
function Invoke-OSReIndex {
        Starts a Re-index operation.

        Starts a re-index operation on a specific index in the OpenSearch cluster. Re-index operations are how data is migrated, moved, combined, etc. If WaitForCompletion is $True it will return an object describing the re-index operation. If WaitForCompletion is $False (default) it will return a Task Id and run in the background. Regardless, stopping PowerShell execution will *not* stop reindex operation.

    .PARAMETER SourceIndex
        Name of the source index.

    .PARAMETER DestinationIndex
        Name of the destination index.

    .PARAMETER WaitForCompletion
        If $True, pause script execution until the re-index operation completes. This can take a long time. $False is default.

    .PARAMETER MaxDocs
        Maximum number of documents to re-index. Default is all.

    .PARAMETER Slices
        Number of sub-tasks to divide the task into. Default is 1. Set to 'auto' to automatically decide, or another number.

    .PARAMETER RequestsPerSecond
        Throttle requests per second. Default does not throttle.

    .PARAMETER SourceQuery
        Optional JSON DSL query to only re-index if it matches the query.

        'index' (default) copies everything missing from the source index. 'create' ignores documents with the same doc id. Data streams only support 'create'.

    .PARAMETER IngestPipeline
        Name of an ingest pipeline to use during reindex.

    .PARAMETER Credential
        PSCredential for basic authentication to OpenSearch.

    .PARAMETER Certificate
        User certificate for certificate authentication to OpenSearch.

    .PARAMETER OpenSearchURL
        URL(s) to OpenSearch instance. Do not include any path or api endpoint.













    # Data validation
    if ($null -ne $Slices){
        if ($Slices.GetType().Name -eq 'String'){
            if ($Slices -ne 'auto'){
                throw "Slices must be either the string 'auto', or an integer."
        elseif ($Slices.GetType().Name -ne 'Int32' -and $Slices.GetType().Name -ne 'Int64'){
            throw "Slices must be either the string 'auto', or an integer."
    if ($OpType -ne ''){
        if ($OpType -ne 'index' -and $OpType -ne 'create'){
            throw "OpType must be either 'index' or 'create'"

    # URL parameters
    $Request = '/_reindex'

    # Every parameter is seperated by an '&' unless it is the first parameter then '?'
    if ($null -ne $Slices){
        if ($Request -notmatch '\?') { $Request += '?' }
        else { $Request += '&' }
        $Request += "slices=$Slices"
    if ($MaxDocs -ne -1){
        if ($Request -notmatch '\?') { $Request += '?' }
        else { $Request += '&' }
        $Request += "max_docs=$MaxDocs"
    if ($RequestsPerSecond -ne -1){
        if ($Request -notmatch '\?') { $Request += '?' }
        else { $Request += '&' }
        $Request += "requests_per_second=$RequestsPerSecond"
    # Wait for completion will always be added - they claim 'false' is default but that's not the behavior I've seen
    if ($Request -match '_reindex$') { $Request += '?' }
    elseif ($Request -match '\?') { $Request += '&' }
    $Request += "wait_for_completion=" + ([String]$WaitForCompletion).ToLower()

    # Build body
    $Body = @{
        'source' = @{
            'index' = $SourceIndex
        'dest' = @{
            'index' = $DestinationIndex

    # If Ingest Pipeline is used, specify it
    if ($IngestPipeline -ne ''){
        $Body.dest.pipeline = $IngestPipeline

    if ($OpType -ne ''){
        $Body.dest.op_type = $OpType
    if ($null -ne $SourceQuery){
        # Very likely some will pass 'query' as the first hashtable, but not guranteed
        if ($SourceQuery.Keys[0] -eq 'query'){
            $Body.source += $SourceQuery
        else {
            $Body.source.query = $SourceQuery

    $Body = $Body | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100

    $Response = Invoke-OSCustomWebRequest -Method 'POST' -Request $Request -OpenSearchUrls $OpenSearchURL -Credential $Credential -Certificate $Certificate -Body $Body

    # Return success and errors
    if ($Response.StatusCode -eq 200){
        $Response = $Response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 100
        return $Response
    else {
        throw $Response

Export-ModuleMember -Function Invoke-OSReIndex