<#PSScriptInfo .VERSION 1.2.0 .GUID e5d18bf9-f775-4a7a-adff-f3da4de7f72f .AUTHOR timmcmic .COMPANYNAME Microsoft .COPYRIGHT .TAGS .LICENSEURI .PROJECTURI .ICONURI .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES .PRIVATEDATA #> <# .DESCRIPTION This script tests to see if an IP address is contained within the Office 365 URL and IP address ranges. #> Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$IPAddressToTest="", [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$URLToTest="nodomain.local", [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$portToTest="0", [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [boolean]$includeAzureSearch = $false, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$logFolderPath=$NULL, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [boolean]$allowQueryIPLocationInformationFromThirdParty=$TRUE ) $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' #Following function credit to author -> function IsIPv4AddressValid { param([string]$IP) $RegEx = "^(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$" if ($IP -match $RegEx) { return $true } else { return $false } } #Follwoing function credit to author -> function IsIPv6AddressValid { param([string]$IP) $IPv4Regex = '(((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]?[0-9]{1,2})\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]?[0-9]{1,2}))' $G = '[a-f\d]{1,4}' $Tail = @(":", "(:($G)?|$IPv4Regex)", ":($IPv4Regex|$G(:$G)?|)", "(:$IPv4Regex|:$G(:$IPv4Regex|(:$G){0,2})|:)", "((:$G){0,2}(:$IPv4Regex|(:$G){1,2})|:)", "((:$G){0,3}(:$IPv4Regex|(:$G){1,2})|:)", "((:$G){0,4}(:$IPv4Regex|(:$G){1,2})|:)") [string] $IPv6RegexString = $G $Tail | foreach { $IPv6RegexString = "${G}:($IPv6RegexString|$_)" } $IPv6RegexString = ":(:$G){0,5}((:$G){1,2}|:$IPv4Regex)|$IPv6RegexString" $IPv6RegexString = $IPv6RegexString -replace '\(' , '(?:' # make all groups non-capturing [regex] $IPv6Regex = $IPv6RegexString if ($IP -imatch "^$IPv6Regex$") { return $true } else { return $false } } function create-OutputObject { Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $M365Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $id, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $ServiceArea, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $ServiceAreaDisplayName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] $URLs, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] $IPs, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $IPInSubnetorURL, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] $TCPPorts, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] $UDPPorts, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $ExpressRoute, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $Required, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] $Notes, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] $Category ) out-logfile -string "Entering create output object..." $outputObject = new-Object psObject -property $([ordered]@{ M365Instance = $M365Instance ID = $ID ServiceArea = $ServiceArea ServiceAreaDisplayName = $ServiceAreaDisplayName URLs = $URLs IPs = $ips IPInSubnetorURL = $IPInSubnetorURL TCPPorts = $tcpports UDPPorts = $udpPorts ExpressRoute = $expressRoute Required = $required Notes = $notes Category = $Category }) out-logfile -string "Exiting create output object..." return $outputObject } function create-AzureutputObject { Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] $OverallChangeNumber, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] $Cloud, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] $ID, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] $ChangeNumber, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $IPInSubnet, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] $Region, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] $RegionID, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $Platform, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $SystemService, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] $AddressPrefixes, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] $NetworkFeatures ) out-logfile -string "Entering create output object..." $outputObject = new-Object psObject -property $([ordered]@{ OverallChangeNumber = $OverallChangeNumber Cloud = $Cloud Name = $Name ID = $ID IPInSubnet = $IPInSubnet ChangeNumbe = $ChangeNumber Region = $Region RegionID = $RegionID Platform = $Platform SystemService = $SystemService AddressPrefixes = $AddressPrefixes NetworkFeatures = $NetworkFeatures }) out-logfile -string "Exiting create output object..." return $outputObject } function create-OutputChangebject { Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] $M365Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] $ChangeID, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] $Disposition, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] $EndpointSetID, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] $Version, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] $ServiceAreaDisplayName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] $IPsAddredorRemoved, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] $URLsAddedOrRemoved, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] $IPInSubnetOrURL, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] $PreviousCategory, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] $PreviousExpressRoute, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] $PreviousServiceArea, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] $PreviousRequire, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] $PreviousTCPPort ) out-logfile -string "Entering create output change object..." $outputObject = new-Object psObject -property $([ordered]@{ M365Instance = $M365Instance ChangeID = $ChangeID Disposition = $Disposition EndpointSetID = $EndpointSetID Version = $Version ServiceAreaDisplayName = $ServiceAreaDisplayName IPsAddedorRemoved = $IPsAddredorRemoved URLsAddedOrRemoved = $URLsAddedOrRemoved IPInSubnetorURL = $IPInSubnetOrURL PreviousCategory = $PreviousCategory PreviousExpressRoute = $PreviousExpressRoute PreviousServiceArea = $PreviousServiceArea PreviousRequire = $PreviousRequire PreviousTCPPorts = $PreviousTCPPort }) out-logfile -string "Exiting create output change object..." return $outputObject } Function new-LogFile { [cmdletbinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$logFileName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$logFolderPath ) [string]$logFileSuffix=".log" [string]$fileName=$logFileName+$logFileSuffix # Get our log file path $logFolderPath = $logFolderPath+"\"+$logFileName+"\" #Since $logFile is defined in the calling function - this sets the log file name for the entire script $global:LogFile = Join-path $logFolderPath $fileName #Test the path to see if this exists if not create. [boolean]$pathExists = Test-Path -Path $logFolderPath if ($pathExists -eq $false) { try { #Path did not exist - Creating New-Item -Path $logFolderPath -Type Directory } catch { throw $_ } } } Function Out-LogFile { [cmdletbinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $String, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [boolean]$isError=$FALSE ) # Get the current date [string]$date = Get-Date -Format G # Build output string #In this case since I abuse the function to write data to screen and record it in log file #If the input is not