
#region functions
function Get-MgaSharePointFiles {
With Get-MgaSharePointFiles you can get a list of sharepoint files in a specific site.
This is the URL to sharepoint, but the tenantname (before .onmicrosoft.com) is sufficient.
This is the URL to sharepoint, but the tenantname (before .onmicrosoft.com) is sufficient
This is the sitename where the files are stored in.
.PARAMETER ChildFolders
Add childfolders as an array firstfolder,subfolder,subsubfolder
$SPItems = Get-MgaSharePointFiles -TenantName 'BWIT.onmicrosoft.com' -Site 'Team_' -ChildFolders 'O365Reports'

    param (
        [Parameter(mandatory , HelpMessage = 'This is the URL to sharepoint, but the tenantname (before .onmicrosoft.com) is sufficient')]
        [Parameter(mandatory, HelpMessage = 'Add the sitename')]
        [Parameter(mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Add childfolders as an array firstfolder,subfolder,subsubfolder')]
    begin {
        if ($TenantName -like '*.*') {
            $TenantName = $TenantName.split('.')[0]
            Write-Verbose "Get-MgaSharePointFiles: begin: Converted TenantName to $TenantName"
        else {
            Write-Verbose "Get-MgaSharePointFiles: begin: TenantName is $TenantName"
        Write-Verbose "Get-MgaSharePointFiles: begin: Site is $Sitename" 
        $SPURL = 'https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/sites/{0}.sharepoint.com:/sites/{1}/' -f $TenantName, $Site
        Write-Verbose "Get-MgaSharePointFiles: begin: SPURL is $SPURL" 
        $SPChildrenURL = "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/sites/{0}/drive/items/root"
        $i = 1
        if ($ChildFolders) {
            $SPChildrenURL = "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/sites/{0}/drive/items/root:"
            foreach ($ChildFolder in $ChildFolders) {
                if ($i -eq $($ChildFolders).count) {
                    $SPChildrenURL = "$($SPChildrenURL)/$($ChildFolder):/children"
                else {
                    $SPChildrenURL = "$($SPChildrenURL)/$($ChildFolder)"
        else {
            $SPChildrenURL = "$($SPChildrenURL)/children"
    process {
        $SPsite = Get-Mga -URL $SPURL
        $SPItemsURL = $($SPChildrenURL) -f $SPSite.id
        Write-Verbose "Get-MgaSharePointFiles: begin: SPItemsURL is $SPItemsURL" 
        $SPItems = Get-Mga -URL $SPItemsURL
    end {
        return $SPItems

function Download-MgaSharePointFiles {
    With Download-MgaSharePointFiles you can download files from a SP Site.
    Download-MgaSharePointFiles will only work with Get-MgaSharePointFiles return.
    This Parameter needs the return from Get-MgaSharePointFiles.
    .PARAMETER OutputFolder
    This is a FolderPath to where the files need to be exported
    foreach ($Item in $SPItems) {
        Download-MgaSharePointFiles -SPItem $Item -OutputFolder 'C:\temp\'

    param (
        [parameter(mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "OutputFolder")]
    begin {
        if (($OutputFolder) -and ($OutputFolder.Substring($OutputFolder.Length - 1, 1) -eq '\')) {
            Write-Verbose "Download-MgaSharePointFiles: begin: $OutputFolder ends with a '\' script will trim the end"
            $OutputFolder = $OutputFolder.TrimEnd('\')
    process {
        try {
            try {
                $ContentInBytes = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $spitem.'@microsoft.graph.downloadUrl'
            catch {
                try {
                    if ($_.Exception.Message -like "*Internet Explorer engine*") {
                        $ContentInBytes = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $spitem.'@microsoft.graph.downloadUrl' -UseBasicParsing
                    else {
                        throw $_.Exception.Message
                catch {
                    throw $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Verbose "Download-MgaSharePointFiles: process: retrieved $($SPItem.Name) content"
            if ($OutputFolder) {
                Write-Verbose "Download-MgaSharePointFiles: process: Exporting $($SPItem.Name) content"
                [System.IO.file]::WriteAllBytes("$OutputFolder\$($SPItem.Name)", $ContentInBytes.content)
                $Return = "Exported $($SPItem.Name) in $OutputFolder"
            else {
                Write-Verbose "Download-MgaSharePointFiles: process: Converting $($SPItem.Name) content to UTF8 to return"
                $Return = ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString($ContentInBytes.content)).substring(2)
        catch {
            throw $_.Exception.Message
    end {
        return $Return

function Upload-MgaSharePointFiles {
Long description
Parameter description
Parameter description
Parameter description
Parameter description
Parameter description
.PARAMETER ChildFolders
Parameter description
An example
General notes

