#Requires -Modules @{ModuleName="Pester"; ModuleVersion="5.5.0"} using module ..\..\ObjectGraphTools [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage('PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments', 'Object', Justification = 'False positive')] param() Describe 'Sort-ObjectGraph' { BeforeAll { Set-StrictMode -Version Latest } Context 'Existence Check' { It 'Help' { Sort-ObjectGraph -? | Out-String -Stream | Should -Contain SYNOPSIS } } Context 'Scalar Array' { It 'Integer' { $Object = 3, 1, 2 $Sorted = ,$Object | Sort-ObjectGraph $Sorted | Should -Be 1, 2, 3 $Sorted = ,$Object | Sort-ObjectGraph -Descending $Sorted | Should -Be 3, 2, 1 } It 'String' { $Object = 'c3', 'a1', 'b2' $Sorted = ,$Object | Sort-ObjectGraph $Sorted | Should -Be 'a1', 'b2', 'c3' $Sorted = ,$Object | Sort-ObjectGraph -Descending $Sorted | Should -Be 'c3', 'b2', 'a1' } } Context 'Dictionary' { $Dictionary = @{ c = 1; a = 3; b = 2 } $Sorted = $Dictionary | Sort-ObjectGraph $Sorted | Should -BeOfType 'System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary' $Sorted.Keys | Should -be 'a', 'b', 'c' $Sorted.Values | Should -be 3, 2, 1 } Context 'PSCustomObject' { $PSCustomObject = [PSCustomObject]@{ c = 1; a = 3; b = 2 } $Sorted = $PSCustomObject | Sort-ObjectGraph $Sorted | Should -BeOfType PSCustomObject $Sorted.PSObject.Properties.Name | Should -be 'a', 'b', 'c' $Sorted.PSObject.Properties.Value | Should -be 3, 2, 1 } Context 'Dictionary Array' { BeforeEach { $Object = @{ Comment = 'Sample ObjectGraph' Data = @( @{ Index = 1 Name = 'One' Comment = 'First item' } @{ Index = 2 Name = 'Two' Comment = 'Second item' } @{ Index = 3 Name = 'Three' Comment = 'Third item' } ) } } It 'Basic Sort' { $Sorted = $Object | Sort-ObjectGraph $Sorted.Data.Index | Should -Be 1, 2, 3 $Sorted.Keys | Should -Be 'Comment', 'Data' $Sorted.Data[0].Keys | Should -Be 'Comment', 'Index', 'Name' } It 'Descending' { $Sorted = $Object | Sort-ObjectGraph -Descending $Sorted.Data.Index | Should -Be 2, 3, 1 $Sorted.Keys | Should -Be 'Data', 'Comment' $Sorted.Data[0].Keys | Should -Be 'Name', 'Index', 'Comment' } It 'By Name' { $Sorted = $Object | Sort-ObjectGraph -By Name $Sorted.Data.Index | Should -Be 1, 3, 2 $Sorted.Keys | Should -Be 'Comment', 'Data' $Sorted.Data[0].Keys | Should -Be 'Name', 'Comment', 'Index' } It 'By Name Descending' { $Sorted = $Object | Sort-ObjectGraph -By Name -Descending $Sorted.Data.Index | Should -Be 2, 3, 1 $Sorted.Keys | Should -Be 'Data', 'Comment' $Sorted.Data[0].Keys | Should -Be 'Name', 'Index', 'Comment' } } Context 'Object Array' { BeforeEach { $Object = @{ Comment = 'Sample ObjectGraph' Data = @( [PSCustomObject]@{ Index = 1 Name = 'One' Comment = 'First item' } [PSCustomObject]@{ Index = 2 Name = 'Two' Comment = 'Second item' } [PSCustomObject]@{ Index = 3 Name = 'One' Comment = 'Third item' } ) } } It 'Basic Sort' { $Sorted = $Object | Sort-ObjectGraph $Sorted.Data.Index | Should -Be 1, 2, 3 $Sorted.Keys | Should -Be 'Comment', 'Data' $Sorted.Data[0].PSObject.Properties.Name | Should -Be 'Comment', 'Index', 'Name' } It 'Descending' { $Sorted = $Object | Sort-ObjectGraph -Descending $Sorted.Data.Index | Should -Be 2, 3, 1 $Sorted.Keys | Should -Be 'Data', 'Comment' $Sorted.Data[0].PSObject.Properties.Name | Should -Be 