function Get-TaskContentDrivers { #=================================================================================================== # Content Drivers #=================================================================================================== [CmdletBinding()] PARAM () $Drivers = Get-ChildItem -Path "$OSDBuilderContent\Drivers" -Directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -Property Name, FullName foreach ($Pack in $Drivers) {$Pack.FullName = $($Pack.FullName).replace("$OSDBuilderContent\",'')} if ($null -eq $Drivers) {Write-Warning "Drivers: To select Windows Drivers, add Content to $OSDBuilderContent\Drivers"} else { if ($ExistingTask.Drivers) { foreach ($Item in $ExistingTask.Drivers) { $Drivers = $Drivers | Where-Object {$_.FullName -ne $Item} } } $Drivers = $Drivers | Out-GridView -Title "Drivers: Select Driver Paths to apply and press OK (Esc or Cancel to Skip)" -PassThru } foreach ($Item in $Drivers) {Write-Host "$($Item.FullName)" -ForegroundColor White} Return $Drivers } function Get-TaskContentExtraFiles { #=================================================================================================== # Content ExtraFiles #=================================================================================================== [CmdletBinding()] PARAM () $ExtraFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path "$OSDBuilderContent\ExtraFiles" -Directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -Property Name, FullName $ExtraFiles = $ExtraFiles | Where-Object {(Get-ChildItem $_.FullName | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0} foreach ($Pack in $ExtraFiles) {$Pack.FullName = $($Pack.FullName).replace("$OSDBuilderContent\",'')} if ($null -eq $ExtraFiles) {Write-Warning "Extra Files: To select Extra Files, add Content to $OSDBuilderContent\ExtraFiles"} else { if ($ExistingTask.ExtraFiles) { foreach ($Item in $ExistingTask.ExtraFiles) { $ExtraFiles = $ExtraFiles | Where-Object {$_.FullName -ne $Item} } } $ExtraFiles = $ExtraFiles | Out-GridView -Title "Extra Files: Select directories to inject and press OK (Esc or Cancel to Skip)" -PassThru } foreach ($Item in $ExtraFiles) {Write-Host "$($Item.FullName)" -ForegroundColor White} Return $ExtraFiles } function Get-TaskContentScripts { #=================================================================================================== # Content Scripts #=================================================================================================== [CmdletBinding()] PARAM () $Scripts = Get-ChildItem -Path "$OSDBuilderContent\Scripts" *.ps1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -Property Name, FullName, Length, CreationTime | Sort-Object -Property FullName foreach ($Item in $Scripts) {$Item.FullName = $($Item.FullName).replace("$OSDBuilderContent\",'')} if ($null -eq $Scripts) {Write-Warning "Scripts: To select PowerShell Scripts add Content to $OSDBuilderContent\Scripts"} else { if ($ExistingTask.Scripts) { foreach ($Item in $ExistingTask.Scripts) { $Scripts = $Scripts | Where-Object {$_.FullName -ne $Item} } } $Scripts = $Scripts | Out-GridView -Title "Scripts: Select PowerShell Scripts to execute and press OK (Esc or Cancel to Skip)" -PassThru } foreach ($Item in $Scripts) {Write-Host "$($Item.FullName)" -ForegroundColor White} Return $Scripts } function Get-TaskContentStartLayoutXML { #=================================================================================================== # Content StartLayout #=================================================================================================== [CmdletBinding()] PARAM () $StartLayoutXML = Get-ChildItem -Path "$OSDBuilderContent\StartLayout" *.xml -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -Property Name, FullName, Length, CreationTime | Sort-Object -Property FullName foreach ($Item in $StartLayoutXML) {$Item.FullName = $($Item.FullName).replace("$OSDBuilderContent\",'')} if ($null -eq $StartLayoutXML) {Write-Warning "StartLayoutXML: To select a Start Layout, add Content to $OSDBuilderContent\StartLayout"} else { if ($ExistingTask.StartLayoutXML) { foreach ($Item in $ExistingTask.StartLayoutXML) { $StartLayoutXML = $StartLayoutXML | Where-Object {$_.FullName -ne $Item} } } $StartLayoutXML = $StartLayoutXML | Out-GridView -Title "StartLayoutXML: Select a Start Layout XML to apply and press OK (Esc or Cancel to Skip)" -OutputMode Single } foreach ($Item in $StartLayoutXML) {Write-Host "$($Item.FullName)" -ForegroundColor White} Return $StartLayoutXML } function Get-TaskContentUnattendXML { #=================================================================================================== # Content Unattend #=================================================================================================== [CmdletBinding()] PARAM () $UnattendXML = Get-ChildItem -Path "$OSDBuilderContent\Unattend" *.xml -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -Property Name, FullName, Length, CreationTime | Sort-Object -Property FullName foreach ($Item in $UnattendXML) {$Item.FullName = $($Item.FullName).replace("$OSDBuilderContent\",'')} if ($null -eq $UnattendXML) {Write-Warning "UnattendXML: To select an Unattend XML, add Content to $OSDBuilderContent\Unattend"} else { if ($ExistingTask.UnattendXML) { foreach ($Item in $ExistingTask.UnattendXML) { $UnattendXML = $UnattendXML | Where-Object {$_.FullName -ne $Item} } } $UnattendXML = $UnattendXML | Out-GridView -Title "UnattendXML: Select a Windows Unattend XML File to apply and press OK (Esc or Cancel to Skip)" -OutputMode Single } foreach ($Item in $UnattendXML) {Write-Host "$($Item.FullName)" -ForegroundColor White} Return $UnattendXML } function Get-TaskContentAddWindowsPackage { #=================================================================================================== # Content Packages #=================================================================================================== [CmdletBinding()] PARAM () $AddWindowsPackage = Get-ChildItem -Path "$OSDBuilderContent\Packages\*" -Include *.cab, *.msu -Recurse | Select-Object -Property Name, FullName $AddWindowsPackage = $AddWindowsPackage | Where-Object {$_.FullName -like "*$($OSMedia.Arch)*"} foreach ($Item in $AddWindowsPackage) {$Item.FullName = $($Item.FullName).replace("$OSDBuilderContent\",'')} if ($null -eq $AddWindowsPackage) {Write-Warning "Packages: To select Windows Packages, add Content to $OSDBuilderContent\Packages"} else { if ($ExistingTask.AddWindowsPackage) { foreach ($Item in $ExistingTask.AddWindowsPackage) { $AddWindowsPackage = $AddWindowsPackage | Where-Object {$_.FullName -ne $Item} } } $AddWindowsPackage = $AddWindowsPackage | Out-GridView -Title "Packages: Select Packages to apply and press OK (Esc or Cancel to Skip)" -PassThru } foreach ($Item in $AddWindowsPackage) {Write-Host "$($Item.FullName)" -ForegroundColor White} Return $AddWindowsPackage } |