function Test-InstalledProgram { $Name = $args[0] if ($null -eq $Name -or $Name -eq '') { Write-Error 'Parameter not found. Provide a variation of the installed program name as an argument.' } $localMachineKey = "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*" $currentUserKey = "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*" $getLocalMachineKey = Get-ItemProperty $localMachineKey | Select-Object DisplayName, DisplayVersion, Publisher, InstallDate | Where-Object { $_.DisplayName -match $Name } $getCurrentUserKey = Get-ItemProperty $currentUserKey | Select-Object DisplayName, DisplayVersion, Publisher, InstallDate | Where-Object { $_.DisplayName -match $Name } if ($null -ne $getLocalMachineKey) { Write-Output "Found registry match in HKLM (local machine) for program '$Name'" $getLocalMachineKey return $true } elseif ($null -ne $getCurrentUserKey) { Write-Output "Found registry match in HKCU (current user) for program '$Name'" $getCurrentUserKey return $true } else { Write-Output "Registry match not found '$Name'." -Foreground Red return $false } } function Invoke-ProfileConfiguration { param( [string] $Type ) try { $File = '' if ($Type -eq "Public" -or $Type -eq "Private") { $ModuleBase = (Get-Module OnePowerShellProfile -ListAvailable).ModuleBase $File = Join-Path $ModuleBase "\Profile\$Type.ps1" } else { throw "Parameter 'Type' is expecting profile type values of 'Public' or 'Private'" } if ((Test-InstalledProgram { Visual Studio Code }) -eq $true) { Write-Output "Opening '$File' in Visual Studio Code" code $File } else { Write-Output "Opening '$File' in default text editor" Invoke-Item $File } } catch { throw } } function Set-Profile { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$True)] param( [boolean] $IncludePrivate = $False, [boolean] $ArchiveOldProfile = $False ) try { $PSProfileRootPath = $env:USERPROFILE # Check for valid Documents path w/ PowerShell modules $DocumentsOneDrive = $env:USERPROFILE + '\OneDrive' $DocumentsLocal = $env:USERPROFILE + '\Documents' # Resolve target `Documents` path (OneDrive (if available) preceeds local) if (!(Test-Path $DocumentsOneDrive)) { Write-Output "[NOTICE] Using '$DocumentsOneDrive' to reference PowerShell profiles" $PSProfileRootPath = $env:USERPROFILE + '\OneDrive - Microsoft\Documents' } else { Write-Output "[NOTICE] Using '$DocumentsLocal' to reference PowerShell profiles" $PSProfileRootPath = $env:USERPROFILE + '\Documents' } if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($PSProfileRootPath, "Create new directories")) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Name "WindowsPowerShell" -Path $PSProfileRootPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue New-Item -ItemType Directory -Name "PowerShell" -Path $PSProfileRootPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } $ISE = $PSProfileRootPath + '\WindowsPowerShell\Microsoft.PowerShellISE_profile.ps1' $Desktop = $PSProfileRootPath + '\WindowsPowerShell\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1' $Core = $PSProfileRootPath + '\PowerShell\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1' $PSProfiles = $ISE, $Desktop, $Core foreach ($TargetProfile in $PSProfiles) { $TargetProfilePath = Split-Path $TargetProfile $TargetProfileFileName = Split-Path $TargetProfile -Leaf if (!(Test-Path $TargetProfile)) { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($TargetProfile, "Create new file")) { New-Item -ItemType File -Name (Split-Path $TargetProfile -Leaf) -Path $TargetProfilePath } } if ($ArchiveOldProfile -eq $True) { if (!(Test-Path ($TargetProfilePath + "\Archived"))) { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($TargetProfilePath + "\Archived", "Create new directory")) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Name "Archived" -Path $TargetProfilePath } } else { $Timestamp = $timestamp = Get-Date -Format o | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace ":", "." } $ArchivedFileName = $Timestamp + "_" + $TargetProfileFileName if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($TargetProfile, "Archive file")) { Copy-Item $TargetProfile ($TargetProfilePath + "\Archived\" + $ArchivedFileName) } Write-Output "Archived $ArchivedFileName at $TargetProfileFileName" } } $ModuleBase = (Get-Module OnePowerShellProfile -ListAvailable).ModuleBase $PublicProfile = Join-Path $ModuleBase "\Profile\Public.ps1" $PrivateProfile = Join-Path $ModuleBase "\Profile\Private.ps1" Get-Content $PublicProfile > $TargetProfile if ($IncludePrivate -eq $true) { Get-Content $PrivateProfile >> $TargetProfile Write-Output "Appended $PrivateProfile to $TargetProfile" } Write-Output "[DONE] Updated '$TargetProfile'" } Write-Output "[NOTICE] Restart a new session, or invoke '. `$PROFILE' to source the latest profile in this session" } catch { throw } } |