    param (
        [Parameter(mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'ItemPath')]
        [Parameter(mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Item')]
        [Parameter(mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateSet('SharePoint', 'OneDrive')]
        $Type = 'SharePoint', 
        [Parameter(mandatory , HelpMessage = 'This is the URL to sharepoint, but the tenantname (before .onmicrosoft.com) is sufficient')]
        [Parameter(mandatory, HelpMessage = 'Add the sitename')]
        [Parameter(mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Add childfolders as an array firstfolder,subfolder,subsubfolder')]
    begin {
        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'ItemPath') {
            if ((Test-path $ItemPath) -eq $false) {
                throw "File $ItemPath cannot be found"
            else {
                $File = Get-Item $ItemPath
                $LocalFileBytes = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($File)
        else {
            $File = $Item
            $LocalFileBytes = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($File.FullName)
        if ($TenantName -like '*.*') {
            $TenantName = $TenantName.split('.')[0]
            Write-Verbose "Upload-MgaSharePointFiles: begin: Converted TenantName to $TenantName"
        else {
            Write-Verbose "Upload-MgaSharePointFiles: begin: TenantName is $TenantName"
        Write-Verbose "Upload-MgaSharePointFiles: begin: Site is $Site" 
        $SPURL = 'https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/sites/{0}.sharepoint.com:/sites/{1}/' -f $TenantName, $Site
        Write-Verbose "Upload-MgaSharePointFiles: begin: SPURL is $SPURL" 
        $SPChildrenURL = "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/sites/{0}/drive/items/root:"
        $i = 1
        if ($ChildFolders) {
            foreach ($ChildFolder in $ChildFolders) {
                if ($i -eq $($ChildFolders).count) {
                    $SPChildrenURL = "$($SPChildrenURL)/$($ChildFolder)/{1}:/createUploadSession"
                    Write-Verbose "Upload-MgaSharePointFiles: begin: ChildFolder URL is $SPChildrenURL"
                else {
                    $SPChildrenURL = "$($SPChildrenURL)/$($ChildFolder)"
        else {
            $SPChildrenURL = "$($SPChildrenURL)/{1}:/createUploadSession"

        if ($Type -eq 'OneDrive') {
            $global:SPURL = $SPURL.Replace('/sites/', '/drives/')
            $global:SPChildrenURL = $SPChildrenURL.Replace('/sites/', '/drives/')
            $global:SPURL = $SPURL.Replace('/drive/', '')
            $global:SPChildrenURL = $SPChildrenURL.Replace('/drive/', '')
    process {
        $SPsite = Get-Mga -URL $SPURL
        $SPItemsURL = $($SPChildrenURL) -f $SPSite.id, $File.Name
        Write-Verbose "Upload-MgaSharePointFiles: begin: Upload URL is $SPItemsURL"
        $uploadUrlResponse = Post-Mga -URL $SPItemsURL
        $contentRange = [string]::Format('bytes 0-{0}/{1}', $($LocalFileBytes.Length - 1), $LocalFileBytes.Length)
        $Header = @{}
        $Header.Add('Content-Length', $LocalFileBytes.Length)
        $Header.Add('Content-Range', $contentRange)
        $Header.Add('Content-Type', 'octet/stream')
        Write-Verbose $contentRange
        $UploadResult = Put-Mga -URL $uploadUrlResponse.uploadUrl -InputObject $LocalFileBytes -CustomHeader $Header -verbose
    end {
        return $UploadResult

function Get-MgaSharePointList {
    param (
        [Parameter(mandatory, HelpMessage = 'Add the sitename')]
        [Parameter(mandatory, HelpMessage = 'Add the Listname')]
        [Parameter(mandatory , HelpMessage = 'This is the URL to sharepoint, but the tenantname (before .onmicrosoft.com) is sufficient')]
    begin {
        Write-Verbose "Get-MgaSharePointList: begin: site: $Site"
        Write-Verbose "Get-MgaSharePointList: begin: list: $List"
        if ($TenantName -like '*.*') {
            $TenantName = $TenantName.split('.')[0]
            Write-Verbose "Get-MgaSharePointList: begin: Converted TenantName to $TenantName"
        else {
            Write-Verbose "Get-MgaSharePointList: begin: TenantName is $TenantName"
    process {        
        $SPSiteURL = 'https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/sites/{0}.sharepoint.com:/sites/{1}/' -f $TenantName, $Site
        $SPSite = Get-Mga -URL $SPSiteURL
        $SPListURL = 'https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/sites/{0}/lists/{1}/items?expand=fields' -f $SPSite.id, $List
        $Response = Get-Mga -URL $SPListURL 
    end {
        return $Response