function Save-Artifact { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "default")] param ( # Parameter help description [Parameter(mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [Alias("ArtifactId")] [String[]] $Id, [Parameter(mandatory = $true )] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String] $Path, # makes filename unique [Parameter(mandatory = $false )] [switch] $AddGUID ) begin { try { ValidateConnection } catch { $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError($_) } } Process { foreach ($_ArtifactID in $Id) { Write-Verbose "Retrieving artifact for ID $_ArtifactID " $artifact = $repo._repository.Artifacts.Get("$_ArtifactID") Write-Verbose "Retrieving content from $($artifact.ID)" $content = $repo._repository.Artifacts.GetContent($artifact) # artifactts can have the same name. this makes the filename unique if ($AddGUID) { $guid = New-Guid $fn = $artifact.Filename $lastDot = $fn.LastIndexOf(".") if ($lastDot -eq -1) { $filename = $fn + $guid } else { $filename = $fn.Substring(0, $lastDot) + $guid + $fn.Substring($lastDot, $($fn.Length) - $lastDot) } } else { $filename = $artifact.Filename } Write-Verbose "Trying to save $filename) to $path" $fullPath = Join-Path $path $filename try { $file = [System.IO.File]::Create("$fullPath") } catch { Throw "Part of the path doesn't exist $path" } $content.CopyTo($file) $file.Close() $content.Close() get-item $ } } end {} } |