
Updates the local Lenovo DriverPack Catalog in the OSD Module
Updates the local Lenovo DriverPack Catalog in the OSD Module

function Update-LenovoDriverPackCatalog {
    param (
        #Updates the OSD Module Offline Catalog. Requires Admin rights

        #Verifies that the DriverPack is reachable. This will take some time to complete
    # Defaults
    $OnlineCatalogName = 'catalogv2.xml'
    $OnlineCatalogUri = ''

    $OfflineCatalogName = 'LenovoDriverPackCatalog.xml'

    $ModuleCatalogXml      = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module.ModuleBase)\Catalogs\LenovoDriverPackCatalog.xml"
    $ModuleCatalogJson      = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module.ModuleBase)\Catalogs\LenovoDriverPackCatalog.json"

    $UTF8ByteOrderMark      = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString(@(195, 175, 194, 187, 194, 191))
    # Additional Paths
    $CatalogBuildFolder = Join-Path $env:TEMP 'OSD'
    if (-not(Test-Path $CatalogBuildFolder)) {
        $null = New-Item -Path $CatalogBuildFolder -ItemType Directory -Force
    $RawCatalogFile            = Join-Path $env:TEMP (Join-Path 'OSD' $OnlineCatalogName)
    $RawCatalogCabName      = [string]($OnlineCatalogUri | Split-Path -Leaf)
    $RawCatalogCabPath         = Join-Path $env:TEMP (Join-Path 'OSD' $RawCatalogCabName)
    # Get Online Catalog
    try {
        #[xml]$XmlCatalog = $RawDriverPackCatalog -replace "^$UTF8ByteOrderMark"
        $CatalogCloudRaw = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $OnlineCatalogUri -UseBasicParsing
        Write-Verbose -Verbose "Cloud Catalog $OnlineCatalogUri"
        Write-Verbose -Verbose "Saving Cloud Catalog to $RawCatalogFile"        
        $CatalogCloudContent = $CatalogCloudRaw.Substring(3)
        $CatalogCloudContent | Out-File -FilePath $RawCatalogFile -Encoding utf8 -Force

        if (Test-Path $RawCatalogFile) {
            Write-Verbose -Verbose "Catalog saved to $RawCatalogFile"
            $UseCatalog = 'Raw'
        else {
            Write-Verbose -Verbose "Catalog was NOT downloaded to $RawCatalogFile"
            Write-Warning 'Unable to complete'
    catch {
        Write-Warning 'Unable to complete'
    # Build Catalog
    Write-Verbose -Verbose "Reading the Raw Catalog at $RawCatalogFile"
    [xml]$XmlCatalogContent = Get-Content -Path $RawCatalogFile -Raw

    $ModelList = $XmlCatalogContent.ModelList.Model
    # Create Object
    $Results = foreach ($Model in $ModelList) {
        foreach ($Item in $Model.SCCM) {
            $DownloadUrl = $Item.'#text'
            $ReleaseDate = $null
            $OSReleaseId = $Item.version
            if ($OSReleaseId -eq '*') {
                $OSReleaseId = $null

            $OSBuild = $null
            if ($OSReleaseId -eq '24H2') {
                $OSBuild = '26100'
            elseif ($OSReleaseId -eq '23H2') {
                $OSBuild = '22631'
            elseif ($OSReleaseId -eq '22H2') {
                if ($Item.os -eq 'win10') {
                    $OSBuild = '19045'
                if ($Item.os -eq 'win11') {
                    $OSBuild = '22621'
            elseif ($OSReleaseId -eq '21H2') {
                if ($Item.os -eq 'win10') {
                    $OSBuild = '19044'
                if ($Item.os -eq 'win11') {
                    $OSBuild = '22000'
            elseif ($OSReleaseId -eq '21H1') {
                $OSBuild = '19043'
            elseif ($OSReleaseId -eq '20H2') {
                $OSBuild = '19042'
            elseif ($OSReleaseId -eq '2004') {
                $OSBuild = '19041'
            elseif ($OSReleaseId -eq '1909') {
                $OSBuild = '18363'
            elseif ($OSReleaseId -eq '1903') {
                $OSBuild = '18362'
            elseif ($OSReleaseId -eq '1809') {
                $OSBuild = '17763'
            elseif ($OSReleaseId -eq '1803') {
                $OSBuild = '17134'
            elseif ($OSReleaseId -eq '1709') {
                $OSBuild = '16299'
            elseif ($OSReleaseId -eq '1703') {
                $OSBuild = '15063'
            elseif ($OSReleaseId -eq '1607') {
                $OSBuild = '14393'
            elseif ($OSReleaseId -eq '1511') {
                $OSBuild = '10586'
            elseif ($OSReleaseId -eq '1507') {
                $OSBuild = '10240'
            $HashMD5 = $Item.crc

            if ($Item.os -eq 'win10') {
                if ($Item.version -eq '*') {
                    $NewName = "Lenovo $($ Win10"
                else {
                    $NewName = "Lenovo $($ Win10 $($Item.version)"
                $ObjectProperties = [Ordered]@{
                    CatalogVersion     = Get-Date -Format yy.MM.dd
                    Status          = $null
                    Component       = 'DriverPack'
                    ReleaseDate     = $ReleaseDate
                    Manufacturer    = 'Lenovo'
                    Model           = $
                    Product            = [array]$Model.Types.Type.split(',').Trim()
                    Name            = $NewName
                    PackageID       = $null
                    FileName        = $DownloadUrl | Split-Path -Leaf
                    Url             = $DownloadUrl
                    OSVersion       = 'Windows 10 x64'
                    OSReleaseId     = $OSReleaseId
                    OSBuild         = $OSBuild
                    HashMD5         = $HashMD5
                New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $ObjectProperties