a string type do not time it just throw it to the log. if ($string.gettype().name -eq "String") { [string]$logstring = ( "[" + $date + "] - " + $string) } else { $logString = $String } # Write everything to our log file and the screen $logstring | Out-File -FilePath $global:LogFile -Append #Write to the screen the information passed to the log. if ($string.gettype().name -eq "String") { Write-Host $logString } else { write-host $logString | select-object -expandProperty * } #If the output to the log is terminating exception - throw the same string. if ($isError -eq $TRUE) { #Ok - so here's the deal. #By default error action is continue. IN all my function calls I use STOP for the most part. #In this case if we hit this error code - one of two things happen. #If the call is from another function that is not in a do while - the error is logged and we continue with exiting. #If the call is from a function in a do while - write-error rethrows the exception. The exception is caught by the caller where a retry occurs. #This is how we end up logging an error then looping back around. write-error $logString #Now if we're not in a do while we end up here -> go ahead and create the status file this was not a retryable operation and is a hard failure. exit } } function get-ClientGuid { $functionClientGuid = $NULL out-logfile -string "Entering get client guid..." try { out-logfile -string "Obtain client GUID." $functionClientGuid = new-GUID -errorAction STOP out-logfile -string "Client GUID obtained successfully." } catch { out-logfile -string $_ out-logfile -string "Unable to obtain client GUID." -isError:$true } out-logfile -string "Exiting get client guid..." return $functionClientGuid } function get-Office365IPInformation { Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $baseURL ) $functionVersionInfo = $NULL out-logfile -string "Entering get-Office365IPInformation" try { out-logfile -string 'Invoking web request for information...' $functionVersionInfo = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $baseURL -errorAction:STOP out-logfile -string 'Invoking web request complete...' } catch { out-logfile -string $_ out-logfile -string "Unable to invoke web request for Office 365 URL and IP information." -isError:$TRUE } out-logfile -string "Exiting get-Office365IPInformation" return $functionVersionInfo } function get-webURL { Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$baseURL, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$clientGuid ) $functionURL = $NULL out-logfile -string "Entering get-webURL" $functionURL = $baseURL+$clientGuid out-logfile -string "Exiting get-webURL" return $functionURL } function get-jsonData { Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $data ) $functionData = $NULL out-logfile -string "Entering get-jsonData" try { $functionData = convertFrom-Json $data -errorAction Stop } catch { out-logfile -string $_ out-logfile -string "Unable to convert json data." -isError:$true } out-logfile -string "Exiting get-jsonData" return $functionData } function test-IPSpace { Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $dataToTest, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $IPAddress, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $portToTest, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $RegionString ) $functionNetwork = $NULL $functionComma = "," out-logfile -string "Entering test-IPSpace" foreach ($entry in $dataToTest) { Out-logfile -string ("Testing entry id: "+$ if ($entry.ips.count -gt 0) { out-logfile -string "IP count > 0" foreach ($ipEntry in $entry.ips) { $functionPortArray = @() out-logfile -string ("Testing entry IP: "+$ipEntry) $functionNetwork = get-IPEntry -ipEntry $ipEntry out-logfile -string ("BaseAddress: "+$functionNetwork.baseAddress+ " PrefixLength: "+$functionNetwork.PrefixLength) if ($functionNetwork.Contains($IPAddress)) { if ($portToTest -eq "0") { out-logfile -string "The IP to test is contained within the entry. Log the service." $outputObject = create-outputObject -m365Instance $regionString -id $ -serviceArea $entry.serviceArea -serviceAreaDisplayName $entry.serviceareadisplayname -urls $entry.urls -ips $entry.ips -ipInSubnetorURL $ipEntry -tcpPorts $entry.tcpPorts -udpPorts $entry.udpPorts -expressRoute $entry.expressRoute -required $entry.required -notes $entry.notes -category $entry.category out-logfile -string $outputObject $global:outputArray += $outputObject } else { out-logfile -string "Extracting TCP Ports from entry..." if ($entry.tcpPorts -ne $NULL) { $functionPortArray += $entry.tcpPorts.split($functionComma) } out-logfile -string "Extracting UDP Ports from entry..." if ($entry.udpPorts -ne $NULL) { $functionPortArray += $entry.udpPorts.split($functionComma) } out-logfile -string "Selecting unique ports..." $functionPortArray = $functionPortArray | select-object -Unique out-logfile -string "Removing trailing or leading spaces from any port..." for ($i = 0 ; $i -lt $functionPortArray.count ; $i++) { $functionPortArray[$i] = $functionPortArray[$i].replace(" ","") out-logfile -string $functionPortArray[$i] } if ($functionPortArray.contains($portToTest)) { out-logfile -string "The IP to test is contained within the entry. Log the service." $outputObject = create-outputObject -m365Instance $regionString -id $ -serviceArea $entry.serviceArea -serviceAreaDisplayName $entry.serviceareadisplayname -urls $entry.urls -ips $entry.ips -ipInSubnetorURL $ipEntry -tcpPorts $entry.tcpPorts -udpPorts $entry.udpPorts -expressRoute $entry.expressRoute -required $entry.required -notes $entry.notes -category $entry.category out-logfile -string $outputObject $global:outputArray += $outputObject } } } else { out-logfile -string "The IP to test is not contained within the entry - move on." } } } else { out-logfile -string "IP count = 0 -> skipping" } } out-logfile -string "Exiting test-IPSpace" } function test-AzureIPSpace { Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $dataToTest, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $IPAddress ) $functionNetwork = $NULL $functionOverallChangeNumber = $dataToTest.changeNumber $functionCloud = $ out-logfile -string "Entering test-AzureIPSpace" out-logfile -string ("Function overall change number: "+$functionOverallChangeNumber.tostring()) out-logfile -string ("Function cloud: "+$functionCloud) foreach ($entry in $dataToTest.values) { $functionName = $ $functionID = $ out-logfile -string ("Entry Name: "+$functionName) out-logfile -string ("Entry ID: "+$functionID) foreach ($property in $ { $functionChangeNumber = $property.changeNumber.tostring() $functionRegion = $property.Region $functionRegionID = $property.RegionID $functionPlatform = $property.Platform $functionSystemService = $property.systemService $functionAddressPrefixes = $property.AddressPrefixes $functionNetworkFeatures = $property.networkFeatures if ($functionChangeNumber -ne $NULL) { out-logfile -string ("Entry change number: "+$functionChangeNumber) } else { $functionChangeNumber = "" } if ($functionRegion -ne $NULL) { out-logfile -string ("Entry region: "+$functionRegion) } else { $functionRegion = "" } if ($functionRegionID -ne $NULL) { out-logfile -string ("Entry region id: "+$functionRegionID) } else { $functionRegionID = "" } if ($functionPlatform -ne $NULL) { out-logfile -string ("Entry platform: "+$functionPlatform) } else { $functionPlatform = "" } if ($functionSystemService -ne $NULL) { out-logfile -string ("Entry