tenant based cmdlets.

    User based cmdlets take the form Verb-OspreyUser. They all expect a -user switch and will retrieve information specific to the user that is specified.
    Tenant based cmdlets take the form Verb-OspreyTenant. They don't need any switches and will return information about the whole tenant.

    A good starting place is the Start-OspreyTenantInvestigation this will run all the tenant based cmdlets and provide a collection of data to start with.
    Once this data has been reviewed if there are specific user(s) that more information should be gathered on Start-OspreyUserInvestigation will gather all the User specific information for a single user.

    All Osprey cmdlets include help that provides an overview of the data they gather and a listing of all possible output files.
    Run Get-Help -full to see the full help output for a given Osprey cmdlet.

    Some of the Osprey cmdlets will flag results that should be further reviewed. These will appear in _Investigate files.
    These are NOT indicative of unwanted activity but are simply things that should reviewed.
