function Enable-OSPerformanceAnalyzer { <# .SYNOPSIS Enable the Performance Analyzer plugin. .DESCRIPTION Enable the Performance Analyzer plugin. This only runs the enable commmand, you may need to do more to configure it: .PARAMETER RcaFramework Whether to enable the RCA (Root Cause Analysis) framework as well. .PARAMETER VerboseResponse Whether the output should include a more human readable Performance Analyzer status. .PARAMETER Credential PSCredential for basic authentication to OpenSearch. .PARAMETER Certificate User certificate for certificate authentication to OpenSearch. .PARAMETER OpenSearchURL URL(s) to OpenSearch instance. Do not include any path or api endpoint. .LINK .LINK .EXAMPLE Enable-OSPerformanceAnalyzer -RcaFramework Enable the Performance Analyzer plugin and Root Cause Analysis Framework #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [switch]$RcaFramework, [bool]$VerboseResponse=$true, [System.Management.Automation.Credential()] [PSCredential]$Credential=[PSCredential]::Empty, [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2]$Certificate, $OpenSearchURL ) # Build URL parameters if ($VerboseResponse -eq $True){ $UrlParameter = '?verbose' } # Build request $Request = '/_plugins/_performanceanalyzer/cluster/config' + $UrlParameter $Body = @{ 'enabled' = $True } | ConvertTo-Json $Params = @{ 'Request' = $Request 'Method' = 'POST' 'Body' = $Body 'Credential' = $Credential 'Certificate' = $Certificate 'OpenSearchUrls' = $OpenSearchURL } $Response = Invoke-OSCustomWebRequest @params # Optionally enable RCA Framework if ($Response.StatusCode -eq 200 -and $RcaFramework -eq $True){ # Delay seems to be necessary for some reason Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 # Build request $Request = '/_plugins/_performanceanalyzer/rca/cluster/config' + $UrlParameter $Body = @{ 'enabled' = $True } | ConvertTo-Json $Params = @{ 'Request' = $Request 'Method' = 'POST' 'Body' = $Body 'Credential' = $Credential 'Certificate' = $Certificate 'OpenSearchUrls' = $OpenSearchURL } $RcaResponse = Invoke-OSCustomWebRequest @params $RcaResponseContent = $RcaResponse.Content | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 100 if ($RcaResponse.StatusCode -ne 200){ throw $RcaResponseContent } } # Data seems to change since it runs the enable command, so double check after a few seconds Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 $CurrentStatus = Get-OSPerformanceAnalyzerStatus -VerboseResponse $True -Credential $Credential -Certificate $Certificate -OpenSearchURL $OpenSearchURL # Handle Response - Successfully enabled if ($RcaFramework -eq $True){ # Check that both were successfully enabled if ($CurrentStatus.PerformanceAnalyzerEnabled -eq $True -and $CurrentStatus.RcaEnabled -eq $True){ Write-Warning 'Performance Analyzer and RCA framework are enabled, but additional configuration may be necessary:' return $CurrentStatus } } else { if ($CurrentStatus.PerformanceAnalyzerEnabled -eq $True){ Write-Warning 'Performance Analyzer is enabled, but additional configuration may be necessary:' return $CurrentStatus } } # Handle Response - Failed enabling if ($Response.StatusCode -ne 200) { $ResponseContent = $Response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 100 throw $ResponseContent } else { throw 'Unable to enable Performance Analyzer for an unknown reason. Check your OpenSearch server and OpenSearch Performance Analyzer service logs. ' + $CurrentStatus } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Enable-OSPerformanceAnalyzer |