function Add-OSLogPS { <# .SYNOPSIS Adds PowerShell log to a log_ps_* data stream. .DESCRIPTION Specialized function for logging data from various PowerShell scripts. Success returns nothing. Any non-reserved paramters passed to the function will turn into fields passed to OpenSearch. .PARAMETER Index Name of the PowerShell index to add to. Must be log_ps_misc OR follow format: log_ps_{SCRIPT NAME}_{OPTIONAL HOSTNAME}-{OPTIONAL EXTRA INFO} .PARAMETER DisableLocalLog Use to disable using the local LogFile option. Disabling will speed up the function. .PARAMETER LogFile Path to a local log file to save a copy of what's sent to OpenSearch. Defaults to: $PSScriptRoot/Logs/$ScriptName_OpenSearch_yyyy-MM-dd.json .PARAMETER LogLevel The severity of the log. Must be one of the following: Information, Warning, Error, Fatal Error .PARAMETER Message Log message. .PARAMETER DocumentId Optionally include an _id to index the document at. Do not specify to have OpenSearch generate one. .PARAMETER Credential PSCredential for basic authentication to OpenSearch. .PARAMETER Certificate User certificate for certificate authentication to OpenSearch. .PARAMETER OpenSearchURL URL(s) to OpenSearch instance. Do not include any path or api endpoint. .EXAMPLE PS>$Request = @{ PS>'Index' = 'log_ps_example' PS>'LogLevel' = 'Information' PS>'Message' = "Script is starting" PS>'AD.SamAccountName' = 'MyUser' PS>'LogFile' = './MyPath/ThisIsALog.json' PS>} PS>Add-OSLogPS @Request Use hashtable to add parameters with a period in the name. #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Index, [switch]$DisableLocalLog, [string]$LogFile, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateSet('Trace', 'Verbose', 'Information', 'Warning', 'Error', 'Critical')] [string]$LogLevel, [string]$Message, [string]$DocumentId, [Parameter(ValueFromRemainingArguments=$true)] $AdditionalParams, [System.Management.Automation.Credential()] [PSCredential]$Credential=[PSCredential]::Empty, [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2]$Certificate, $OpenSearchURL ) # Handle the arbitrary params if ($null -ne $AdditionalParams){ # If it's already a hashtable, don't do additional processing if ($AdditionalParams.GetType().Name -eq 'HashTable'){ $AdditionalParamsHash = $AdditionalParams } else { $AdditionalParamsHash = Convert-OSAdditionalParam -AdditionalParams $AdditionalParams } # Verify field names Confirm-OSFieldNamingStandard -FieldNames $AdditionalParamsHash } # Only lowercase index names are allowed $Index = $Index.ToLower() # Verify format of IndexName if ($Index -notmatch 'log_ps_'){ throw [System.ArgumentException] 'IndexName must be: log_ps_misc OR match the format: log_ps_{SCRIPT NAME}_{OPTIONAL HOSTNAME}-{OPTIONAL EXTRA INFO}' } # Script name is used for OpenSearch log and path to save local copy of log $ScriptName = $(Get-PSCallStack | Where-Object {$_.Command -match '.ps1'})[0].Command if ('' -eq $LogFile){ $LogFile = "$global:PSScriptRoot\Logs\$($ScriptName.replace('.ps1',''))_OpenSearch_$(Get-Date -Format yyyy-MM-dd).json" } # Build the request $Body = @{ 'LogLevel' = $LogLevel 'Message' = $Message 'Hostname' = $env:COMPUTERNAME 'PoSH.Script' = $ScriptName '@timestamp' = $(Get-Date) } if ($null -ne $AdditionalParamsHash){ $Body += $AdditionalParamsHash } # Add log content to local log file if ($False -eq $DisableLocalLog){ if (-not (Test-Path $LogFile)){ # Redirect to $null, otherwise if there's no other return response it returns the Path object to the log New-Item -Path $LogFile -Force > $null $LogEntries = @($Body) } else { [Array]$LogEntries = Get-Content $LogFile | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 100 $LogEntries += $Body } $LogEntries | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 -AsArray | Out-File -FilePath $LogFile } $Body = $Body | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 # PUT needed for custom _id fields. Otherwise POST if ($DocumentId -ne ''){ $Request = $Index + '/_doc/' + $DocumentId $Response = Invoke-OSCustomWebRequest -Method 'PUT' -Request $Request -OpenSearchUrls $OpenSearchURL -Credential $Credential -Certificate $Certificate -Body $Body } else { $Request = $Index + '/_doc' $Response = Invoke-OSCustomWebRequest -Method 'POST' -Request $Request -OpenSearchUrls $OpenSearchURL -Credential $Credential -Certificate $Certificate -Body $Body } if ($Response.StatusCode -eq '201'){ return } else { throw $Response } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Add-OSLogPS |