.SYNOPSIS Updates the local Microsoft Surface DriverPacks in the OSD Module .DESCRIPTION Updates the local Microsoft Surface DriverPacks in the OSD Module .LINK .NOTES #> function Update-MicrosoftDriverPackCatalog { [CmdletBinding()] param ( #Updates the OSD Module Offline Catalog. Requires Admin rights [System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter] $UpdateModuleCatalog, #Verifies that the DriverPack is reachable. This will take some time to complete [System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter] $Verify ) #================================================= # Reference #================================================= # Device List # # # Supported Operating Systems # # # Download Links # # # # # #================================================= # Defaults #================================================= $OfflineCatalogName = 'MicrosoftDriverPackCatalog.json' $OnlineCatalogName = 'MicrosoftDriverPackCatalog.json' $OnlineBaseUri = '' #$OnlineDownloadUri = '' $OnlineDownloadUri = '' $OnlineCatalogUri = '' $MicrosoftSurfaceModels = Get-Content -Path "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module.ModuleBase)\Catalogs\MicrosoftSurfaceModels.json" -Raw #================================================= # Additional Paths #================================================= $CatalogBuildFolder = Join-Path $env:TEMP 'OSD' if (-not(Test-Path $CatalogBuildFolder)) { $null = New-Item -Path $CatalogBuildFolder -ItemType Directory -Force } $RawCatalogFile = Join-Path $env:TEMP (Join-Path 'OSD' $OnlineCatalogName) $RawCatalogCabName = [string]($OnlineCatalogUri | Split-Path -Leaf) $RawCatalogCabPath = Join-Path $env:TEMP (Join-Path 'OSD' $RawCatalogCabName) $TempCatalogFile = Join-Path $env:TEMP (Join-Path 'OSD' $OfflineCatalogName) $ModuleCatalogXml = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module.ModuleBase)\Catalogs\MicrosoftDriverPackCatalog.xml" $ModuleCatalogJson = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module.ModuleBase)\Catalogs\MicrosoftDriverPackCatalog.json" #================================================= # UseCatalog Cloud #================================================= $SurfaceModels = $MicrosoftSurfaceModels | ConvertFrom-Json $MasterResults = @() $MasterResults = foreach ($Surface in $SurfaceModels) { $DriverPage = $OnlineDownloadUri + $Surface.PackageID Write-Verbose -Verbose "Processing $($Surface.Name) - $DriverPage" $Downloads = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $DriverPage).Links $Downloads = $Downloads | Where-Object {$_.href -match ''} $Downloads = $Downloads | Where-Object {($_.href -match 'Win11') -or ($_.href -match 'Win10')} $Downloads = $Downloads | Sort-Object href | Select-Object href -Unique #$Downloads = $Downloads | Select-Object -Last 1 #$Surface.Url = ($Downloads).href #$Surface.FileName = Split-Path $Surface.Url -Leaf #================================================= # Create Object #================================================= foreach ($Download in $Downloads) { $DownloadUrl = $Download.href Write-Verbose -Verbose "Verify: $DownloadUrl" $GetUrl = Invoke-WebRequest -Method Head -Uri $DownloadUrl $GetHeaders = $GetUrl.Headers $GetLastModified = $GetHeaders['Last-Modified'] Write-Verbose -Verbose "Last Modified: $GetLastModified" $ReleaseDate = (Get-Date $GetLastModified).ToString('yy.MM.dd') $FileName = Split-Path $DownloadUrl -Leaf if ($FileName -match 'Win11') { $OSVersion = 'Windows 11 x64' } else { $OSVersion = 'Windows 10 x64' } $ByteArray = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($GetHeaders['Content-MD5']) $HexObject = $ByteArray | Format-Hex $HashMD5 = ($HexObject.Bytes | ForEach-Object {"{0:X}" -f $_}) -join '' $UniqueFileName = $FileName $UniqueFileName = $UniqueFileName -replace '_Win', ' Win' $UniqueFileName = $UniqueFileName.Split(' ')[1] $UniqueFileName = $UniqueFileName -replace 'Win10_', 'Win10 ' $UniqueFileName = $UniqueFileName -replace 'Win11_', 'Win11 ' $UniqueFileName = $UniqueFileName.Split('_')[0] $UniqueName = "Microsoft $($Surface.Name) $UniqueFileName" $ObjectProperties = [ordered] @{ CatalogVersion = Get-Date -Format yy.MM.dd Status = $null Component = 'DriverPack' ReleaseDate = $ReleaseDate Manufacturer = 'Microsoft' Model = $Surface.Model Product = $Surface.Product Name = $UniqueName PackageID = $Surface.PackageID FileName = $FileName Url = $DownloadUrl DownloadCenter = $OnlineBaseUri + $Surface.PackageID OSVersion = $OSVersion OSReleaseId = '' OSBuild = '' HashMD5 = $HashMD5 } New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $ObjectProperties } } foreach ($Item in $MasterResults) { $Item.OSBuild = $Item.Name.Split(' ')[-1] } foreach ($Item in $MasterResults) { if ($Item.Name -match 'Win10 10240') { $Item.OSReleaseId = '1507' $Item.Name = $Item.Name -replace 'Win10 10240', 'Win10 1507' } if ($Item.Name -match 'Win10 10586') { $Item.OSReleaseId = '1511' $Item.Name = $Item.Name -replace 'Win10 10586', 'Win10 1511' } if ($Item.Name -match 'Win10 14393') { $Item.OSReleaseId = '1607' $Item.Name = $Item.Name -replace 'Win10 14393', 'Win10 1607' } if ($Item.Name -match 'Win10 15063') { $Item.OSReleaseId = '1703' $Item.Name = $Item.Name -replace 'Win10 15063', 'Win10 1703' } if ($Item.Name -match 'Win10 16299') { $Item.OSReleaseId = '1709' $Item.Name = $Item.Name -replace 'Win10 16299', 'Win10 1709' } if ($Item.Name -match 'Win10 17134') { $Item.OSReleaseId = '1803' $Item.Name = $Item.Name -replace 'Win10 17134', 'Win10 1803' } if ($Item.Name -match 'Win10 17763') { $Item.OSReleaseId = '1809' $Item.Name = $Item.Name -replace 'Win10 17763', 'Win10 1809' } if ($Item.Name -match 'Win10 18362') { $Item.OSReleaseId = '1903' $Item.Name = $Item.Name -replace 'Win10 18362', 'Win10 1903' } if ($Item.Name -match 'Win10 18363') { $Item.OSReleaseId = '1909' $Item.Name = $Item.Name -replace 'Win10 18363', 'Win10 1909' } if ($Item.Name -match 'Win10 19041') { $Item.OSReleaseId = '2004' $Item.Name = $Item.Name -replace 'Win10 19041', 'Win10 2004' } if ($Item.Name -match 'Win10 19042') { $Item.OSReleaseId = '20H2' $Item.Name = $Item.Name -replace 'Win10 19042', 'Win10 20H2' } if ($Item.Name -match 'Win10 19043') { $Item.OSReleaseId = '21H1' $Item.Name = $Item.Name -replace 'Win10 19043', 'Win10 21H1' } if ($Item.Name -match 'Win10 19044') { $Item.OSReleaseId = '21H2' $Item.Name = $Item.Name -replace 'Win10 19044', 'Win10 21H2' } if ($Item.Name -match 'Win10 19045') { $Item.OSReleaseId = '22H2' $Item.Name = $Item.Name -replace 'Win10 19045', 'Win10 22H2' } if ($Item.Name -match 'Win11 22000') { $Item.OSReleaseId = '21H2' $Item.Name = $Item.Name -replace 'Win11 22000', 'Win11 21H2' } if ($Item.Name -match 'Win11 22621') { $Item.OSReleaseId = '22H2' $Item.Name = $Item.Name -replace 'Win11 22621', 'Win11 22H2' } if ($Item.Name -match 'Win11 22631') { $Item.OSReleaseId = '23H2' $Item.Name = $Item.Name -replace 'Win11 22631', 'Win11 23H2' } if ($Item.Name -match 'Win11 26100') { $Item.OSReleaseId = '24H2' $Item.Name = $Item.Name -replace 'Win11 26100', 'Win11 24H2' } } #================================================= # UpdateModule #================================================= if ($UpdateModuleCatalog) { Write-Verbose -Verbose "UpdateModule: Exporting to OSD Module Catalogs at $ModuleCatalogXml" $MasterResults | Export-Clixml -Path $ModuleCatalogXml -Force Write-Verbose -Verbose "UpdateModule: Exporting to OSD Module Catalogs at $ModuleCatalogJson" $MasterResults | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File $ModuleCatalogJson -Encoding ascii -Width 2000 -Force #================================================= # UpdateCatalog #================================================= $MasterDriverPacks = @() $MasterDriverPacks += Get-DellDriverPack $MasterDriverPacks += Get-HPDriverPack $MasterDriverPacks += Get-LenovoDriverPack $MasterDriverPacks += Get-MicrosoftDriverPack $MasterResults = $MasterDriverPacks | ` Select-Object CatalogVersion, Status, ReleaseDate, Manufacturer, Model, ` Product, Name, PackageID, FileName, ` @{Name='Url';Expression={([array]$_.DriverPackUrl)}}, ` @{Name='OS';Expression={([array]$_.DriverPackOS)}}, ` OSReleaseId,OSBuild,HashMD5, ` @{Name='Guid';Expression={([guid]((New-Guid).ToString()))}} $MasterResults | Export-Clixml -Path (Join-Path (Get-Module -Name OSD -ListAvailable | Sort-Object Version -Descending | Select-Object -First 1).ModuleBase "Catalogs\CloudDriverPacks.xml") -Force Import-Clixml -Path (Join-Path (Get-Module -Name OSD -ListAvailable | ` Sort-Object Version -Descending | ` Select-Object -First 1).ModuleBase "Catalogs\CloudDriverPacks.xml") | ` ConvertTo-Json | ` Out-File (Join-Path (Get-Module -Name OSD -ListAvailable | Sort-Object Version -Descending | Select-Object -First 1).ModuleBase "Catalogs\CloudDriverPacks.json") -Encoding ascii -Width 2000 -Force } #================================================= # Results #================================================= Write-Verbose -Verbose 'Complete: Results have been stored $Global:MicrosoftDriverPackCatalog' $Global:MicrosoftDriverPackCatalog = $MasterResults | Sort-Object -Property Name #================================================= } |