
function Copy-MachinePolicy {
    Function not finished but working
    Creates a copy of a given machine policy
    Creates a copy of a given machine policy. This can be used to used to reduce the amount of machines in a machine policy be copying the policy and redistributing the machines
    PS C:\> No Example yet

    # TODO: update params with completers and documentation
    Test-OctopusConnection | Out-Null
    $newPolicy = [Octopus.Client.Model.MachinePolicyResource]::new()
    $newPolicy = $MachinePolicy = $repo._repository.MachinePolicies.Get($MachinePolicy.ID)
    $newPolicy.Name = $Name
    if (-not ($IsDefault.isPresent)) {
        $newPolicy.IsDefault = $False
    $repo._repository.MachinePolicies.Create($newPolicy)# | Out-Null

$properties = $defaultPolicy.psobject.Properties | Where-Object membertype -EQ "Property" | Select-Object name
foreach ($prop in $properties) {
