
Downloads Dell or Hp Model Packs and creates a MultiPack
Downloads Dell or Hp Model Packs and creates a MultiPack
Requires BITS for downloading the Downloads
Requires Internet access
.PARAMETER WorkspacePath
Directory to the OSDDrivers Workspace. This contains the Download, Expand, and Package subdirectories
Select Dell or HP
Appends the string to the MultiPack Name
.PARAMETER Generation
Generation of the Model Packs
Operating System Architecture of the Model Pack to be extracted
Operating System Version of the Model Pack to be extracted
Adds drivers in the Audio Directory to the MultiPack
Adds AMD Video Drivers to the MultiPack
.PARAMETER SaveIntelVideo
Adds Intel Video Drivers to the MultiPack
.PARAMETER SaveNvidiaVideo
Adds Nvidia Video Drivers to the MultiPack

function Save-OSDMultiPack {
    Param (
        # InputObject
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        # Mandatory

        [ValidateSet ('Dell','HP')]

        [string]$AppendName = 'None',
        # Filters
        [ValidateSet ('G0','G1','G2','G3','G4','G5','G6','X1','X2','X3','X4','X5','X6','X7','X8','X9','X10')]

        [ValidateSet ('x64','x86')]
        [string]$OsArch = 'x64',

        [ValidateSet ('10.0','6.3','6.1')]
        [string]$OsVersion = '10.0',

        #[ValidateSet ('Latitude','Optiplex','Precision')]
        # Switches
        [switch]$SaveAudio = $false,
        [switch]$SaveAmdVideo = $false,
        [switch]$SaveIntelVideo = $false,
        [switch]$SaveNvidiaVideo = $false

    Begin {
        # Defaults
        if ($Make -eq 'Dell') {
            $OSDGroup = 'DellModel'
            $MultiPack = 'DellMultiPack'
        if ($Make -eq 'HP') {
            $OSDGroup = 'HpModel'
            $MultiPack = 'HpMultiPack'
        # CustomName
        if ($AppendName -eq 'None') {
            $CustomName = "$MultiPack $OsVersion $OsArch"
        } else {
            $CustomName = "$MultiPack $OsVersion $OsArch $AppendName"
        # Get-OSDWorkspace Home
        $OSDWorkspace = Get-PathOSDD -Path $WorkspacePath
        Write-Verbose "Workspace Path: $OSDWorkspace" -Verbose
        # Get-OSDWorkspace Children
        $WorkspaceDownload = Get-PathOSDD -Path (Join-Path $OSDWorkspace 'Download')
        Write-Verbose "Workspace Download: $WorkspaceDownload" -Verbose

        $WorkspaceExpand = Get-PathOSDD -Path (Join-Path $OSDWorkspace 'Expand')
        Write-Verbose "Workspace Expand: $WorkspaceExpand" -Verbose

        $WorkspacePackages = Get-PathOSDD -Path (Join-Path $OSDWorkspace 'Packages')
        Write-Verbose "Workspace Packages: $WorkspacePackages" -Verbose
        Publish-OSDDriverScripts -PublishPath $WorkspacePackages

        $PackagePath = Get-PathOSDD -Path (Join-Path $WorkspacePackages "$CustomName")
        Write-Verbose "MultiPack Path: $PackagePath" -Verbose
        Publish-OSDDriverScripts -PublishPath $PackagePath

    Process {
        # Defaults
        $Expand = $true
        if ($SaveAudio -eq $false) {Write-Warning "Audio Drivers will be removed from resulting packages"}
        if ($SaveAmdVideo -eq $false) {Write-Warning "AMD Video Drivers will be removed from resulting packages"}
        if ($SaveIntelVideo -eq $false) {Write-Warning "Intel Video Drivers will be removed from resulting packages"}
        if ($SaveNvidiaVideo -eq $false) {Write-Warning "Nvidia Video Drivers will be removed from resulting packages"}
        Publish-OSDDriverScripts -PublishPath (Join-Path $WorkspaceDownload $OSDGroup)
        # Get-OSDDrivers
        $OSDDrivers = @()
        if ($InputObject) {
            $SkipGridView = $true
            $OSDDrivers = $InputObject
        } else {
            if ($OSDGroup -eq 'DellModel') {
                $OSDDrivers = Get-DellModelPack -DownloadPath (Join-Path $WorkspaceDownload $OSDGroup)
                $OSDDrivers | Export-Clixml "$(Join-Path $WorkspaceDownload $(Join-Path 'DellModel' 'DellModelPack.clixml'))"
            if ($OSDGroup -eq 'HpModel') {
                $OSDDrivers = Get-HpModelPack -DownloadPath (Join-Path $WorkspaceDownload $OSDGroup)
                $OSDDrivers | Export-Clixml "$(Join-Path $WorkspaceDownload $(Join-Path 'HpModel' 'HpModelPack.clixml'))"
            if ($OSDGroup -eq 'DellFamily') {
                $OSDDrivers = Get-DellFamilyPack
        # Set-OSDStatus
        foreach ($OSDDriver in $OSDDrivers) {
            $DriverName = $OSDDriver.DriverName
            $OSDCabFile = "$($DriverName).cab"
            $DownloadFile = $OSDDriver.DownloadFile
            $OSDGroup = $OSDDriver.OSDGroup
            $OSDType = $OSDDriver.OSDType