system service: "+$functionSystemService) } else { $functionSystemService = "" } if ($functionAddressPrefixes -ne $NULL) { out-logfile -string ("Entry address prefixes: "+$functionAddressPrefixes) } else { $functionAddressPrefixes = "" } if ($functionNetworkFeatures -ne $NULL) { out-logfile -string ("Entry network features: "+$functionNetworkFeatures) } else { $functionNetworkFeatures = "" } if ($property.addressPrefixes.count -gt 0) { out-logfile -string "There are IP addresses to test." foreach ($ipEntry in $property.addressPrefixes) { out-logfile -string ("Testing IP entry: "+$ipEntry) $functionNetwork = get-IPEntry -ipEntry $ipEntry if ($functionNetwork.Contains($IPAddress)) { out-logfile -string ("BaseAddress: "+$functionNetwork.baseAddress+ " PrefixLength: "+$functionNetwork.PrefixLength) $outputObject = create-AzureutputObject -OverallChangeNumber $functionOverallChangeNumber -Cloud $functionCloud -Name $functionName -id $functionID -changeNumber $functionChangeNumber -region $functionRegion -regionID $functionRegionID -platform $functionPlatform -systemService $functionSystemService -AddressPrefixes $functionAddressPrefixes -networkFeatures $functionNetworkFeatures -IPInSubnet $ipEntry out-logfile -string $outputObject $global:outputAzureArray += $outputObject } } } } } <# foreach ($entry in $dataToTest) { Out-logfile -string ("Testing entry id: "+$ if ($entry.ips.count -gt 0) { out-logfile -string "IP count > 0" foreach ($ipEntry in $entry.ips) { $functionPortArray = @() out-logfile -string ("Testing entry IP: "+$ipEntry) $functionNetwork = get-IPEntry -ipEntry $ipEntry out-logfile -string ("BaseAddress: "+$functionNetwork.baseAddress+ " PrefixLength: "+$functionNetwork.PrefixLength) if ($functionNetwork.Contains($IPAddress)) { if ($portToTest -eq "0") { out-logfile -string "The IP to test is contained within the entry. Log the service." $outputObject = create-outputObject -m365Instance $regionString -id $ -serviceArea $entry.serviceArea -serviceAreaDisplayName $entry.serviceareadisplayname -urls $entry.urls -ips $entry.ips -ipInSubnetorURL $ipEntry -tcpPorts $entry.tcpPorts -udpPorts $entry.udpPorts -expressRoute $entry.expressRoute -required $entry.required -notes $entry.notes -category $entry.category out-logfile -string $outputObject $global:outputArray += $outputObject } else { out-logfile -string "Extracting TCP Ports from entry..." if ($entry.tcpPorts -ne $NULL) { $functionPortArray += $entry.tcpPorts.split($functionComma) } out-logfile -string "Extracting UDP Ports from entry..." if ($entry.udpPorts -ne $NULL) { $functionPortArray += $entry.udpPorts.split($functionComma) } out-logfile -string "Selecting unique ports..." $functionPortArray = $functionPortArray | select-object -Unique out-logfile -string "Removing trailing or leading spaces from any port..." for ($i = 0 ; $i -lt $functionPortArray.count ; $i++) { $functionPortArray[$i] = $functionPortArray[$i].replace(" ","") out-logfile -string $functionPortArray[$i] } if ($functionPortArray.contains($portToTest)) { out-logfile -string "The IP to test is contained within the entry. Log the service." $outputObject = create-outputObject -m365Instance $regionString -id $ -serviceArea $entry.serviceArea -serviceAreaDisplayName $entry.serviceareadisplayname -urls $entry.urls -ips $entry.ips -ipInSubnetorURL $ipEntry -tcpPorts $entry.tcpPorts -udpPorts $entry.udpPorts -expressRoute $entry.expressRoute -required $entry.required -notes $entry.notes -category $entry.category out-logfile -string $outputObject $global:outputArray += $outputObject } } } else { out-logfile -string "The IP to test is not contained within the entry - move on." } } } else { out-logfile -string "IP count = 0 -> skipping" } } #> out-logfile -string "Exiting test-AzureIPSpace" } function get-IPEntry { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $ipEntry ) $functionIPEntry = [System.Net.IpNetwork]::Parse($ipEntry) return $functionIPEntry } function calculate-WildCardURL { Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $urlEntry, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $urlToTest ) $functionPeriod = "." $functionWildCard = "*" $functionSplitURLToTest = @() $functionSplitURLEntry =@() $functionSplit = @() $functionSplitURLEntryCount = 0 $functionSplitURLToTestCount = 0 out-logfile -string "The URL entry contains a wild card - rebuild the URL to test." out-logfile -string "URL to test split by period..." $functionSplitURLToTest = $urlToTest.split($functionPeriod) foreach ($member in $functionSplitURLToTest) { out-logfile -string $member } out-logfile -string "URL Entry split by period..." $functionSplitURLEntry = $urlEntry.split($functionPeriod) foreach ($member in $functionSplitURLEntry) { out-logfile -string $member } out-logfile -string "URL to test reverse split by period..." $functionSplitURLToTestReverse = $functionSplitURLToTest[-1..-($functionSplitURLToTest.Length)] foreach ($member in $functionSplitURLToTestReverse) { out-logfile -string $member } out-logfile -string "URL Entry reverse split by period..." $functionSplitURLEntryReverse = $functionSplitURLEntry[-1..-($functionSplitURLEntry.Length)] foreach ($member in $functionSplitURLEntryReverse) { out-logfile -string $member } $functionSplitURLEntryCount = $functionSplitURLEntryReverse.count out-logfile -string $functionSplitURLEntryCount.tostring() $functionSplitURLToTestCount = $functionSplitURLToTestReverse.count out-logfile -string $functionSplitURLToTestCount.tostring() if ($functionSplitURLToTestCount -gt $functionSplitURLEntryCount) { out-logfile -string "The URL to test is > the URL entry." for ($i = 0 ; $i -lt $functionSplitURLToTestReverse.count ; $i++) { if ($functionSplitURLEntryReverse[$i] -eq $functionWildCard) { out-logfile -string "Wild card character found - injecting and existing loop." $functionSplit += $functionWildCard $i = $functionSplitURLToTestReverse.count+1 } else { $functionSplit += $functionSplitURLToTestReverse[$i] } } } elseif ($functionSplitURLToTestCount -le $functionSplitURLEntryCount) { out-logfile -string "The URL to test is > the URL entry." for ($i = 0 ; $i -lt $functionSplitURLToTestReverse.count ; $i++) { if ($functionSplitURLEntryReverse[$i] -eq $functionWildCard) { out-logfile -string "Wild card character found - injecting and existing loop." $functionSplit += $functionWildCard } else { $functionSplit += $functionSplitURLToTestReverse[$i] } } } foreach ($member in $functionSplit) { out-logfile -string $member } $functionSplitReverse = $functionSplit[-1..