function Find-OSLogPS { <# .SYNOPSIS Searches PowerShell logs for values. .DESCRIPTION Specialized function for searching log data from PowerShell scripts. Defaults to max 5 returned results. Any non-reserved paramters passed to the function will turn into field/values to search OpenSearch. .PARAMETER Index Name of the PowerShell index to search. .PARAMETER LogLevel Search by the severity of the log. Can be one of the following: Information, Warning, Error, Fatal Error .PARAMETER ExecutionScript Search by name of the executing script. Example: MyScript.ps1 .PARAMETER ExecutionHostname Search by name of the computers hostname that executed the script. Example: MyDesktop .PARAMETER Size Max number of results to return. .PARAMETER Explain Return details about how OpenSearch computed the documents score. .PARAMETER Preference Prefer a shard or node on which to perform the search. Must be specified in a specific way, see: .PARAMETER Message Searches for contents in a log message. .PARAMETER Credential PSCredential for basic authentication to OpenSearch. .PARAMETER Certificate User certificate for certificate authentication to OpenSearch. .PARAMETER OpenSearchURL URL(s) to OpenSearch instance. Do not include any path or api endpoint. .EXAMPLE $Request = @{ 'IndexName' = 'log_ps_test' 'LogLevel' = 'Information' 'Message' = "This is my log" 'ExecutionScript' = 'Test.ps1' 'ExecutionHostname' = 'MyComputer' 'Size' = 20 'Explain' = $True } $Response = Find-OSLogPS @Request Write-Host $Response.hits.hits Write-Host 'Returned hits: ' $Response.hits.hits.Count Write-Host 'Total hits: ' $ .EXAMPLE Find-OSLogPS -LogLevel 'Error' #> [OutputType([System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject])] [CmdletBinding()] param( [string]$Index='log_ps', [ValidateSet('Information', 'Warning', 'Error', 'Fatal Error')] [string]$LogLevel, [string]$Message, [string]$ExecutionScript, [string]$ExecutionHostname, [Int64]$Size=5, [switch]$Explain, [string]$Preference, [Parameter(ValueFromRemainingArguments=$true)] $AdditionalParams, [System.Management.Automation.Credential()] [PSCredential]$Credential=[PSCredential]::Empty, [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2]$Certificate, $OpenSearchURL ) # Handle the arbitrary params if ($null -ne $AdditionalParams){ # If it's already a hashtable, don't do additional processing if ($AdditionalParams.GetType().Name -eq 'HashTable'){ $AdditionalParamsHash = $AdditionalParams } else { $AdditionalParamsHash = Convert-OSAdditionalParam -AdditionalParams $AdditionalParams } # Verify field names Confirm-OSFieldNamingStandard -FieldNames $AdditionalParamsHash } # Only lowercase index names are allowed $Index = $Index.ToLower() # Build URL parameters $UrlParameter = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new() [Void]$UrlParameter.Append("&size=$Size") if ($Explain -eq $True){ [Void]$UrlParameter.Append('&explain=true') } if ($Preference -ne ''){ [Void]$UrlParameter.Append("&preference=$Preference") } $UrlParameterString = $UrlParameter.ToString() # First URL parameter should be '?' not '&' if ($UrlParameterString -ne ''){ $UrlParameterString = $UrlParameterString.Substring(1) $UrlParameterString = '?' + $UrlParameterString } # Build query parameters $Query = @{ 'query' = @{ 'bool' = @{ 'must' = @( ) } } } $QueryMust = [System.Collections.Generic.List[Hashtable]]::new() if ($LogLevel -ne ''){ $QueryMust.Add(@{ 'match' = @{ 'LogLevel' = $LogLevel } }) } if ($Message -ne ''){ $QueryMust.Add(@{ 'match' = @{ 'Message' = $Message } }) } if ($ExecutionScript -ne ''){ $QueryMust.Add(@{ 'match' = @{ 'Execution Script' = $ExecutionScript } }) } if ($ExecutionHostname -ne ''){ $QueryMust.Add(@{ 'match' = @{ 'Execution Hostname' = $ExecutionHostname } }) } if ($null -ne $AdditionalParamsHash){ foreach ($Key in $AdditionalParamsHash.Keys){ $QueryMust.Add(@{ 'match' = @{ $Key = $AdditionalParamsHash.$Key } }) } } $Query.query.bool.must = $QueryMust.ToArray() # Build request $Request = $Index + '/_search' + $UrlParameterString $Body = $Query | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 $Params = @{ 'Request' = $Request 'Method' = 'GET' 'Credential' = $Credential 'Certificate' = $Certificate 'OpenSearchUrls' = $OpenSearchURL 'Body' = $Body } $Response = Invoke-OSCustomWebRequest @Params # Handle response if ($Response.StatusCode -eq 200){ $ResponseContent = $Response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 100 return $ResponseContent } else { throw $Response } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Find-OSLogPS |