
It get values of item in laguage based on LanguageMask variable
It setup on non-live environemts sending SMS to fake
.PARAMETER ListedExceptions
  List of execptions where is the reason to retry
.PARAMETER ExceptionMessage
  Execetion message to evaluate
  Test-OriAzExrIsInExceptionList `
  -ListedExceptions @("Timeout", "Try again later") `
  -ExceptionMessage 'Something TimeOut Something'

function Test-OriAzExrIsInExceptionList {

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "List of exptions")]
    [string[]] $ListedExceptions,

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Exception message")]
    [string] $ExceptionMessage

  #in case of any error we want to stop execution, in stderr having the error. Use try-catch to handle errors if needed.
  $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop";

  Write-Debug "-- Test-OriAzExrIsInExceptionList --"
  foreach ($OneItem in $ListedExceptions) {
    Write-Debug "OneItem: $OneItem "
  Write-Debug "ExceptionMessage: $ExceptionMessage "

  foreach ($OneItem in $ListedExceptions) {
    if ($ExceptionMessage -ilike "*$OneItem*") {
      return $true

  return $false