-($functionSplit.Length)] foreach ($member in $functionSplitReverse) { out-logfile -string $member } $functionTestURL=$functionSplitReverse[0] for ($i=1;$i -lt $functionSplitReverse.count ; $i++) { $functionTestURL = $functionTestURL + $functionPeriod $functionTestURL = $functionTestURL + $functionSplitReverse[$i] } out-logfile -string $functionTestURL return $functionTestURL } function test-URLSpace { Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $dataToTest, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $URLToTest, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $RegionString ) $functionWildCard = "*" $functionPeriod = "." $functionComma = "," $functionSplitURLToTest = @() out-logfile -string "Entering test-URLSpace" foreach ($entry in $dataToTest) { Out-logfile -string ("Testing entry id: "+$ if ($entry.urls.count -gt 0) { out-logfile -string "URL count > 0" foreach ($urlEntry in $entry.URLs) { $functionPortArray = @() #If the URL entry is a wild card - rebuid the URL to test to contain the wild card. out-logfile -string "Determine if the url entry is a wild card URL." if ($urlEntry.contains($functionWildCard)) { $functionTestURL = calculate-WildCardURL -urlEntry $urlEntry -urlToTest $URLToTest out-logfile -string $functionTestURL } else { $functionTestURL = $URLToTest out-logfile -string "The URL entry does not contain a wild card - use the URLToTest value." } if ($urlEntry -eq $functionTestURL) { if ($portToTest -eq "0") { out-logfile -string "The URL to test is contained within the entry. Log the service." $outputObject = create-outputObject -m365Instance $regionString -id $ -serviceArea $entry.serviceArea -serviceAreaDisplayName $entry.serviceareadisplayname -urls $entry.urls -ips $entry.ips -ipInSubnetorURL $urlEntry -tcpPorts $entry.tcpPorts -udpPorts $entry.udpPorts -expressRoute $entry.expressRoute -required $entry.required -notes $entry.notes -category $entry.category out-logfile -string $outputObject $global:outputArray += $outputObject } else { out-logfile -string "Extracting TCP Ports from entry..." if ($entry.tcpPorts -ne $NULL) { $functionPortArray += $entry.tcpPorts.split($functionComma) } out-logfile -string "Extracting UDP Ports from entry..." if ($entry.udpPorts -ne $NULL) { $functionPortArray += $entry.udpPorts.split($functionComma) } foreach ($member in $functionPortArray) { out-logfile -string $member } out-logfile -string "Selecting unique ports..." $functionPortArray = $functionPortArray | select-object -Unique for ($i = 0 ; $i -lt $functionPortArray.count ; $i++) { $functionPortArray[$i] = $functionPortArray[$i].replace(" ","") out-logfile -string $functionPortArray[$i] } if ($functionPortArray.contains($portToTest)) { out-logfile -string "The URL to test is contained within the entry. Log the service." $outputObject = create-outputObject -m365Instance $regionString -id $ -serviceArea $entry.serviceArea -serviceAreaDisplayName $entry.serviceareadisplayname -urls $entry.urls -ips $entry.ips -ipInSubnetorURL $urlEntry -tcpPorts $entry.tcpPorts -udpPorts $entry.udpPorts -expressRoute $entry.expressRoute -required $entry.required -notes $entry.notes -category $entry.category out-logfile -string $outputObject $global:outputArray += $outputObject } } } else { out-logfile -string "The url to test is not contained within the entry - move on." } } } else { out-logfile -string "url count = 0 -> skipping" } } out-logfile -string "Exiting test-urlSpace" } function test-IPChangeSpace { Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $dataToTest, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $changeDataToTest, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $IPAddress, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $RegionString ) $functionNetwork = $NULL $functionOriginalID = $null $functionServiceAreaDisplayName = $NULL out-logfile -string "Entering test-IPChangeSpace" foreach ($entry in $changeDataToTest) { Out-logfile -string ("Testing change entry id: "+$ if ($entry.add.ips.count -gt 0) { out-logfile -string "IP count > 0" foreach ($ipEntry in $entry.add.ips) { out-logfile -string ("Testing entry IP: "+$ipEntry) $functionNetwork = get-IPEntry -ipEntry $ipEntry out-logfile -string ("BaseAddress: "+$functionNetwork.baseAddress+ " PrefixLength: "+$functionNetwork.PrefixLength) if ($functionNetwork.Contains($IPAddress)) { out-logfile -string "The IP to test is contained within the entry. Log the service." $functionOriginalID = $datatoTest | where {$ -eq $entry.EndpointSetID} if ($functionOriginalID.ServiceAreaDisplayName -eq $NULL) { $functionServiceAreaDisplayName = "Endpoint Set ID No Longer Active" } else { $functionServiceAreaDisplayName = $functionOriginalID.ServiceAreaDisplayName } $outputObject = create-OutputChangebject -M365Instance $regionString -ChangeID $entry.ID -Disposition ($entry.Disposition+"-Add") -EndpointSetID $entry.endpointSetId -Version $entry.Version -ServiceAreaDisplayName $functionServiceAreaDisplayName -IPsAddredorRemoved $entry.add.ips -URLsAddedOrRemoved $entry.add.urls -IPInSubnetOrURL $ipEntry -PreviousCategory $entry.previous.Category -PreviousExpressRoute $entry.previous.expressRoute -PreviousServiceArea $entry.previous.serviceArea -PreviousRequire $entry.previous.required -PreviousTCPPort $entry.previous.tcpPorts out-logfile -string $outputObject $global:outputChangeArray += $outputObject } else { out-logfile -string "The IP to test is not contained within the entry - move on." } } } else { out-logfile -string "IP count = 0 -> skipping" } } out-logfile -string "Exiting test-IPChangeSpace" } function test-URLChangeSpace { Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $dataToTest, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $changeDataToTest, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $urlToTest, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $RegionString ) $functionOriginalID = $null $functionServiceAreaDisplayName = $NULL $functionWildCard = "*" $functionPeriod = "." $functionSplitURLToTest = @() out-logfile -string "Entering test-URLChangeSpace" foreach ($entry in $changeDataToTest) { Out-logfile -string ("Testing change entry id: "+$ if ($entry.add.urls.count -gt 0) { out-logfile -string "URL count > 0" foreach ($urlEntry in $entry.add.urls) { out-logfile -string ("Testing entry url: "+$urlEntry) out-logfile -string "Determine if the url entry is a wild card URL." if ($urlEntry.contains($functionWildCard)) { $functionTestURL = calculate-WildCardURL -urlEntry $urlEntry -urlToTest $URLToTest out-logfile -string $functionTestURL } else { $functionTestURL = $URLToTest out-logfile -string "The URL entry does not contain a wild card - use the URLToTest value." } if ($functionTestURL -eq $urlEntry) { out-logfile -string "The URL to test is contained within the entry. Log the service." $functionOriginalID = $datatoTest | where {$ -eq $entry.EndpointSetID} if ($functionOriginalID.ServiceAreaDisplayName -eq $NULL) { $functionServiceAreaDisplayName = "Endpoint Set ID No Longer Active" } else { $functionServiceAreaDisplayName = $functionOriginalID.ServiceAreaDisplayName } $outputObject = create-OutputChangebject -M365Instance $regionString -ChangeID $entry.ID -Disposition ($entry.Disposition+"-Add") -EndpointSetID $entry.endpointSetId -Version $entry.Version -ServiceAreaDisplayName $functionServiceAreaDisplayName -IPsAddredorRemoved $entry.add.ips -URLsAddedOrRemoved $entry.add.urls -IPInSubnetOrURL $ipEntry -PreviousCategory $entry.previous.Category -PreviousExpressRoute $entry.previous.expressRoute -PreviousServiceArea $entry.previous.serviceArea -PreviousRequire $entry.previous.required -PreviousTCPPort $entry.previous.tcpPorts out-logfile -string $outputObject $global:outputChangeArray += $outputObject } else { out-logfile -string "The URL to test is not contained within the entry - move on." } } } else { out-logfile -string "URL count = 0 -> skipping" } } out-logfile -string "Exiting test-URLChangeSpace" } function test-IPRemoveSpace { Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $dataToTest, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $changeDataToTest, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $IPAddress, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $RegionString ) $functionNetwork = $NULL $functionOriginalID = $null $functionServiceAreaDisplayName = $NULL out-logfile -string "Entering