================= OnCommand-Insight PowerShell Module Installation ------------ The recommended way to install the PowerShell Module is through the new Install-Module Cmdlet available in PowerShell 5. Consider installing PowerShell 5 from Then run ```powershell Install-Module OnCommand-Insight ``` The OnComamnd Insight PowerShell Cmdlets require at least PowerShell 3.0 and .NET 4.5. Microsoft has documented the required procedures to install PowerShell 3.0 in the article [Installing Windows PowerShell]( If you can't install via `Install-Module` you can download the latest version of from Then extract to your preferred PowerShell Module location (e.g. for current user to `$HOME\WindowsPowershell\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules` or for all users to `C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules`). Usage ----- Check if OnCommand-Insight Module can be found by PowerShell Get-Module -ListAvailable OnCommand-Insight Import PowerShell Module Import-Module OnCommand-Insight List all Cmdlets included in the OnCommand-Insight Module Get-Command -Module OnCommand-Insight Show help for Cmdlet to connect to OnCommand-Insight Server Get-Help Connect-OciServer -Detailed Connect to OnCommand Insight Server using the `-Insecure` Switch to skip checking the certificate of the server $Credential = Get-Credential Connect-OciServer -Name myserver.mydomain.tld -Credential $Credential -Insecure List all Storage Arrays Get-OciStorages Trusting the Publisher of the OnCommand Insight Cmdlets ------------------------------------------------------- This PowerShell Module is signed with a code signing certificate issued by the *NetApp Corp Issuing CA 1*. If the PowerShell execution policy requires powershell scripts to be signed (see [about_Execution_Policies]( for details), two steps are required to run this PowerShell Module 1. Trust the NetApp Root Certification Authority. This can be done with the following command executed in PowerShell `Start-Process powershell -Verb RunAs -ArgumentList '-nologo -command (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile(\"\",\"$env:TEMP\netapp.crt\");certutil -addstore root $env:TEMP\netapp.crt;rm $env:TEMP\*;PAUSE'` or manually via the following steps: 1. download the NetApp Root CA certificate from ( 2. double click on the downloaded file 3. click on *Install Certificate...* 4. click on *Next >* 5. Select *Place all certificates in the following store* 6. Click *Browse* 7. Select *Trusted Root Certification Authorities* 8. Click *OK* 9. Click *Next >* 10. Click Finish 11. A *Security Warning* will be displayed. Click *Yes* to install the certificate. The *Thumbprint (sha1)* should be **9FFB6F1A 06BC0245 27368705 2E7309D3 6FF2CFD0** 12. Click twice on *OK* to close the dialogs. 2. When importing the PowerShell module via `Import-Module OnCommand-Insigh` a dialog is displayed asking if the publisher *CN=florianf-Florian-Feldhaus, OU=Users, OU=EMEA, OU=Sites, DC=hq, DC=netapp, DC=com* should be trusted. Select *[A] Always run* to permanently trust this publisher. |