Function Set-OMPPSColor { <# .SYNOPSIS Sets the PSColor settings. .DESCRIPTION Sets the PSColor settings. .PARAMETER Setting Hash containging the PSColor settings. .EXAMPLE PS> Set-OMPPSColor -Setting @{ File = @{ Default = @{ Color = 'White' } Directory = @{ Color = 'Green'} Reparse = @{ Color = 'Magenta'} Hidden = @{ Color = 'DarkGray'; Pattern = '^\.' } Code = @{ Color = 'Magenta'; Pattern = '\.(java|c|cpp|cs|js|css|html|Dockerfile|gradle|pp|packergitignore|gitattributes|go|)$' } Executable = @{ Color = 'Green'; Pattern = '\.(exe|bat|cmd|py|pl|ps1|psm1|vbs|rb|reg|sh|fsx|)$' } Text = @{ Color = 'Cyan'; Pattern = '\.(txt|cfg|conf|ini|csv|log|config|xml|yml|md|markdown|properties|json|todo)$' } Compressed = @{ Color = 'Yellow'; Pattern = '\.(zip|tar|gz|rar|jar|war)$' } } Service = @{ Default = @{ Color = 'White' } Running = @{ Color = 'DarkGreen' } Stopped = @{ Color = 'DarkRed' } } Match = @{ Default = @{ Color = 'White' } Path = @{ Color = 'Green'} LineNumber = @{ Color = 'Yellow' } Line = @{ Color = 'White' } } } Set the PSColor settings to the hash .NOTES Author: Zachary Loeber Version History 1.0.0 - Initial release #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true)] [hashtable]$Setting ) $Script:PSColor = $Setting.Clone() } |