            $DownloadedDriverGroup  = (Join-Path $WorkspaceDownload $OSDGroup)
            Write-Verbose "DownloadedDriverGroup: $DownloadedDriverGroup"

            $DownloadedDriverPath = (Join-Path $WorkspaceDownload (Join-Path $OSDGroup $DownloadFile))
            if (Test-Path "$DownloadedDriverPath") {$OSDDriver.OSDStatus = 'Downloaded'}

            $ExpandedDriverPath = (Join-Path $WorkspaceExpand (Join-Path $OSDGroup $DriverName))
            if (Test-Path "$ExpandedDriverPath") {$OSDDriver.OSDStatus = 'Expanded'}
        # Filters
        if ($OsArch) {$OSDDrivers = $OSDDrivers | Where-Object {$_.OsArch -match "$OsArch"}}
        if ($OsVersion) {$OSDDrivers = $OSDDrivers | Where-Object {$_.OsVersion -match "$OsVersion"}}
        if ($Generation) {$OSDDrivers = $OSDDrivers | Where-Object {$_.Generation -eq "$Generation"}}
        if ($SystemFamily) {$OSDDrivers = $OSDDrivers | Where-Object {$_.SystemFamily -match "$SystemFamily"}}
        # GridView
        $OSDDrivers = $OSDDrivers | Sort-Object LastUpdate -Descending
        if ($SkipGridView) {
            #Write-Warning "SkipGridView: Skipping Out-GridView"
        } else {
            $OSDDrivers = $OSDDrivers | Out-GridView -PassThru -Title "Select Driver Packs to MultiPack and press OK"
        # Export MultiPack Object
        $OSDDrivers | Export-Clixml "$PackagePath\$CustomName $(Get-Date -Format yyMMddHHmmssfff).clixml" -Force
        $OSDWmiQuery = @()
        Get-ChildItem $PackagePath *.clixml | foreach {$OSDWmiQuery += Import-Clixml $_.FullName}
        if ($OSDWmiQuery) {
            $OSDWmiQuery | Show-OSDWmiQuery -Make HP -Result Model | Out-File "$PackagePath\WmiQuery.txt" -Force
            $OSDWmiQuery | Show-OSDWmiQuery -Make HP -Result SystemId | Out-File "$PackagePath\WmiQuerySystemId.txt" -Force
        # Execute
        if ($WorkspacePath) {
            Write-Verbose "==================================================================================================="
            foreach ($OSDDriver in $OSDDrivers) {
                $OSDType = $OSDDriver.OSDType
                Write-Verbose "OSDType: $OSDType"

                $DriverUrl = $OSDDriver.DriverUrl
                Write-Verbose "DriverUrl: $DriverUrl"

                $DriverName = $OSDDriver.DriverName
                Write-Verbose "DriverName: $DriverName" -Verbose

                $DownloadFile = $OSDDriver.DownloadFile
                Write-Verbose "DownloadFile: $DownloadFile"

                $OSDGroup = $OSDDriver.OSDGroup
                Write-Verbose "OSDGroup: $OSDGroup"

                $OSDCabFile = "$($DriverName).cab"
                Write-Verbose "OSDCabFile: $OSDCabFile"

                $DownloadedDriverGroup = (Join-Path $WorkspaceDownload $OSDGroup)
                $DownloadedDriverPath =  (Join-Path $DownloadedDriverGroup $DownloadFile)
                $ExpandedDriverPath = (Join-Path $WorkspaceExpand (Join-Path $OSDGroup $DriverName))
                #$PackagedDriverPath = (Join-Path $WorkspacePackages (Join-Path $OSDGroup $OSDCabFile))

                if (-not(Test-Path "$DownloadedDriverGroup")) {New-Item $DownloadedDriverGroup -Directory -Force | Out-Null}

