
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
                <Text AssemblyName="System.Management.Automation" BaseName="HelpDisplayStrings" ResourceId="Name"/>
              <Text AssemblyName="System.Management.Automation" BaseName="HelpDisplayStrings" ResourceId="DetailedDescription"/>
              <Text> </Text>
                  <Text> [</Text>
                      $Parameters = foreach ($Parameter in $_.Parameters.Values | Where-Object {$_.In} | Sort-Object ID) {
                        '[{0}] ${1}' -f $Parameter.Type,$Parameter.Name
                      $Parameters -join ", "
                      if ($_.Static) {
                        ' &lt;Static&gt;'
                  <Text> &lt;</Text>
                    <ScriptBlock>if ($_.In) {"in"} else {"out"}</ScriptBlock>
              <Text AssemblyName="System.Management.Automation" BaseName="HelpDisplayStrings" ResourceId="Syntax"/>
              <Text AssemblyName="System.Management.Automation" BaseName="HelpDisplayStrings" ResourceId="Syntax"/>
                  <Text>Get-CimObject </Text>
                  <Text> -Namespace </Text>
  <!-- ################ VIEW DEFINITIONS ################ -->
      <!-- This view is used when Get-ObjectHelp is called w/ no parameters on a command. -->
      <!-- This view is used when Get-ObjectHelp is called on a command and passed -Detailed. -->
                <ScriptBlock>$_.Properties.Values | Sort-Object Name</ScriptBlock>
                <ScriptBlock>$_.Methods.Values | Sort-Object Name</ScriptBlock>
      <!-- This view is used when Get-ObjectHelp is called on a command and passed -Property. -->
      <!-- This view is used when Get-ObjectHelp is called on a command and passed -Method. -->
                    <ScriptBlock>$_.Parameters.Values | Sort-Object ID</ScriptBlock>