function Get-WinPEDrivers { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets the WinPEDrivers in the OSDCache at $env:ProgramData\OSDCache. .DESCRIPTION Gets the WinPEDrivers in the OSDCache at $env:ProgramData\OSDCache. .NOTES David Segura #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 0)] # Filters the drivers by architecture (amd64, arm64) [ValidateSet('amd64', 'arm64')] [System.String[]] $Architecture, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] # Filters the drivers by boot image (ADK, WinPE, WinRE) by excluding Wireless drivers for ADK and WinPE [ValidateSet('ADK','WinPE','WinRE')] [System.String] $BootImage, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] # Displays the drivers in a GridView for selection with PassThru [System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter] $GridView ) #================================================= Write-Verbose "[$((Get-Date).ToString('HH:mm:ss'))] $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)" #================================================= #region Get the WinPEDrivers Paths $DriverPathAMD64 = Join-Path -Path $(Get-OSDCachePath) -ChildPath 'WinPEDrivers-amd64' $DriverPathARM64 = Join-Path -Path $(Get-OSDCachePath) -ChildPath 'WinPEDrivers-arm64' #endregion #================================================= #region Get the WinPEDrivers if ($Architecture -eq 'amd64') { $WinPEDrivers = @() $WinPEDrivers = Get-ChildItem -Path $DriverPathAMD64 -Directory -ErrorAction Ignore } elseif ($Architecture -eq 'arm64') { $WinPEDrivers = @() $WinPEDrivers = Get-ChildItem -Path $DriverPathARM64 -Directory -ErrorAction Ignore } else { $WinPEDrivers = @() $WinPEDrivers = Get-ChildItem -Path ($DriverPathAMD64,$DriverPathARM64) -Directory -ErrorAction Ignore } #endregion #================================================= #region Filter the WinPEDrivers if (($BootImage -eq 'ADK') -or ($BootImage -eq 'WinPE')) { $WinPEDrivers = $WinPEDrivers | Where-Object { $_.Name -notmatch 'Wireless' } } if ($GridView) { $WinPEDrivers = $WinPEDrivers | Select-Object Name, FullName | Out-GridView -Title 'Select WinPE Drivers and press OK (Cancel to skip)' -PassThru } #endregion #================================================= return $WinPEDrivers #================================================= } |