                Write-Verbose "DownloadedDriverPath: $DownloadedDriverPath"
                Write-Verbose "ExpandedDriverPath: $ExpandedDriverPath"
                #Write-Verbose "PackagedDriverPath: $PackagedDriverPath"

                Write-Host "$DriverName" -ForegroundColor Green
                $DownloadModels = $OSDDriver.Model | Sort-Object
                foreach ($Model in $DownloadModels) {Write-Host "$($Model)"}
                # Driver Download
                Write-Host "Driver Download: $DownloadedDriverPath " -ForegroundColor Gray -NoNewline
                if (Test-Path "$DownloadedDriverPath") {
                    Write-Host 'Complete!' -ForegroundColor Cyan
                } else {
                    Write-Host "Downloading ..." -ForegroundColor Cyan
                    Write-Host "$DriverUrl" -ForegroundColor Gray
                    Start-BitsTransfer -Source $DriverUrl -Destination "$DownloadedDriverPath" -ErrorAction Stop
                # Validate Driver Download
                if (-not (Test-Path "$DownloadedDriverPath")) {
                    Write-Warning "Driver Download: Could not download Driver to $DownloadedDriverPath ... Exiting"
                } else {
                    if ($DownloadFile -match '.cab') {
                        $OSDDriver | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -FilePath "$DownloadedDriverGroup\$((Get-Item $DownloadedDriverPath).BaseName).drvpack" -Force
                # Driver Expand
                if ($Expand) {
                    Write-Host "Driver Expand: $ExpandedDriverPath " -ForegroundColor Gray -NoNewline
                    if (Test-Path "$ExpandedDriverPath") {
                        Write-Host 'Complete!' -ForegroundColor Cyan
                    } else {
                        Write-Host 'Expanding ...' -ForegroundColor Cyan
                        if ($DownloadFile -match '.zip') {
                            Expand-Archive -Path "$DownloadedDriverPath" -DestinationPath "$ExpandedDriverPath" -Force -ErrorAction Stop
                        if ($DownloadFile -match '.cab') {
                            if (-not (Test-Path "$ExpandedDriverPath")) {
                                New-Item "$ExpandedDriverPath" -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
                            Expand -R "$DownloadedDriverPath" -F:* "$ExpandedDriverPath" | Out-Null
                        if ($DownloadFile -match '.exe') {
                            #Thanks Maurice @ Driver Automation Tool
                            $HPSoftPaqSilentSwitches = "-PDF -F" + "$ExpandedDriverPath" + " -S -E"
                            Start-Process -FilePath "$DownloadedDriverPath" -ArgumentList $HPSoftPaqSilentSwitches -Verb RunAs -Wait
                } else {
                # Verify Driver Expand
                if (Test-Path "$ExpandedDriverPath") {
                    if ($OSDGroup -eq 'DellModel') {
                        $NormalizeContent = Get-ChildItem "$ExpandedDriverPath\*\*\*\*\*" -Directory | Where-Object {($_.Name -match '_A') -and ($_.Name -notmatch '_A00-00')}
                        foreach ($FunkyNameDriver in $NormalizeContent) {
                            $NewBaseName = ($FunkyNameDriver.Name -split '_')[0]
                            Write-Verbose "Renaming '$($FunkyNameDriver.FullName)' to '$($NewBaseName)_A00-00'" -Verbose
                            Rename-Item "$($FunkyNameDriver.FullName)" -NewName "$($NewBaseName)_A00-00" -Force | Out-Null
                } else {
                    Write-Warning "Driver Expand: Could not expand Driver to $ExpandedDriverPath ... Exiting"
                $OSDDriver.OSDStatus = 'Expanded'
                # OSDDriver Objects
                #$PackagedDriverGroup = Get-PathOSDD -Path (Join-Path $WorkspaceProject (Join-Path 'HpMultiPack' $CustomName = 'HpMultiPack'))
<# if ($SplitGeneration.IsPresent) {
                    $OSDWmiQuery = @()
                    Get-ChildItem $PackagedDriverGroup *.clixml | foreach {$OSDWmiQuery += Import-Clixml $_.FullName}
                    $OSDWmiQuery = $OSDWmiQuery | Where-Object {$_.Generation -match $OSDDriver.Generation}
                    $PackagedDriverGroup = Get-PathOSDD -Path (Join-Path $WorkspaceProject (Join-Path 'HpMultiPack' (Join-Path $CustomName = 'HpMultiPack' "Hp $($OSDDriver.Generation)")))
                    if ($OSDWmiQuery) {
                        $OSDWmiQuery | Show-OSDWmiQuery | Out-File "$PackagedDriverGroup\WmiQuery.txt" -Force
                } #>

