function Global:Write-SessionBannerToHost { [CmdletBinding()] param( [int]$Spacer = 1, [switch]$AttemptAutoFit ) Begin { $HasANSI = if (Test-OMPConsoleHasANSI) {$true} else {$false} $Spaces = (' ' * $Spacer) $OSPlatform = Get-OMPOSPlatform -ErrorVariable null if ($AttemptAutoFit) { try { $IP = @(Get-OMPIPAddress)[0] if ([string]::isnullorempty($IP)) { $IPAddress = 'IP: Offline' $IPGateway = 'GW: Offline' } else { $IPAddress = "IP: $(@($IP.IP)[0])/$($IP.Prefix)" $IPGateway = "GW: $($IP.Gateway)" } } catch { $IPAddress = 'IP: NA' $IPGateway = 'GW: NA' } $PSExecPolicy = "Exec Pol: $(Get-ExecutionPolicy)" $PSVersion = "PS Ver: $($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major)" $CompName = "Computer: $($env:COMPUTERNAME)" $UserDomain = "Domain: $($env:UserDomain)" $LogonServer = "Logon Sever: $($env:LOGONSERVER -replace '\\')" $UserName = "User: $($env:UserName)" $UptimeBoot = "Uptime (hardware boot): $(Get-OMPSystemUptime)" $UptimeResume = Get-OMPSystemUptime -FromSleep if ($UptimeResume) { $UptimeResume = "Uptime (system resume): $($UptimeResume)" } } else { # Collect all the banner data try { $IP = @(Get-OMPIPAddress)[0] if ([string]::isnullorempty($IP)) { $IPAddress = 'Offline' $IPGateway = 'Offline' } else { $IPAddress = "$(@($IP.IP)[0])/$($IP.Prefix)" $IPGateway = "$($IP.Gateway)" } } catch { $IPAddress = 'NA' $IPGateway = 'NA' } $OSPlatform = Get-OMPOSPlatform -ErrorVariable null $PSExecPolicy = Get-ExecutionPolicy $PSVersion = $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major $CompName = $env:COMPUTERNAME $UserDomain = $env:UserDomain $LogonServer = $env:LOGONSERVER -replace '\\' $UserName = $env:UserName $UptimeBoot = Get-OMPSystemUptime $UptimeResume = Get-OMPSystemUptime -FromSleep } $PSProcessElevated = 'TRUE' if ($OSPlatform -eq 'Windows') { if (Test-OMPIsElevated) { $PSProcessElevated = 'TRUE' } else { $PSProcessElevated = 'FALSE' } } else { # Code to determine if you are a root user or not... } if ($AttemptAutoFit) { $PSProcessElevated = "Elevated: $($PSProcessElevated)" } } Process {} End { if ($AttemptAutoFit -or (-not $HasANSI)) { Write-Host ("{0,-25}$($Spaces)" -f $IPAddress) -noNewline Write-Host ("{0,-25}$($Spaces)" -f $UserDomain) -noNewline Write-Host ("{0,-25}$($Spaces)" -f $LogonServer) -noNewline Write-Host ("{0,-25}$($Spaces)" -f $PSExecPolicy) Write-Host ("{0,-25}$($Spaces)" -f $IPGateway) -noNewline Write-Host ("{0,-25}$($Spaces)" -f $CompName) -noNewline Write-Host ("{0,-25}$($Spaces)" -f $UserName) -noNewline Write-Host ("{0,-25}$($Spaces)" -f $PSVersion) Write-Host Write-Host $UptimeBoot if ($UptimeResume) { Write-Host $UptimeResume } } else { Write-Host "Dom:" -ForegroundColor Green -nonewline Write-Host $UserDomain -ForegroundColor Cyan -nonewline Write-Host "$Spaces|$Spaces" -ForegroundColor White -nonewline Write-Host "Host:"-ForegroundColor Green -nonewline Write-Host $CompName -ForegroundColor Cyan -nonewline Write-Host "$Spaces|$Spaces" -ForegroundColor White -nonewline Write-Host "Logon Svr:" -ForegroundColor Green -nonewline Write-Host $LogonServer -ForegroundColor Cyan Write-Host "PS:" -ForegroundColor Green -nonewline Write-Host $PSVersion -ForegroundColor Cyan -nonewline Write-Host "$Spaces|$Spaces" -ForegroundColor White -nonewline Write-Host "Elevated:" -ForegroundColor Green -nonewline if ($PSProcessElevated -eq 'TRUE') { Write-Host $PSProcessElevated -ForegroundColor Red -nonewline } else { Write-Host $PSProcessElevated -ForegroundColor Cyan -nonewline } Write-Host "$Spaces|$Spaces" -ForegroundColor White -nonewline Write-Host "Execution Policy:" -ForegroundColor Green -nonewline Write-Host $PSExecPolicy -ForegroundColor Cyan # Line 2 Write-Host "User:" -ForegroundColor Green -nonewline Write-Host $UserName -ForegroundColor Cyan -nonewline Write-Host "$Spaces|$Spaces" -ForegroundColor White -nonewline Write-Host "IP:" -ForegroundColor Green -nonewline Write-Host $IPAddress -ForegroundColor Cyan -nonewline Write-Host "$Spaces|$Spaces" -ForegroundColor White -nonewline Write-Host "GW:" -ForegroundColor Green -nonewline Write-Host $IPGateway -ForegroundColor Cyan Write-Host # Line 3 Write-Host "Uptime (hardware boot): " -nonewline -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host $UptimeBoot -ForegroundColor Cyan # Line 4 if ($UptimeResume) { Write-Host "Uptime (system resume): " -nonewline -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host $UptimeResume -ForegroundColor Cyan } } } } |