test-IPRemoveSpace" foreach ($entry in $changeDataToTest) { Out-logfile -string ("Testing change entry id: "+$ if ($entry.remove.ips.count -gt 0) { out-logfile -string "IP count > 0" foreach ($ipEntry in $entry.remove.ips) { out-logfile -string ("Testing entry IP: "+$ipEntry) $functionNetwork = get-IPEntry -ipEntry $ipEntry out-logfile -string ("BaseAddress: "+$functionNetwork.baseAddress+ " PrefixLength: "+$functionNetwork.PrefixLength) if ($functionNetwork.Contains($IPAddress)) { out-logfile -string "The IP to test is contained within the entry. Log the service." $functionOriginalID = $datatoTest | where {$ -eq $entry.EndpointSetID} if ($functionOriginalID.ServiceAreaDisplayName -eq $null) { $functionServiceAreaDisplayName = "Endpoint Set ID No Longer Active" } else { $functionServiceAreaDisplayName = $functionOriginalID.ServiceAreaDisplayName } $outputObject = create-OutputChangebject -M365Instance $regionString -ChangeID $entry.ID -Disposition ($entry.Disposition+"-Remove") -EndpointSetID $entry.endpointSetId -Version $entry.Version -ServiceAreaDisplayName $functionServiceAreaDisplayName -IPsAddredorRemoved $entry.remove.ips -URLsAddedOrRemoved $entry.remove.urls -IPInSubnetOrURL $ipEntry -PreviousCategory $entry.previous.Category -PreviousExpressRoute $entry.previous.expressRoute -PreviousServiceArea $entry.previous.serviceArea -PreviousRequire $entry.previous.required -PreviousTCPPort $entry.previous.tcpPorts out-logfile -string $outputObject $global:outputRemoveArray += $outputObject } else { out-logfile -string "The IP to test is not contained within the entry - move on." } } } else { out-logfile -string "IP count = 0 -> skipping" } } out-logfile -string "Exiting test-IPRemoveSpace" } function test-URLRemoveSpace { Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $dataToTest, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $changeDataToTest, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $urlToTest, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $RegionString ) $functionOriginalID = $null $functionServiceAreaDisplayName = $NULL $functionWildCard = "*" $functionPeriod = "." $functionSplitURLToTest = @() out-logfile -string "Entering test-URLRemoveSpace" foreach ($entry in $changeDataToTest) { Out-logfile -string ("Testing change entry id: "+$ if ($entry.remove.urls.count -gt 0) { out-logfile -string "URL count > 0" foreach ($urlEntry in $entry.remove.urls) { out-logfile -string ("Testing entry url: "+$urlEntry) out-logfile -string "Determine if the url entry is a wild card URL." if ($urlEntry.contains($functionWildCard)) { $functionTestURL = calculate-WildCardURL -urlEntry $urlEntry -urlToTest $URLToTest out-logfile -string $functionTestURL } else { $functionTestURL = $URLToTest out-logfile -string "The URL entry does not contain a wild card - use the URLToTest value." } if ($functionTestURL -eq $urlEntry) { out-logfile -string "The URL to test is contained within the entry. Log the service." $functionOriginalID = $datatoTest | where {$ -eq $entry.EndpointSetID} if ($functionOriginalID.ServiceAreaDisplayName -eq $NULL) { $functionServiceAreaDisplayName = "Endpoint Set ID No Longer Active" } else { $functionServiceAreaDisplayName = $functionOriginalID.ServiceAreaDisplayName } $outputObject = create-OutputChangebject -M365Instance $regionString -ChangeID $entry.ID -Disposition ($entry.Disposition+"-Remove") -EndpointSetID $entry.endpointSetId -Version $entry.Version -ServiceAreaDisplayName $functionServiceAreaDisplayName -IPsAddredorRemoved $entry.remove.ips -URLsAddedOrRemoved $entry.remove.urls -IPInSubnetOrURL $urlEntry -PreviousCategory $entry.previous.Category -PreviousExpressRoute $entry.previous.expressRoute -PreviousServiceArea $entry.previous.serviceArea -PreviousRequire $entry.previous.required -PreviousTCPPort $entry.previous.tcpPorts out-logfile -string $outputObject $global:outputRemoveArray += $outputObject } else { out-logfile -string "The URL to test is not contained within the entry - move on." } } } else { out-logfile -string "URL count = 0 -> skipping" } } out-logfile -string "Exiting test-urlRemoveSpace" } function export-JSONInformation { Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $dataToExport, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $exportPath ) out-logfile -string "Entering export-JSONInformation" try { $dataToExport | Export-Clixml $exportPath -errorAction STOP } catch { out-logfile -string "Unable to export xml data to the directory." out-logfile -string $_ -isError:$true } out-logfile -string "Exiting export-JSONInformation" } function get-IPLocationInformation { Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $ipAddress ) $functionData = "" $ipLocationProvider = "" $ipLocationQuery = $ipLocationProvider+$ipAddress out-logfile -string "Entering get-IPLocationInformation" try { $functionData = invoke-WebRequest $ipLocationQuery } catch { out-logfile -string $_ out-logfile -string "Unable to invoke web request for geolocation lookup." $functionData = "Failed" } out-logfile -string "Exiting get-IPLocationInformation" return $functionData } Function Test-PowershellVersion { [cmdletbinding()] $functionPowerShellVersion = $NULL out-logfile -string "Entering Test-PowerShellVersion" #Write function parameter information and variables to a log file. $functionPowerShellVersion = $PSVersionTable.PSVersion out-logfile -string "Determining powershell version." out-logfile -string ("Major: "+$functionPowerShellVersion.major) out-logfile -string ("Minor: "+$functionPowerShellVersion.minor) out-logfile -string ("Patch: "+$functionPowerShellVersion.patch) out-logfile -string $functionPowerShellVersion if ($functionPowerShellVersion.Major -lt 7) { out-logfile -string "Powershell 7 and higher is required to run this script." out-logfile -string "Please run module from Powershell 7.x" out-logfile -string "" -isError:$true } else { out-logfile -string "Powershell version is not powershell 5.X proceed." } out-logfile -string "Exiting Test-PowerShellVersion" } Function Test-PowershellModule { out-logfile -string "Entering Test-PowerShellModule" $functionModuleName = "PSWritehHTML" try { import-module "PSWriteHTML" -errorAction STOP } catch { out-logfile -string "Please install the PSWriteHTML Powershell Module using install-module PSWriteHTML" -isError:$true } out-logfile -string "Exiting Test-PowerShellModule" } Function get-AzureData { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $dataLocation ) $functionData = $NULL out-logfile -string "Entering get-AzureData" out-logfile -string $dataLocation try { $functionData = Import-Clixml $dataLocation -errorAction STOP } catch { out-logfile -string "Unable to import the pre-gathered Azure IP information files." out-logfile -string "These files are stored in the AzureIPAddress folder created in the log file direactory." out-logfile -string "To enable this function run install-script AzureIPAddress" out-logfile -string "Run AzureIPAddress.ps1 -logFolderPath c:\Something where c:\something is the same log folder path used with this script." out-logfile -string $_ -isError:$TRUE } out-logfile -string "Entering get-AzureData" return $functionData } Function generate-HTMLData { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $IPorURLToTest ) $functionHTMLSuffix = ".html" $functionLogSuffix = ".log" $functionHTMLFile = $global:logFile.replace($functionLogSuffix,$functionHTMLSuffix) $functionTitle = ("IP or URL Report: "+$IPorURLToTest) out-logfile -string "Entering generate-HTMLData" new-html -TitleText $IPorURLToTest -filePath $functionHTMLFile { new-htmlHeader { New-HTMLText -text $functionTitle -fontsize 24 -Color White -BackGroundColor Black -Alignment center } New-HTMLMain { New-HTMLTableOption -DataStore JavaScript if (($global:outputArray.count -gt 0) -or ($global:outputChangeArray.count -gt 0) -or ($global:outputRemoveArray.count -gt 0) -or ($global:outputAzureArray.count -gt 0)) { if ($global:outputArray.count -gt 0) { new-htmlSection -HeaderText "IP or URL Entries in Office 365"{ new-htmlTable -dataTable $global:outputArray }-HeaderTextAlignment "Left" -HeaderTextSize "16" -HeaderTextColor "White" -HeaderBackGroundColor "Blue" -CanCollapse -BorderRadius 10px -collapsed } else{ new-htmlSection -HeaderText "No IP or URL Entries in Office 365"{ }-HeaderTextAlignment "Left" -HeaderTextSize "16" -HeaderTextColor "White" -HeaderBackGroundColor "Red" -BorderRadius 10px } if ($global:outputChangeArray.count -gt 0) { new-htmlSection -HeaderText "IP or URL Change Entries in Office 365"{ new-htmlTable -dataTable $global:outputChangeArray }-HeaderTextAlignment "Left" -HeaderTextSize "16" -HeaderTextColor "White" -HeaderBackGroundColor "Blue" -CanCollapse -BorderRadius 10px -collapsed } else { new-htmlSection -HeaderText "No IP or URL Change Entries in Office 365"{ }-HeaderTextAlignment "Left" -HeaderTextSize "16" -HeaderTextColor "White" -HeaderBackGroundColor "Red" -BorderRadius 10px } if ($global:outputRemoveArray.count -gt 0) { new-htmlSection -HeaderText "IP or URL Remove Entries in Office 365"{ new-htmlTable -dataTable $global:outputRemoveArray }-HeaderTextAlignment "Left" -HeaderTextSize "16" -HeaderTextColor "White" -HeaderBackGroundColor "Blue" -CanCollapse -BorderRadius 10px -collapsed } else { new-htmlSection -HeaderText "No IP or URL Remove Entries in Office 365"{ }-HeaderTextAlignment "Left" -HeaderTextSize "16" -HeaderTextColor "White" -HeaderBackGroundColor "Red" -BorderRadius 10px } if ($global:outputAzureArray.count -gt 0) { new-htmlSection -HeaderText "IP Entries in Azure Services"{ new-htmlTable -dataTable $global:outputAzureArray }-HeaderTextAlignment "Left" -HeaderTextSize "16" -HeaderTextColor "White" -HeaderBackGroundColor "Blue" -CanCollapse -BorderRadius 10px -collapsed } else { new-htmlSection -HeaderText "No IP Entries in Azure Services"{ }-HeaderTextAlignment "Left" -HeaderTextSize "16" -HeaderTextColor "White" -HeaderBackGroundColor "Red" -BorderRadius 10px } } else { new-htmlSection -HeaderText "No URL or IP Information in Office 365 or Azure"{ }-HeaderTextAlignment "Left" -HeaderTextSize "16" -HeaderTextColor "White" -HeaderBackGroundColor "Red" -BorderRadius 10px } } } -online -ShowHTML out-logfile -string "Exiting generate-HTMLData" } #===================================================================================== #Begin main function body. #===================================================================================== #Define function variables. $noIPSpecified = "" $noURLSpecified = "nodomain.local" $urlSlashes = "//" $urlSlash = "/" $functionURL $functionDomainName if (($urlToTest -ne $noURLSpecified) -and ($includeAzureSearch -eq $True)) { write-error "Azure search does not support URL - specify only an IP address." } if (($portToTest -ne 0) -and ($includeAzureSearch -eq $TRUE)) { write-error "Azure search does not support port to test." } if (($IPAddressToTest -ne $noIPSpecified) -and ($URLToTest -ne $noURLSpecified)) { write-error "Specify either a URL or IP to test - do not specify both in the same command." } if ($IPAddressToTest -ne $noIPSpecified) { write-host "IPAddress to test is not a null value - proceed with evaluation" if ($IPAddressToTest.contains(".")) { $logFileName = $IPAddressToTest.replace(".","-") write-host $logFileName if (IsIPv4AddressValid -ip $ipAddressToTest) { write-host "IPv4 Address is in a valid format." } else { write-error "IPv4 address specified and is not in a valid format." } } else { $logFileName = $IPAddressToTest.replace(":","-") write-host $logFileName if (IsIPv6AddressValid -ip $ipAddressToTest) { write-host "IPv6 address specified and is in proper format." } else { write-error "IPv6 address specified and is not in a valid format." } } } elseif ($URLToTest -ne $noURLSpecified) { write-host "URL to test is not a null value - proceed with evaluation." write-host "Determine if the URL is specified as a domain name <or> web address." if ($urlToTest.contains($urlSlashes)) { write-host "URL specified - break URL" $functionURL = $urlToTest.split($urlSlashes) foreach ($member in $functionURL) { write-host $member } write-host "Determine if more of the URL is specified." if ($functionURL[1].contains($urlSlash)) { write-host "URL contains more information - break URL." $functionURL = $functionURL.split($urlSlash) foreach ($member in $functionURL) { write-host $member } write-host "Domain name represented in array location 1." write-host "Create the log directory based off domain name." } else { write-host "No more of a URL is specified - domain in array position 1." } $functionDomainName = $functionURL[1] write-host $functionDomainName } else { write-host "URL appears to only contain a domain name." $functionDomainName = $URLToTest $functionDomainName.replace(".","-") } $logFileName = $functionDomainName.replace(".","-") write-host $logFileName } else { write-host "Using a generic log file name." $logFileName = "Office365IPandURLTest" write-host $logFileName } $clientGuid = $NULL $allVersionInfoBaseURL = "" $allVersionInfoURL = $NULL $allVersionInfo = $NULL $allIPInformationWorldWideBaseURL = "" $allIPInformationChinaBaseURL = "" $allIPInformationUSGovGCCHighBaseURL = "" $allIPInformationUSGovDODBaseURL = "" $allIPChangeInformationWorldWideBaseURL = "" $allIPChangeInformationChinaBaseURL = "" $allIPChangeInformationUSGovGCCHighBaseURL = "" $allIPChangeInformationUSGovDODBaseURL = "" $allIPInformationWorldWideURL = $NULL $allIPInformationChinaURL = $NULL $allIPInformationUSGovGCCHighURL = $NULL $allIPInformationUSGovDODURL = $NULL $allIPChangeInformationWorldWideURL = $NULL $allIPChangeInformationChinaURL = $NULL $allIPChangeInformationUSGovGCCHighURL = $NULL $allIPChangeInformationUSGovDODURL = $NULL $allIPInformationWorldWide = $NULL $allIPInformationChina = $NULL $allIPInfomrationUSGovGCCHigh = $NULL $allIPInformationUSGovDOD = $NULL $allIPChangeInformationWorldWide = $NULL $allIPChangeInformationChina = $NULL $allIPChangeInfomrationUSGovGCCHigh = $NULL $allIPChangeInformationUSGovDOD = $NULL $worldWideRegionString = "Microsoft 365 Worldwide (+GCC)" $chinaRegionString = "Microsoft 365 operated by 21 Vianet" $gccHighRegionString = "Microsoft 365 U.S. Government GCC High" $dodRegionString = "Microsoft 365 U.S. Government DoD" $azureDataStaticPath = "\AzureIPAddress" $azurePublicCloudXML = $logFolderPath+$azureDataStaticPath+"\AzureIPAddress-Public.xml" $azureGovernmentCloudXML = $logFolderPath+$azureDataStaticPath+"\AzureIPAddress-Government.xml" $azurePublicData = $null $azureGovernmentData = $null $ipLocation = "" $global:outputArray = @() $global:outputChangeArray=@() $global:outputRemoveArray=@() $global:outputAzureArray=@() #Create the log file. new-logfile -logFileName $logFileName -logFolderPath $logFolderPath $logFileXMLString = $logFileName+".log" $allIPInformationWorldWideXML = $global:logfile.replace($logFileXMLString,"WorldWide.xml") $allIPInformationChinaXML = $global:logfile.replace($logFileXMLString,"China.xml") $allIPInformationUSGovGCCHighXML = $global:logfile.replace($logFileXMLString,"GCCHigh.xml") $allIPInformationUSGovDODXML = $global:logfile.replace($logFileXMLString,"DOD.xml") $allIPChangeInformationWorldWideXML = $global:logfile.replace($logFileXMLString,"WorldWide-Change.xml") $allIPChangeInformationChinaXML = $global:logfile.replace($logFileXMLString,"China-Change.xml") $allIPChangeInformationUSGovGCCHighXML = $global:logfile.replace($logFileXMLString,"GCCHigh-Change.xml") $allIPChangeInformationUSGoveDODXML = $global:logfile.replace($logFileXMLString,"DOD-Change.xml") $allIPAzurePublic = $global:logfile.replace($logFileXMLString,"AzurePublic.xml") $allIPAzureGovernment = $global:logfile.replace($logFileXMLString,"AzureGovernment.xml") out-logfile -string "*********************************************************************************" out-logfile -string "Start Office365IPAddress" out-logfile -string "*********************************************************************************" out-logfile -string $global:LogFile out-logfile -string $logFileName out-logfile -string $IPAddressToTest out-logfile -string $URLToTest out-logfile -string $portToTest out-logfile -string $allIPInformationWorldWideXML out-logfile -string $allIPInformationChinaXML out-logfile -string $allIPInformationUSGovGCCHighXML out-logfile -string $allIPInformationUSGovDODXML out-logfile -string $allIPChangeInformationWorldWideXML out-logfile -string $allIPChangeInformationChinaXML out-logfile -string $allIPChangeInformationUSGovGCCHighXML out-logfile -string $allIPChangeInformationUSGoveDODXML out-logfile -string $allIPAzurePublic out-logfile -string $allIPAzureGovernment out-logfile -string $azurePublicCloudXML out-logfile -string $azureGovernmentCloudXML $outputXMLFile = $global:LogFile.replace(".log",".xml") $outputChangeXMLFile = $global:LogFile.replace(".log","-Adds.xml") $outputRemoveXMLFile = $global:LogFile.replace(".log","-Removes.xml") $outputAzureXMLFile = $global:LogFile.replace(".log","-Azure.xml") out-logfile -string $outputXMLFile out-logfile -string $outputChangeXMLFile out-logfile -string $outputRemoveXMLFile out-logfile -string $outputAzureXMLFile #Start logging out-logfile -string "Testing powershell version..." Test-PowerShellVersion Test-PowershellModule out-logfile -string "Obtaining client guid for web requests." $clientGuid = get-ClientGuid $clientGUid = $clientGuid.tostring() out-logfile -string $clientGuid out-logfile -string "Obtain and log version information for the query." $allVersionInfoURL = get-webURL -baseURL $allVersionInfoBaseURL -clientGuid $clientGuid out-logfile -string $allVersionInfoURL $allVersionInfo = get-Office365IPInformation -baseURL $allVersionInfoURL $allVersionInfo = get-jsonData -data $allVersionInfo foreach ($version in $allVersionInfo) { out-logfile -string ("Instance: "+$version.instance+" VersionInfo: "+$version.latest) } out-logfile -string "Calculate URLS for Office 365 IP Addresses" $allIPInformationWorldWideURL = get-webURL -baseURL $allIPInformationWorldWideBaseURL -clientGuid $clientGuid out-logfile -string $allIPInformationWorldWideURL $allIPInformationChinaURL = get-webURL -baseURL $allIPInformationChinaBaseURL -clientGuid $clientGuid out-logfile -string $allIPInformationChinaURL $allIPInformationUSGovGCCHighURL = get-webURL -baseURL $allIPInformationUSGovGCCHighBaseURL -clientGuid $clientGuid out-logfile -string $allIPInformationUSGovGCCHighURL $allIPInformationUSGovDODURL = get-webURL -baseURL $allIPInformationUSGovDODBaseURL -clientGuid $clientGuid out-logfile -string $allIPInformationUSGovDODURL out-logfile -string "Calculate URLS for Office 365 IP Addresses Change" $allIPChangeInformationWorldWideURL = get-webURL -baseURL $allIPChangeInformationWorldWideBaseURL -clientGuid $clientGuid out-logfile -string $allIPChangeInformationWorldWideURL $allIPChangeInformationChinaURL = get-webURL -baseURL $allIPChangeInformationChinaBaseURL -clientGuid $clientGuid out-logfile -string $allIPChangeInformationChinaURL $allIPChangeInformationUSGovGCCHighURL = get-webURL -baseURL $allIPChangeInformationUSGovGCCHighBaseURL -clientGuid $clientGuid out-logfile -string $allIPChangeInformationUSGovGCCHighURL $allIPChangeInformationUSGovDODURL = get-webURL -baseURL $allIPChangeInformationUSGovDODBaseURL -clientGuid $clientGuid out-logfile -string $allIPChangeInformationUSGovDODURL out-logfile -string "Obtain IP information for all available Office 365 instances." $allIPInformationWorldWide = get-Office365IPInformation -baseURL $allIPInformationWorldWideURL $allIPInformationChina = get-Office365IPInformation -baseURL $allIPInformationChinaURL $allIPInfomrationUSGovGCCHigh = get-Office365IPInformation -baseURL $allIPInformationUSGovGCCHighURL $allIPInformationUSGovDOD = get-Office365IPInformation -baseURL $allIPInformationUSGovDODURL out-logfile -string "Obtain IP information for all available Office 365 instances changes." $allIPChangeInformationWorldWide = get-Office365IPInformation -baseURL $allIPChangeInformationWorldWideURL $allIPChangeInformationChina = get-Office365IPInformation -baseURL $allIPChangeInformationChinaURL $allIPChangeInfomrationUSGovGCCHigh = get-Office365IPInformation -baseURL $allIPChangeInformationUSGovGCCHighURL $allIPChangeInformationUSGovDOD = get-Office365IPInformation -baseURL $allIPChangeInformationUSGovDODURL out-logfile -string "Convert IP information from JSON." $allIPInformationWorldWide = get-jsonData -data $allIPInformationWorldWide $allIPInformationChina = get-jsonData -data $allIPInformationChina $allIPInfomrationUSGovGCCHigh = get-jsonData -data $allIPInfomrationUSGovGCCHigh $allIPInformationUSGovDOD = get-jsonData -data $allIPInformationUSGovDOD out-logfile -string "Convert IP information from JSON changes." $allIPChangeInformationWorldWide = get-jsonData -data $allIPChangeInformationWorldWide $allIPChangeInformationChina = get-jsonData -data $allIPChangeInformationChina $allIPChangeInfomrationUSGovGCCHigh = get-jsonData -data $allIPChangeInfomrationUSGovGCCHigh $allIPChangeInformationUSGovDOD = get-jsonData -data $allIPChangeInformationUSGovDOD out-logfile -string "Export all gathered json information to the log directory for further review." export-JSONInformation -dataToExport $allIPInformationWorldWide -exportPath $allIPInformationWorldWideXML export-JSONInformation -dataToExport $allIPInformationChina -exportPath $allIPInformationChinaXML export-JSONInformation -dataToExport $allIPInfomrationUSGovGCCHigh -exportPath $allIPInformationUSGovGCCHighXML export-JSONInformation -dataToExport $allIPInformationUSGovDOD -exportPath $allIPInformationUSGovDODXML export-JSONInformation -dataToExport $allIPChangeInformationWorldWide -exportPath $allIPChangeInformationWorldWideXML export-JSONInformation -dataToExport $allIPChangeInformationChina -exportPath $allIPChangeInformationChinaXML export-JSONInformation -dataToExport $allIPChangeInfomrationUSGovGCCHigh -exportPath $allIPChangeInformationUSGovGCCHighXML export-JSONInformation -dataToExport $allIPChangeInformationUSGovDOD -exportPath $allIPChangeInformationUSGoveDODXML out-logfile -string "Determine if it is necessary to gather Azure IP information and parse the data." if ($includeAzureSearch -eq $TRUE) { out-logfile -string "Azure IP information is included in the query." $azurePublicData = get-azureData -dataLocation $azurePublicCloudXML $azureGovernmentData = get-AzureData -dataLocation $azureGovernmentCloudXML export-JSONInformation -dataToExport $azurePublicData -exportPath $allIPAzurePublic export-JSONInformation -dataToExport $azureGovernmentData -exportPath $allIPAzureGovernment } if ($IPAddressToTest -ne $noIPSpecified) { out-logfile -string "Begin testing IP spaces for presence of the specified IP address." test-IPSpace -dataToTest $allIPInformationWorldWide -IPAddress $IPAddressToTest -regionString $worldWideRegionString -portToTest $portToTest test-IPSpace -dataToTest $allIPInformationChina -IPAddress $IPAddressToTest -regionString $chinaRegionString -portToTest $portToTest test-IPSpace -dataToTest $allIPInfomrationUSGovGCCHigh -IPAddress $IPAddressToTest -regionString $gccHighRegionString -portToTest $portToTest test-IPSpace -dataToTest $allIPInformationUSGovDOD -IPAddress $IPAddressToTest -regionString $dodRegionString -portToTest $portToTest if ($global:outputArray.count -gt 0) { out-logfile -string "IPs found in Active Service - test for changes." test-IPChangeSpace -dataToTest $allIPInformationWorldWide -IPAddress $IPAddressToTest -regionString $worldWideRegionString -changeDataToTest $allIPChangeInformationWorldWide test-IPChangeSpace -dataToTest $allIPInformationChina -IPAddress $IPAddressToTest -regionString $chinaRegionString -changeDataToTest $allIPChangeInformationChina test-IPChangeSpace -dataToTest $allIPInfomrationUSGovGCCHigh -IPAddress $IPAddressToTest -regionString $gccHighRegionString -changeDataToTest $allIPChangeInfomrationUSGovGCCHigh test-IPChangeSpace -dataToTest $allIPInformationUSGovDOD -IPAddress $IPAddressToTest -regionString $dodRegionString -changeDataToTest $allIPChangeInformationUSGovDOD } else { out-logfile -string "No IP addresses found -> no need to test for additions." } if ($global:outputArray.count -eq 0) { out-logfile -string "Since the global output count is equal to 0 -> testing to see if the IP address was removed." test-IPRemoveSpace -dataToTest $allIPInformationWorldWide -IPAddress $IPAddressToTest -regionString $worldWideRegionString -changeDataToTest $allIPChangeInformationWorldWide test-IPRemoveSpace -dataToTest $allIPInformationChina -IPAddress $IPAddressToTest -regionString $chinaRegionString -changeDataToTest $allIPChangeInformationChina test-IPRemoveSpace -dataToTest $allIPInfomrationUSGovGCCHigh -IPAddress $IPAddressToTest -regionString $gccHighRegionString -changeDataToTest $allIPChangeInfomrationUSGovGCCHigh test-IPRemoveSpace -dataToTest $allIPInformationUSGovDOD -IPAddress $IPAddressToTest -regionString $dodRegionString -changeDataToTest $allIPChangeInformationUSGovDOD } else { out-logfile -string "The IP address was found - no need to test for removals." } if ($includeAzureSearch -eq $TRUE) { out-logfile -string "Begin searching for IP address in azure space." test-AzureIPSpace -IPAddress $ipAddressToTest -dataToTest $azurePublicData test-AzureIPSpace -IPAddress $ipAddressToTest -dataToTest $azureGovernmentData } out-logfile -string "If specified gather the IP location for the IP specified." if (($allowQueryIPLocationInformationFromThirdParty -eq $TRUE) -and ($IPAddressToTest -ne $noIPSpecified)) { $ipLocation = get-IPLocationInformation -ipAddress $ipAddressToTest out-logfile -string $ipLocation if ($ipLocation -ne "Failed") { out-logfile -string "Converting IP location JSON." $ipLocation = get-jsonData -data $ipLocation } } if ($global:outputArray.count -gt 0) { foreach ($member in $global:outputArray) { out-logfile -string $member $member } export-JSONInformation -dataToExport $global:outputArray -exportPath $outputXMLFile if ($global:outputChangeArray.count -gt 0) { write-host "IP entries present in the changes file:" foreach ($member in $global:outputChangeArray) { out-logfile -string $member $member } export-JSONInformation -dataToExport $global:outputChangeArray -exportPath $outputChangeXMLFile } } if ($global:outputRemoveArray.count -gt 0) { foreach ($member in $global:outputRemoveArray) { out-logfile -string $member $member } export-JSONInformation -dataToExport $global:outputRemoveArray -exportPath $outputRemoveXMLFile } if ($global:outputAzureArray.count -gt 0) { foreach ($member in $global:outputAzureArray) { out-logfile -string $member $member } export-JSONInformation -dataToExport $global:outputAzureArray -exportPath $outputAzureXMLFile } generate-HTMLData -IPorURLToTest $IPAddressToTest } elseif ($urlToTest -ne $noURLSpecified) { out-logfile -string "Begin testing URL spaces for presence of the specified IP address." test-URLSpace -dataToTest $allIPInformationWorldWide -urlToTest $functionDomainName -regionString $worldWideRegionString test-URLSpace -dataToTest $allIPInformationChina -urlToTest $functionDomainName -regionString $chinaRegionString test-URLSpace -dataToTest $allIPInfomrationUSGovGCCHigh -urlToTest $functionDomainName -regionString $gccHighRegionString test-URLSpace -dataToTest $allIPInformationUSGovDOD -urlToTest $functionDomainName -regionString $dodRegionString if ($global:outputArray.count -gt 0) { out-logfile -string "IPs found in Active Service - test for changes." test-URLChangeSpace -dataToTest $allIPInformationWorldWide -urlToTest $urlToTest -regionString $worldWideRegionString -changeDataToTest $allIPChangeInformationWorldWide test-URLChangeSpace -dataToTest $allIPInformationChina -urlToTest $urlToTest -regionString $chinaRegionString -changeDataToTest $allIPChangeInformationChina test-URLChangeSpace -dataToTest $allIPInfomrationUSGovGCCHigh -urlToTest $urlToTest -regionString $gccHighRegionString -changeDataToTest $allIPChangeInfomrationUSGovGCCHigh test-URLChangeSpace -dataToTest $allIPInformationUSGovDOD -urlToTest $urlToTest -regionString $dodRegionString -changeDataToTest $allIPChangeInformationUSGovDOD } else { out-logfile -string "No IP addresses found -> no need to test for additions." } if ($global:outputArray.count -eq 0) { out-logfile -string "Since the global output count is equal to 0 -> testing to see if the IP address was removed." test-URLRemoveSpace -dataToTest $allIPInformationWorldWide -urlToTest $URLToTest -regionString $worldWideRegionString -changeDataToTest $allIPChangeInformationWorldWide test-URLRemoveSpace -dataToTest $allIPInformationChina -urlToTest $URLToTest -regionString $chinaRegionString -changeDataToTest $allIPChangeInformationChina test-URLRemoveSpace -dataToTest $allIPInfomrationUSGovGCCHigh -urlToTest $URLToTest -regionString $gccHighRegionString -changeDataToTest $allIPChangeInfomrationUSGovGCCHigh test-URLRemoveSpace -dataToTest $allIPInformationUSGovDOD -urlToTest $URLToTest -regionString $dodRegionString -changeDataToTest $allIPChangeInformationUSGovDOD } else { out-logfile -string "The IP address was found - no need to test for removals." } if ($global:outputArray.count -gt 0) { foreach ($entry in $global:outputArray) { out-logfile -string $entry $entry } export-JSONInformation -dataToExport $global:outputArray -exportPath $outputXMLFile if ($global:outputChangeArray.count -gt 0) { foreach ($entry in $global:outputChangeArray) { out-logfile -string $entry $entry } export-JSONInformation -dataToExport $global:outputChangeArray -exportPath outputChangeXMLFile } } if ($global:outputRemoveArray.count -gt 0) { foreach ($entry in $global:outputRemoveArray) { out-logfile -string $entry $entry } export-JSONInformation -dataToExport $global:outputRemoveArray -exportPath $outputRemoveXMLFile } generate-HTMLData -IPorURLToTest $URLToTest } |