                # Generate DRVPACK
                $OSDDriver | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -FilePath "$PackagePath\$($OSDDriver.DriverName).drvpack" -Force
                # MultiPack
                $MultiPackFiles = @()
                $SourceContent = @()
                if ($OSDGroup -eq 'DellModel') {
                    if ($OsArch -eq 'x86') {
                        $SourceContent = Get-ChildItem "$ExpandedDriverPath\*\*\x86\*\*" -Directory | Select-Object -Property *
                    } else {
                        $SourceContent = Get-ChildItem "$ExpandedDriverPath\*\*\x64\*\*" -Directory | Select-Object -Property *
                if ($OSDGroup -eq 'HpModel') {
                    $SourceContent = Get-ChildItem "$ExpandedDriverPath\*\*\*\*\*" -Directory | Select-Object -Property *
                # Dell
                if ($OSDGroup -eq 'DellModel') {
                    if ($SaveAudio -eq $false) {$SourceContent = $SourceContent | Where-Object {$_.FullName -notmatch '\\Audio\\'}}
                    #if ($RemoveVideo.IsPresent) {$SourceContent = $SourceContent | Where-Object {$_.FullName -notmatch '\\Video\\'}}
                    foreach ($DriverDir in $SourceContent) {
                        if ($SaveAmdVideo -eq $false) {
                            if (($DriverDir.FullName -match '\\Video\\') -and (Get-ChildItem "$($DriverDir.FullName)" ati*.dl* -File -Recurse)) {
                                Write-Host "AMDDisplay: $($DriverDir.FullName)" -ForegroundColor Gray
                        if ($SaveNvidiaVideo -eq $false) {
                            if (($DriverDir.FullName -match '\\Video\\') -and (Get-ChildItem "$($DriverDir.FullName)" nv*.dl* -File -Recurse)) {
                                Write-Host "NvidiaDisplay: $($DriverDir.FullName)" -ForegroundColor Gray
                        if ($SaveIntelVideo -eq $false) {
                            if (($DriverDir.FullName -match '\\Video\\') -and (Get-ChildItem "$($DriverDir.FullName)" igfx*.* -File -Recurse)) {
                                Write-Host "IntelDisplay: $($DriverDir.FullName)" -ForegroundColor Gray
                        $MultiPackFiles += $DriverDir
                        if ($SaveIntelVideo -eq $true) {
                            New-MultiPackCabFile "$($DriverDir.FullName)" "$PackagePath\$(($DriverDir.Parent).parent)\$($DriverDir.Parent)"
                        } else {
                            New-MultiPackCabFile "$($DriverDir.FullName)" "$PackagePath\$(($DriverDir.Parent).parent)\$($DriverDir.Parent)" $true
                # HP
                if ($OSDGroup -eq 'HpModel') {
                    if ($SaveAudio -eq $false) {$SourceContent = $SourceContent | Where-Object {"$($_.Parent.Parent)" -ne 'audio'}}
                    #if ($RemoveVideo.IsPresent) {$SourceContent = $SourceContent | Where-Object {"$($_.Parent.Parent)" -ne 'graphics'}}
                    if ($SaveAmdVideo -eq $false) {$SourceContent = $SourceContent | Where-Object {"$($_.FullName)" -notmatch '\\graphics\\amd\\'}}
                    if ($SaveIntelVideo -eq $false) {$SourceContent = $SourceContent | Where-Object {"$($_.FullName)" -notmatch '\\graphics\\intel\\'}}
                    if ($SaveNvidiaVideo -eq $false) {$SourceContent = $SourceContent | Where-Object {"$($_.FullName)" -notmatch '\\graphics\\nvidia\\'}}
                    foreach ($DriverDir in $SourceContent) {
                        $MultiPackFiles += $DriverDir
                        New-MultiPackCabFile "$($DriverDir.FullName)" "$PackagePath\$(($DriverDir.Parent).parent)\$($DriverDir.Parent)"
                # Publish Objects
                foreach ($MultiPackFile in $MultiPackFiles) {
                    $MultiPackFile.Name = "$(($MultiPackFile.Parent).Parent)\$($MultiPackFile.Parent)\$($MultiPackFile.Name).cab"
                $MultiPackFiles = $MultiPackFiles | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
                $MultiPackFiles | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -FilePath "$PackagePath\$($DriverName).multipack" -Force
                #Publish-OSDDriverScripts -PublishPath $PackagePath
        } else {
            Return $OSDDrivers

    End {
        # Publish-OSDDriverScripts
        Write-Host "Complete!" -ForegroundColor Green