$moduleName = Split-Path ($PSCommandPath -replace '\.Tests\.ps1$', '') -Leaf $modulePath = Split-Path $PSCommandPath -Parent $modulePath = Resolve-Path "$PSCommandPath/../../$moduleName.ps1" . $modulePath Describe "Get-ODSCParameter" { $desiredConfiguration = @{ Name = 'Stub' Ensure = 'Present' } Function Test-GetODSCParameter { param( $Name, $Ensure, $DefaultValue = 'default' ) return (Get-ODSCParameter $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters) } It "Should be able to return our known default values" { (Test-GetODSCParameter @desiredConfiguration).DefaultValue | Should be 'default' } } Describe "Request-File" { Context "It shouldn't download when hashes match" { Mock Invoke-WebRequest { param($uri, $saveAs, [switch]$UseBasicParsing, $Method) return [pscustomobject]@{ Headers = @{'x-amz-meta-sha256' = "abcdef1234567890"}; } } -Verifiable Mock Invoke-WebClient -Verifiable Mock Get-FileHash { return [pscustomobject]@{Hash = "abcdef1234567890"} } Mock Test-Path { return $true } It "Should only request the file hash and not download the file" { Request-File 'https://octopus.com/downloads/latest/WindowsX64/OctopusServer' $env:tmp\OctopusServer.msi # -verbose Assert-MockCalled "Invoke-WebRequest" -ParameterFilter {$Method -eq "HEAD" } -Times 1 Assert-MockCalled "Invoke-WebClient" -Times 0 } } Context "It should download when hashes mismatch" { Mock Invoke-WebRequest { param($uri, $saveAs, [switch]$UseBasicParsing, $Method) return [pscustomobject]@{ Headers = @{'x-amz-meta-sha256' = "abcdef1234567891"}; } } -Verifiable Mock Invoke-WebClient -Verifiable Mock Get-FileHash { return [pscustomobject]@{Hash = "abcdef1234567890"} } Mock Test-Path { return $true } It "Should request the file has and also download the file" { Request-File 'https://octopus.com/downloads/latest/WindowsX64/OctopusServer' $env:tmp\OctopusServer.msi # -verbose Assert-MockCalled "Invoke-WebRequest" -Times 1 Assert-MockCalled "Invoke-WebClient" -Times 1 } } } Describe "Invoke-OctopusServerCommand" { Context "It should not leak password or masterkey" { $OctopusServerExePath = "echo" Write-Output "Mocked OctopusServerExePath as $OctopusServerExePath" Mock Write-Verbose { } -verifiable Function Write-CommandOutput {} $dbargs = @("database", "--instance", "OctopusServer", "--connectionstring", "Data Source=mydbserver;Initial Catalog=Octopus;Integrated Security=SSPI;Max Pool Size=200", "--masterKey", "ABCD123456ASDBD") $pwargs = @("database", "--instance", "OctopusServer", "--connectionstring", "Data Source=mydbserver;Initial Catalog=Octopus;Integrated Security=SSPI;Max Pool Size=200;username=sa;password=p@ssword1234!") $pwargs2 = @("database", "--instance", "OctopusServer", "--connectionstring", "Data Source=mydbserver;Initial Catalog=Octopus;Integrated Security=SSPI;Max Pool Size=200;username=sa;pwd=p@ssword1234!") $lcargs = @("license", "--console", "--instance", "OctopusServer", "--licenseBase64", "khsandvlinfaslkndsafdvlkjnvdsakljnvasdfkjnsdavkjnvfwq45o3ragoahwer4") $npkargs = @("database", "--instance", "OctopusServer", "--connectionstring", "Data Source=mydbserver;Initial Catalog=Octopus;Integrated Security=SSPI;Max Pool Size=200;") It "Doesn't try to mask output when no sensitive values exist " { Invoke-OctopusServerCommand $npkargs Assert-MockCalled Write-Verbose -parameterfilter { $Message -eq "Masking output" } -times 0 } It "Tries to mask the master key" { Invoke-OctopusServerCommand $dbargs Assert-MockCalled Write-Verbose -parameterfilter { $Message -eq "Masking output" } Assert-MockCalled Write-Verbose -parameterfilter { $message -like "*`*`*`*`**"} -times 1 # has at least four asterisks } It "Tries to mask the Connectionstring password" { Invoke-OctopusServerCommand $pwargs Assert-MockCalled Write-Verbose -parameterfilter { $Message -eq "Masking output" } Assert-MockCalled Write-Verbose -parameterfilter { $message -like "*`*`*`*`**"} -times 1 } It "Tries to mask the licencebase64" { Invoke-OctopusServerCommand $lcargs Assert-MockCalled Write-Verbose -parameterfilter { $Message -eq "Masking output" } Assert-MockCalled Write-Verbose -parameterfilter { $message -like "*`*`*`*`**"} -times 1 } It "Should successfully mask the SQL password" { ((Get-MaskedOutput $pwargs) -match "p@ssword1234!").Count | Should be 0 } It "Should successfully mask a short-arg SQL password" { ((Get-MaskedOutput $pwargs2) -match "p@ssword1234!").Count | Should be 0 } It "Should successfully mask the licence key" { $licence = "khsandvlinfaslkndsafdvlkjnvdsakljnvasdfkjnsdavkjnvfwq45o3ragoahwer4" ((Get-MaskedOutput $lcargs) -match $licence).Count | Should Be 0 ((Get-MaskedOutput $lcargs) -match "\*\*\*\*").Count -gt 0 | Should Be $true } It "Should successfully mask the master key" { ((Get-MaskedOutput $dbargs) -match "ABCD123456ASDBD").Count | Should Be 0 ((Get-MaskedOutput $dbargs) -match "\*\*\*\*").Count -gt 0 | Should Be $true } } } |