
function Get-TenantProject {
    Returns a list of Projects with Environments
    Returns a list of Projects with
    PS C:\> Get-TenantProject
    Returns a list of all Projects with Environments connected for all tenants
    PS C:\> Get-TenantProject -Tenant 'XXROM001'
    Returns a list of all Projects with Environments connected to the tenant named XXROM001
PS C:\> Get-TenantProject -Tenant 'DEKAE99Z', 'CHZRZ99A'
Returns a list of all Projects with Environments connected to the tenants named DEKAE99Z and CHZRZ99A
    PS C:\> Get-Tenant -Tag Region/AT | Get-TenantProject -Environment Production
    Returns a list of all Projects in 'Production' for all tenants with the tag 'Region/AT'

    param (
        # tenant you want the variables for
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false,
            ValueFromPipeline = $true,
            ParameterSetName = "tenant")]

        # provide environment if you only want tenant vars for a certain environment
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false,
            ParameterSetName = "tenant")]

    begin {
        # testing connection to octopus
        try {
        catch {
        $allEnvs = Get-Environment
        $allproj = Get-Project

    process {
        # variables types [System.Enum]::GetNames([Octopus.Client.Model.VariableSetContentType])
        if (! $Tenant){
            $Tenant = Get-Tenant
        foreach ($_tenant in $Tenant) {
            $projEnv = $_tenant.ProjectEnvironments.GetEnumerator()
            if ($projEnv) {
                foreach ($pe in $projEnv) {
                    #$project = Get-Project -ID $pe.Key
                    $project = $allproj | Where-Object ID -EQ $pe.Key
                    foreach ($e in $pe.Value) {
                        # if environment was passed into function check if it the same as the current envirvonment. if not continuew
                        if ($Environment -and $e -ne $ {

                        $env = $allEnvs | Where-Object id -EQ $e

                        #"{0} - {1}" -f $, $
                            TenantName      = $
                            ProjectName     = $
                            EnvironmentName = $

    end {}
