
   Gets Octopus Projects Variable sets
   Gets Octopus Projects Variable sets
   This command gets the variable sets of all the projects
   Get-OctopusProjectVariable -ProjectName MyProject
   This command gets the Variable Set of the Project named "MyProject"
   $VariableName = "ConnectionString"
   Get-OctopusProjectVariable | where {$ -eq $VariableName}
   This command gets all the variable sets that include a variable with the name "ConnectionString"
   $VariableValue = "MySiteName"
    Get-OctopusProjectVariable | where {$_.variables.value -eq $VariableValue}
   This command gets all the variable sets that include a variable with the value "MySiteName"
   Get-OctopusProjectGroup -name "MyImportantProjects"| Get-OctopusProject | Get-OctopusProjectVariable
   This command gets the Variable Sets of all the projects inside of a Project Group named "MyImportantProjects"
   Github project:
   Advanced Cmdlet Usage:
   QA and Cmdlet request:

function Get-OctopusProjectVariable
        #Project name
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,Position=0)]

        $c = New-OctopusConnection
        $list = @()
        $i = 1        
        Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] Getting Variables of projects: $($Projectname)"
        #Getting Projects
        $Projects = Get-OctopusProject -Name $Projectname -ResourceOnly       

        #Getting info by project
        foreach ($p in $Projects){

            Write-Progress -Activity "Getting info from variable set of project: $($" -status "$i of $($Projects.count)" -percentComplete ($i / $Projects.count*100)
            Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)] Getting Variables info of project: $($"                

            $vars = @()

            $projVar = $C.repository.VariableSets.Get($p.links.variables)

            foreach ($var in $projVar.variables){

                $scope = Get-OctopusVariableScopeValue -Resource $projVar -VariableName $
                $obj = [PSCustomObject]@{
                    Name = $
                    Value = $var.value
                    Scope = $scope
                    IsSensitive = $var.IsSensitive
                    IsEditable = $var.IsEditable
                    Prompt = $var.Prompt                    

                $vars += $obj
            $obj = [PSCustomObject]@{
                ProjectName = $
                Variables = $vars
                LastModifiedOn = $projVar.LastModifiedOn
                LastModifiedBy = $projVar.LastModifiedBy
                Resource = $projVar
            $list += $obj

        If($list.count -eq 0){
            $list = $null
        return $List