
// Available variables which can be used inside of strings.
// ${workspaceRoot}: the root folder of the team
// ${file}: the current opened file
// ${relativeFile}: the current opened file relative to workspaceRoot
// ${fileBasename}: the current opened file's basename
// ${fileDirname}: the current opened file's dirname
// ${fileExtname}: the current opened file's extension
// ${cwd}: the current working directory of the spawned process
    // See https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=733558
    // for the documentation about the tasks.json format
    "version": "0.1.0",
    // Start PowerShell
    "windows": {
        "command": "${env:windir}/System32/WindowsPowerShell/v1.0/powershell.exe",
        "args": [ "-NoProfile", "-ExecutionPolicy", "Bypass" ]
    "linux": {
        "command": "/usr/bin/powershell",
        "args": [ "-NoProfile" ]
    "osx": {
        "command": "/usr/local/bin/powershell",
        "args": [ "-NoProfile" ]
    // The command is a shell script
    "isShellCommand": true,
    // Show the output window always
    "showOutput": "always",
    // Associate with test task runner
    "tasks": [
            "taskName": "Clean",
            "suppressTaskName": true,
            "showOutput": "always",
            "args": [
                "Write-Host 'Invoking psake on tools\\_build.psake.ps1 -taskList Clean'; Invoke-psake tools\\_build.psake.ps1 -taskList Clean;",
                "Invoke-Command { Write-Host 'Completed Clean task in task runner.' }"
            "taskName": "Build",
            "suppressTaskName": true,
            "isBuildCommand": true,
            "showOutput": "always",
            "args": [
                "Write-Host 'Invoking psake on tools\\_build.psake.ps1 -taskList Build'; Invoke-psake tools\\_build.psake.ps1 -taskList Build;",
                "Invoke-Command { Write-Host 'Completed Build task in task runner.' }"
            "taskName": "BuildHelp",
            "suppressTaskName": true,
            "showOutput": "always",
            "args": [
                "Write-Host 'Invoking psake on tools\\_build.psake.ps1 -taskList BuildHelp'; Invoke-psake tools\\_build.psake.ps1 -taskList BuildHelp;",
                "Invoke-Command { Write-Host 'Completed BuildHelp task in task runner.' }"
            "taskName": "Analyze",
            "suppressTaskName": true,
            "showOutput": "always",
            "args": [
                "Write-Host 'Invoking psake on tools\\_build.psake.ps1 -taskList Analyze'; Invoke-psake tools\\_build.psake.ps1 -taskList Analyze;",
                "Invoke-Command { Write-Host 'Completed Analyze task in task runner.' }"
            "taskName": "Install",
            "suppressTaskName": true,
            "showOutput": "always",
            "args": [
                "Write-Host 'Invoking psake on tools\\_build.psake.ps1 -taskList Install'; Invoke-psake tools\\_build.psake.ps1 -taskList Install;",
                "Invoke-Command { Write-Host 'Completed Install task in task runner.' }"
            "taskName": "Publish",
            "suppressTaskName": true,
            "showOutput": "always",
            "args": [
                "Write-Host 'Invoking psake on tools\\_build.psake.ps1 -taskList Publish'; Invoke-psake tools\\_build.psake.ps1 -taskList Publish;",
                "Invoke-Command { Write-Host 'Completed Publish task in task runner.' }"
            "taskName": "ExportFunctionsToSrc",
            "suppressTaskName": true,
            "showOutput": "always",
            "args": [
                "Write-Host 'Invoking psake on tools\\_build.psake.ps1 -taskList ExportFunctionsToSrc'; Invoke-psake tools\\_build.psake.ps1 -taskList ExportFunctionsToSrc;",
                "Invoke-Command { Write-Host 'Completed ExportFunctionsToSrc task in task runner.' }"
            "taskName": "BuildTests",
            "suppressTaskName": true,
            "showOutput": "always",
            "args": [
                "Write-Host 'Invoking psake on tools\\_build.psake.ps1 -taskList BuildTests'; Invoke-psake tools\\_build.psake.ps1 -taskList BuildTests;",
                "Invoke-Command { Write-Host 'Completed BuildTests task in task runner.' }"
            "taskName": "Test",
            "suppressTaskName": true,
            "isTestCommand": true,
            "showOutput": "always",
            "args": [
                "Write-Host 'Invoking Pester'; Invoke-Pester -PesterOption @{IncludeVSCodeMarker=$true};",
                "Invoke-Command { Write-Host 'Completed Test task in task runner.' }"
            "problemMatcher": [
                    "owner": "powershell",
                    "fileLocation": ["absolute"],
                    "severity": "error",
                    "pattern": [
                            "regexp": "^\\s*(\\[-\\]\\s*.*?)(\\d+)ms\\s*$",
                            "message": 1
                            "regexp": "^\\s+at\\s+[^,]+,\\s*(.*?):\\s+line\\s+(\\d+)$",
                            "file": 1,
                            "line": 2