Function Get-OZOHostname { <# .SYNOPSIS See description. .DESCRIPTION Returns the hostname for a given fully qualified domain name ("FQDN"). If executed without parameters, it returns the hostname of the running system. .PARAMETER FQDN The fully qualified domain name. .EXAMPLE Get-OZOHostname -FQDN "example.contoso.com" example .EXAMPLE Get-OZOHostname DESKTOP-OZO80202 .LINK https://github.com/onezeroone-dev/OZO-PowerShell-Module/blob/main/README.md#get-ozohostname #> # Parameters param ([Parameter(Mandatory=$false,HelpMessage="The fully qualified domain name")][String]$FQDN) # Determine if FQDN is null or empty If ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($FQDN)) { # FQDN is null or empty; return the local hostname return $Env:COMPUTERNAME } Else { # FQDN is not null or empty; parse and return the hostname return ($FQDN -Split "\.",2)[0] } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-OZOHostname |