'Name', 'Index', 'Comment' } It 'By Name' { $Sorted = $Object | Sort-ObjectGraph -By Name $Sorted.Data.Index | Should -Be 1, 3, 2 $Sorted.Keys | Should -Be 'Comment', 'Data' $Sorted.Data[0].PSObject.Properties.Name | Should -Be 'Name', 'Comment', 'Index' } It 'By Name Descending' { $Sorted = $Object | Sort-ObjectGraph -By Name -Descending $Sorted.Data.Index | Should -Be 2, 3, 1 $Sorted.Keys | Should -Be 'Data', 'Comment' $Sorted.Data[0].PSObject.Properties.Name | Should -Be 'Name', 'Index', 'Comment' } } Context 'Types' { It 'Type' { $Object = @{ String = 'String' HereString = @' Hello World '@ Int = 67 Double = 1.2 Long = 1234567890123456 DateTime = [DateTime]'1963-10-07T17:56:53.8139055' Version = [Version]'1.2.34567.890' Guid = [Guid]'5f167621-6abe-4153-a26c-f643e1716720' Script = {2 * 3} Array = 'One', 'Two', 'Three', 'Four' ByteArray = 1, 2, 3 StringArray = 'One', 'Two', 'Three' EmptyArray = @() SingleValueArray = ,'one' SubArray = 'One', ( 'Two', 'Three' ), 'Four' HashTable = @{ Name = 'Value' } Ordered = [Ordered]@{ One = 1 Two = 2 Three = 3 Four = 4 } Object = [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = 'Value' } } { $Object | Sort-ObjectGraph } | Should -not -throw } Context 'Issues' { It '#2: Merge-ObjectGraph Bug' { } } Context 'Warning' { BeforeAll { $Object = @{ Name = 'Test' } $Object.Parent = $Object } It 'Default Depth' { $Records = Sort-ObjectGraph $Object 3>&1 $Records.where{$_ -is [System.Management.Automation.WarningRecord]}.Message | Should -BeLike "*maximum depth*$([PSNode]::DefaultMaxDepth)*" $Records.where{$_ -isnot [System.Management.Automation.WarningRecord]}.Name | Should -Be 'Test' } It '-Depth 5' { $Records = Sort-ObjectGraph -Depth 5 $Object 3>&1 $Records.where{$_ -is [System.Management.Automation.WarningRecord]}.Message | Should -BeLike '*maximum depth*5*' $Records.where{$_ -isnot [System.Management.Automation.WarningRecord]}.Name | Should -Be 'Test' } } Context 'Issues' { It '#12: Bug Sort-ObjectGraph' { $Object = ConvertFrom-Json ' { "NoneNodeData": { "Teams": { "AppSetupPolicies": [ { "Ensure": "Present", "Identity": "Global", "PinnedAppBarApps": [ "86fcd49b-61a2-4701-b771-54728cd291fb", "42f6c1da-a241-483a-a3cc-4f5be9185951", "2a84919f-59d8-4441-a975-2a8c2643b741", "14d6962d-6eeb-4f48-8890-de55454bb136", "14072831-8a2a-4f76-9294-057bf0b42a68" ] } ] } } }' $Sorted = $Object | Sort-ObjectGraph $Sorted.NoneNodeData.Teams.AppSetupPolicies[0].PinnedAppBarApps[0] | Should -BeOfType String $Sorted.NoneNodeData.Teams.AppSetupPolicies[0].PinnedAppBarApps[0].Length | Should -BeGreaterThan 1 } It '#46: Sort-ObjectGraph: Out of range error' { { @{ 1 = 'One' 2 = 'Two' 3 = 'Three' } | Sort-ObjectGraph } | Should -Not -Throw } It "#88 Sort-Object doesn't sort numbers correctly" { $Sorted = Sort-ObjectGraph 100, 3, 20 $Sorted[0] | Should -be 3 $Sorted[1] | Should -be 20 $Sorted[2] | Should -be 100 $Sorted = ,(100, 3, 20) | Sort-ObjectGraph $Sorted[0] | Should -be 3 $Sorted[1] | Should -be 20 $Sorted[2] | Should -be 100 $Sorted = @{ a = 100, 20, 3 } | Sort-ObjectGraph $Sorted.a[0] | Should -be 3 $Sorted.a[1] | Should -be 20 $Sorted.a[2] | Should -be 100 } It '#89 Sort-ObjectGraph adds $Null to empty lists' { $Sorted = Sort-ObjectGraph @{ a = @() } $Sorted.a.get_Count() | Should -be 0 } } } } |