#Requires -Modules @{ModuleName="Pester"; ModuleVersion="5.5.0"} using module ..\..\ObjectGraphTools [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage('PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments', 'Object', Justification = 'False positive')] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage('PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments', 'ObjectGraph', Justification = 'False positive')] param() Describe 'Get-Node' { BeforeAll { Set-StrictMode -Version Latest $Object = @{ Comment = 'Sample ObjectGraph' Data = @( @{ Index = 1 Name = 'One' Comment = 'First item' } @{ Index = 2 Name = 'Two' Comment = 'Second item' } @{ Index = 3 Name = 'Three' Comment = 'Third item' } ) } } Context 'Existence Check' { It 'Help' { Get-Node -? | Out-String -Stream | Should -Contain SYNOPSIS } } Context 'Root' { it 'String' { $Node = 'Hello World' | Get-Node $Node -is [PSNode] | Should -BeTrue $Node.Value | Should -Be 'Hello World' } it 'Object' { $Node = $Object | Get-Node $Node -is [PSNode] | Should -BeTrue $Node -is [PSCollectionNode] | Should -BeTrue $Node -is [PSMapNode] | Should -BeTrue $Node -is [PSDictionaryNode] | Should -BeTrue } } Context 'by Path' { it 'Get data node' { $Data = $Object | Get-Node Data $Data -is [PSListNode] | Should -BeTrue } it 'Get the first comment node' { $Comment = $Object | Get-Node Data[0].Comment $Comment.Value | Should -Be 'First item' } } # Context 'Value only' { # it 'Get the first comment node' { # $Comment = $Object | Get-Node Data[0].Comment -ValueOnly # $Comment | Should -Be 'First item' # } # } Context 'Extended Dot Notation' { BeforeAll { $ObjectGraph = @{ BookStore = @( @{ Book = @{ Title = 'Harry Potter' Price = 29.99 } }, @{ Book = @{ Title = 'Learning PowerShell' Price = 39.95 } } ) } } it 'Member-Access Enumeration' { $Titles = $ObjectGraph | Get-Node BookStore.Book.Title $Titles.Count | Should -be 2 $Titles.Value | Sort-Object | Should -Be 'Harry Potter', 'Learning PowerShell' } it 'Wildcard selection' { $Nodes = $ObjectGraph | Get-Node BookStore.Book.* $Nodes.Count | Should -be 4 $Nodes.Value | Sort-Object | Should -Be 29.99, 39.95, 'Harry Potter', 'Learning PowerShell' } it 'Ancestor selector' { $1stTitle = $ObjectGraph | Get-Node BookStore[0].Book.Title $1StBook = $1stTitle | Get-Node .. $1stBook.Path | Should -be BookStore[0].Book } it 'Descendant selector' { $Titles = $ObjectGraph | Get-Node BookStore~Title $Titles.Count | Should -be 2 $Titles.Value | Sort-Object | Should -Be 'Harry Potter', 'Learning PowerShell' } it 'Equals filter' { $Price = $ObjectGraph | Get-Node BookStore~Title=*PowerShell*..Price $Price.Value | Should -Be 39.95 } it 'Or selection list' { $Title = $ObjectGraph | Get-Node BookStore~Title=*JavaScript*/*PowerShell*/*Python* $Title.Value | Should -Be 'Learning PowerShell' } } Context 'Change value' { BeforeAll { $ObjectGraph = @{ BookStore = @( @{ Book = @{ Title = 'Harry Potter' Price = 29.99 } }, @{ Book = @{ Title = 'Learning PowerShell' Price = 39.95 } } ) } } it 'Update price' { $Price = $ObjectGraph | Get-Node BookStore~Title=*PowerShell*..Price $Price.Value | Should -Be 39.95 $Price.Value = 24.95 $NewPrice = $ObjectGraph | Get-Node BookStore~Title=*PowerShell*..Price $NewPrice.Value | Should -Be 24.95 } } Context 'Stack Overflow' { it 'how to get the name of a JSON object a data pair is in' { # https://stackoverflow.com/q/77847823/1701026 $Json = ' { "Team1": { "John Smith": { "position": "IT Manager", "employees": [ { "name": "John Doe", "position": "Programmer" }, { "name": "Jane Vincent", "position": "Developer" } ] }, "Jane Smith": { "position": "Payroll Manager", "employees": [ { "name": "John Bylaw", "position": "Clerk" }, { "name": "Jane Hormel", "position": "accountant" } ] } }, "Team2": { "Bob Smith": { "position": "IT Manager", "employees": [ { "name": "Bob Doe", "position": "Programmer" }, { "name": "Margaret Smith", "position": "Developer" } ] }, "Mary Smith": { "position": "Payroll Manager", "employees": [ { "name": "Henry Bylaw", "position": "Clerk" }, { "name": "Eric Hormel", "position": "accountant" } ] } } }' $Name = 'Eric Hormel' $Eric = $Json | ConvertFrom-Json | Get-Node ~Name="$Name" $Eric.GetNode('....Position').Value | Should -Be 'Payroll Manager' } } } |