            if ($Item.os -eq 'win11') {
                if ($Item.version -eq '*') {
                    $NewName = "Lenovo $($ Win11"
                else {
                    $NewName = "Lenovo $($ Win11 $($Item.version)"
                $ObjectProperties = [Ordered]@{
                    CatalogVersion     = Get-Date -Format yy.MM.dd
                    Status          = $null
                    Component       = 'DriverPack'
                    ReleaseDate     = $ReleaseDate
                    Manufacturer    = 'Lenovo'
                    Model           = $
                    Product            = [array]$Model.Types.Type.split(',').Trim()
                    Name            = $NewName
                    PackageID       = $null
                    FileName        = $DownloadUrl | Split-Path -Leaf
                    Url             = $DownloadUrl
                    OSVersion       = 'Windows 11 x64'
                    OSReleaseId     = $OSReleaseId
                    OSBuild         = $OSBuild
                    HashMD5         = $HashMD5
                New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $ObjectProperties
    $Results = $Results | Sort-Object Name, OSVersion -Descending | Group-Object Name | ForEach-Object {$_.Group | Select-Object -First 1}
    $Results = $Results | Sort-Object Name, OSVersion -Descending
    # Verify DriverPack is reachable
    if ($Verify) {
        Write-Warning "Testing each download link, please wait..."
        $Results = $Results | Sort-Object Url
        $LastDriverPack = $null

        foreach ($CurrentDriverPack in $Results) {
            if ($CurrentDriverPack.Url -eq $LastDriverPack.Url) {
                $CurrentDriverPack.Status = $LastDriverPack.Status
                $CurrentDriverPack.ReleaseDate = $LastDriverPack.ReleaseDate
            else {
                $Global:DownloadHeaders = $null
                try {
                    $Global:DownloadHeaders = (Invoke-WebRequest -Method Head -Uri $CurrentDriverPack.Url -UseBasicParsing).Headers
                catch {
                    Write-Warning "Failed: $($CurrentDriverPack.Url)"

                if ($Global:DownloadHeaders) {
                    $CurrentDriverPack.ReleaseDate = Get-Date ($Global:DownloadHeaders.'Last-Modified') -Format "yy.MM.dd"
                    Write-Verbose -Verbose "$($CurrentDriverPack.Url)"
                    Write-Verbose -Verbose "ReleaseDate: $($CurrentDriverPack.ReleaseDate)"
                else {
                    $CurrentDriverPack.Status = 'Failed'
            $LastDriverPack = $CurrentDriverPack
    # Sort Results
    $Results = $Results | Sort-Object Name
    # UpdateModule
    if ($UpdateModuleCatalog) {
        Write-Verbose -Verbose "UpdateModule: Exporting to OSD Module Catalogs at $ModuleCatalogXml"
        $Results | Export-Clixml -Path $ModuleCatalogXml -Force
        Write-Verbose -Verbose "UpdateModule: Exporting to OSD Module Catalogs at $ModuleCatalogJson"
        $Results | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File $ModuleCatalogJson -Encoding ascii -Width 2000 -Force
        # UpdateCatalog
        Get-LenovoBiosCatalog -UpdateModuleCatalog
        $MasterDriverPacks = @()
        $MasterDriverPacks += Get-DellDriverPack
        $MasterDriverPacks += Get-HPDriverPack
        $MasterDriverPacks += Get-LenovoDriverPack
        $MasterDriverPacks += Get-MicrosoftDriverPack
        $MasterResults = $MasterDriverPacks | `
        Select-Object CatalogVersion, Status, ReleaseDate, Manufacturer, Model, `
        Product, Name, PackageID, FileName, `
        @{Name='Url';Expression={([array]$_.DriverPackUrl)}}, `
        @{Name='OS';Expression={([array]$_.DriverPackOS)}}, `
        OSReleaseId,OSBuild,HashMD5, `
        $MasterResults | Export-Clixml -Path (Join-Path (Get-Module -Name OSD -ListAvailable | Sort-Object Version -Descending | Select-Object -First 1).ModuleBase "Catalogs\CloudDriverPacks.xml") -Force
        Import-Clixml -Path (Join-Path (Get-Module -Name OSD -ListAvailable | `
        Sort-Object Version -Descending | `
        Select-Object -First 1).ModuleBase "Catalogs\CloudDriverPacks.xml") | `
        ConvertTo-Json | `
        Out-File (Join-Path (Get-Module -Name OSD -ListAvailable | Sort-Object Version -Descending | Select-Object -First 1).ModuleBase "Catalogs\CloudDriverPacks.json") -Encoding ascii -Width 2000 -Force
    # Complete
    Write-Verbose -Verbose 'Complete: Results have been stored $Global:LenovoDriverPackCatalog'
    $Global:LenovoDriverPackCatalog = $Results | Sort-Object -Property Name