
    Watches for File Changes.
    Uses the [IO.FileSystemWatcher] to watch for changes to files.

# The path to the file or directory
$FilePath = "$pwd",

# A wildcard filter describing the names of files to watch

# A notify filter describing the file changes that should raise events.
$NotifyFilter = @("FileName", "DirectoryName", "LastWrite"),

# If set, will include subdirectories in the watcher.

process {
    $resolvedFilePath = try {
    } catch {
        Write-Error "Could not resolve path '$FilePath'"

    $fileSystemWatcher = [IO.FileSystemWatcher]::new($(
        if ($resolvedFilePath) {
        } else {

    $fileSystemWatcher.EnableRaisingEvents =$true
    $fileSystemWatcher.IncludeSubdirectories = $Recurse
    $fileSystemWatcher.Filter = $FileFilter
    $combinedNotifyFilter = 0
    foreach ($n in $NotifyFilter) {
        $combinedNotifyFilter = $combinedNotifyFilter -bor $n
    $fileSystemWatcher.NotifyFilter = $combinedNotifyFilter